Voting Rules
[x] To vote, comment with the number of both your least favorite and your favorite icon.
[x] When voting for your least favorite please provide a reason. And please do keep it constructive, outright bashing is just uncalled for.
[x] When voting for your favorite a reason isn't necessary, but if you'd like to give one, that's perfectly fine.
[x] Voting will end on Monday, March 30th at 10:00 a.m, E.S.T
[x] Do not vote for yourself, the MODS know when you do.
[x] You may tell your friends about the vote, but do not tell them which icon is yours.
Least Favorite # & reason
Favorite # & optional reason
And it would be great if we could have as many members voting as possible as this will determine who competes in the Final Challenge.