This morning I went on a green housekeeping book binge at the library in the hopes of finding something good to write a book review about for publication in my neighborhood newsletter. Let me tell you right now,
The Lazy Environmentalist On A Budget by Josh Dorfman has not made the cut.
Care to read why? )
Comments 4
I'm certainly opposed to fleecing the consumer, on the other hand, I'm very wary of developing a religious "Greener than thou" attitude which is unproductive. One of the articles I read recently said that the new rage in couples therapy is resolving environmental differences. Both members of a pair want to do the "right" thing, but disagree about the degree to which it is to be done, and when one partner bikes 7 miles to work daily but throws a plastic water bottle directly in the trash when no recycling can was readily available, the other thinks it's grounds for divorce.
When green becomes a moral issue, I have a problem with it.
It was a book on how to be a green mom alright, but a CHRISTIAN green mom.
I don't know if she picked it up unintentionally (my fervent hope) or on purpose to make a point (my biggest fear).
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