To read:
+The Scarlet Letter
+Fast Food Nation
+'salem's Lot
+Rose Madder
+The Stand
Hmmm. Looks like I have my work cut out for me.;)
So. As of now I am just entering chapter 5. Yes, I know that's not very far along, but I have not yet found hours upon hours of time to devout to reading, because of the move, and working, etc. But anyway, here're my thoughts thus far. If you're not at ch. 5 yet, this is your last warning before I say any more. SPOILERS!!!
The first chapter was brilliant. Starting off with the Prime Minister gives us insight on how a non-wizarding leader of the country would react to such things as Cornelius Fudge popping in on him. JKR did a lovely job of proving that, once again, she doesn't have to start chapter one of each book with Harry. I was a bit disappointed that Fudge had to be canned. Although he sometimes did things that irritated me, he has always held a soft spot in my 'Harry Potter' heart, as has Narcissa Malfoy (more on that later).
Chapter 2: The entire scene between Snape, Bellatrix, and Narcissa was wonderful. I rather loved Snape for letting Bellatrix have her say before going any further with Narcissa. And the way he barely blinked at her questions seemed like just the thing Snape would do. Now, about Narcissa's pleading with Snape to 'save' Draco... I enjoyed that as well. I've always thought of Narcissa as a good person at heart, a good person who happened to be married to Lucius Malfoy. And this pleading for her son's life? Well, it shows she really cares for him, as opposed to Bellatrix, who would eagerly hand a son over to 'the cause' at any moment. And I've pretty much figured out that Draco's task is to kill Harry. It's a little obvious, isn't it? ;)
As a random side note, I am very pleased to find that Ginny is present a lot more. *squees* And Fluer? *gags* Fluer/Bill? No comment. Yet.
So I'm going to leave it at that, because I must prepare to babysit. :) But here are some questions I have thus far:
1. Does Draco have the Dark Mark, as Harry suspected?
2. What is Draco hiding in Knockturn Alley?
3. When will Hermione and Ron confess their undying love for each other? (*wink wink*)
4. I've heard rumors of Harry/Ginny. Is this true? *hopes* (and yes, I am aware that H/G contradicts D/G, one of my OTPs.)
Wow. So I just read that over. I have decided I am a major dork. So there you go. :D Happy reading, everyone!!!