Creatures and Way of Life
Wanderer’s Refuge, a world built from the Hearts of the group known as the Refugees, the Allies of Light and the Keyblade. Chaos magic surges through this world, causing its landscape to frequently shift. Those lacking a Scrier, a compass enchanted to guide the owner to where they want to go, find themselves exceedingly confused by the constant changes. Scriers do not work off-world.
Aegis charms made of crystal and are magically placed inside of a door or window in hopes of protecting a home. They may be enchanted with Reflect or Barrier, but can be programmed to allow certain people through.
Truth of Hearts are crystals that are often worn as charms on jewelry, but mages have them spelled to show the wearer’s Light or Darkness of Heart. Since they’re used to know who is trustworthy and who isn’t because of this, many refuse to deal with people who are lacking a Truth of Heart crystal.
The Accords, written and agreed to by Fae and Human alike, denote Wanderer’s Refuge as neutral ground, with serious consequences awaiting those who break the terms. Similarly, covenants are verbal or written agreements that are created and maintained by individuals. The Fae, in particular, rely heavily on covenants when dealing with others, and can manipulate them deftly to fit their needs.
The Parliament is the ruling body of government in Wanderer’s Refuge. Based in Labyrinth City’s Embassy, it is composed of the leaders from each area and race on-world. Together, they wrote the Accords to ensure world neutrality.
One of the Fae, the Ghillie Dhu is a kind tree spirit who resides in the World Tree. He keeps watch over the children that play in the Houses of Leaves.
Dryads are Fae that live in the trees of the Benison Woods. They graciously allow some human families to live in a House of Leaves, provided they first agree to a covenant.
Umbrages are mischievous and cruel members of the Fae that like to confuse travelers in the Veil and sometimes even kidnap human children, replacing them with changelings. They like to Snare travelers in their territory, as well, that they may be preyed upon or driven mad, should they survive the ordeal.
The Kitsune, another type of Fae, also live in the Veil, but they are much kinder to travelers than their counterparts. Only a few lucky people have seen them, and love to tell the miraculous tale of how these blue foxes guided them home.
Dragons, thought to be a type of Fae, live primarily in the Hammerfall Mountains. Not much is known about them, as they avoid contact with any creatures other than themselves.
Legends abound in the Sparkling Sea. There are those of pirate captains, one who haunted the oceans by way of a storm, another of a man who defied Death himself, and yet more of two vindictive girls who came to rule the waters through their cunning. But the true master of the ocean is said to be the one whom the sea dragon Leviathan saw fit to call his partner. They are both said to rest on the ocean floor, and many seek to have the honor of Leviathan’s partnership once more.
The Day of Dreams is the one day in the year that the Barriers are removed, and Chaos magic allowed to run free throughout the world. Anything can happen on this day, the 21st of September, and while anarchy is discouraged, attempts to shape Chaos magic as you choose is a favorite practice. It was even made into a contest, the Forging Contest.
The Festival of Balance is an annual three-day event, celebrating Light, Darkness, and Twilight each on its own day. The climax of each day is a magical performance by the mages of Dilettante University’s School of Thaumaturgy.
- The first day, the Path of Light, focuses on the Realm of Light. Performances and talks on this day make it a point to prove that too much Light can make you blind, despite most humans and some Fae having an obvious preference to it. References to the fairy tale of children rebuilding the world, the Princesses of Heart, and the Keybearers and their Allies are sometimes made here.
- The second day, the Path of Darkness, focuses on the Realm of Darkness. Performances and talks on this day make it a point to prove that while too much Darkness can be detrimental, it isn’t all bad. References to the Heartless and the Dreaming are sometimes made here.
- The third and last day, the Path of Twilight (sometimes referred to as the Path of Dawn), focuses on the Realm of Nothingness. Performances and talks on this day make it a point to prove that balance is crucial, and that neither Light nor Darkness can survive without the other. References to the War of Hearts, the Nobodies, and Master Xehanort are sometimes made here.
The Catacombs are an underground network in Wanderer’s Refuge. They link the Inspiration Gardens to the Outlander Underground, the Glacial Ruins, and various other places.
The Helix Towers are tall, spiraling towers constructed to provide energy to the world. They typically store electrical energy, but many are built to store solar, kinetic, or hydraulic, as well. They are also used to broadcast radio signals. Reverie Radio is based in one of Labyrinth City’s Towers. The broadcast reaches all the Towers of the world to deliver news and entertainment to the populace.
Gear Hearts is a mechanics’ guild spread throughout the world that works hard to keep everything, especially the Helix Towers, running smoothly.
Benison Woods
The Benison Woods is a lush forest just outside of Labyrinth City that borders on the Veil. The World Tree lives here, a large ash tree that serves as a home to the Ghillie Dhu and a direct link to the Heart of the world. Hidden somewhere inside the Benison Woods is a set of hot springs that don’t just boil, but literally spout bubbles. They are appropriately named the Bubbling Springs.
A House of Leaves is a tree house in the Benison Woods for the children of Labyrinth to play in. Some families may live in such a House, if approved by Dryad and Ghillie Dhu alike, but they must agree to a covenant to never bring harm to nature.
The Veil is a dense fog surrounding Mirror Lake in which Scriers fail to guide their owners properly. Mirror Lake reveals in its waters the side of a person that he or she least wants to face. Anima Island can be found here. The few that come here do so either to find the truth about themselves, or to find the Heart’s Divide, this world’s entrance to the Realm of Darkness. Going through requires a grim ritual, and it is said that no one comes out of it in one piece.
Soldier’s Field is where most battles in Wanderer’s Refuge’s history were fought. It is now regarded as sacred ground for the memories of past warriors.
The Dancing River is a long, wide river that got its name from the way it snakes through the Benison Woods and Soldier’s Field. It can be traversed by the Floating Ferry, a crystal boat that floats over the river to help travelers along their way.
The Dreaming Falls, near Labyrinth City, are fed by the Dancing River. Behind them is the Cave of Nightmares, a dark, damp cave where people report hallucinations of their greatest fears.
Also fed by the Dancing River is the Sparkling Sea, an ocean that simply glitters in the sunlight. The Embassy’s militia patrols its waters for pirates, whose search for the treasures of legends never ends. The creature Leviathan is said to rest in its depths.
Labyrinth City
Labyrinth City is the most prosperous city of Wanderer’s Refuge. It is protected by the elaborately decorated ward gates built upon its borders, enchanted by mages of the School of Thaumaturgy with the ancient spell, Barrier, to use when necessary. Atop the gates and buildings of the city are the Rainbow Arches, crystal structures built to capture the sun’s light to use as solar energy. The rainbows are a pleasant side effect.
The Embassy is a neutral military base where the Parliament works. The militia is comprised of a ground corps, cavalry, navy, and air support. The Court of Sanctions can also be found here, a courthouse run by some members of the Parliament.
Instead of a cemetery, the Memorial of the Fallen is Labyrinth City’s way to remember those that have lost their Hearts, and their lives.
Living Legacy Orphanage is for those children unfortunate enough to have lost their parents. The owners here make it a point to remind its residents that they have a legacy to uphold. As such, they require all the children to go to school, and encourage college education, as well.
The Tyro School system is Labyrinth City’s school district for children with elementary, middle, and high school levels available.
Dilettante University is Wanderer’s Refuge’s main college. Based in Labyrinth, it offers a multitude of disciplines in a variety of schools: Theory’s Playground, a laboratory network for the sciences; the School of Healing, the medical district; and the School of Thaumaturgy, the part of the college that focuses solely on magical disciplines - just to name a few. The Archives are also part of the University, but is readily open to the public. It contains historical information, as well as fictional stories for entertainment.
Sentinel Dojo is an indoor arena in Labyrinth for teaching martial arts of almost any sort. All members here are taught at least basic first aid, but often go further due to the owner’s friendship with a doctor at the Rekindled Heart Hospital, where cheap but quality aid is always assured.
The Halcyon Inn is a high-class but fair-priced hotel for weary travelers. Nearby is Faith’s Sanctuary, a non-denominational church where those of all faiths are welcome to worship as they please.
Pet Pampering, a veterinary clinic and grooming shop in Labyrinth, is a place where owners can leave their pets while out of town without feeling guilty.
Labyrinth City isn’t all serious, though: the Garnet Theater shows plays and movies of all sorts. There is also the Warrior’s Arena, which hosts tournaments for entertainment. Lacuna Lounge is here, too, a relaxing café for customers to get their coffee or tea of choice and hang out at their leisure.
The Inspiration Gardens is a courtyard popularized by young artists, writers, and lovers. It is seen as one of the most beautiful, romantic, and inspiring places in Labyrinth. Flowers bloom in every season, and benches are placed strategically around the Gardens so that its visitors may have a quiet, private place to spend their afternoon.
In the Inspiration Gardens are small ponds, the Fortune Ponds, that house a species of fish thought to be lucky. Also in the Gardens is Memory Fountain, a carved fountain whose dancing waters may entrance onlookers with visions of the past, pleasant or otherwise.
Anchorage Harbor
Anchorage Harbor is a rundown port town built on the Sparkling Sea. It is, however, Wanderer’s Refuge’s transportation hub and is known to be a sanctuary for pirates, thieves, mercenaries, and more of the “bad crowd.” The poorer, less lucky members of this community are made into drudges that work for minimal pay and are often treated badly. No one ever mentions the drudges, however, for part of the Accords forbid them and would have those responsible jailed in an instant.
The Star Terminal, a Gummi hangar, can be found here, but don’t worry about security. Embassy militia members manage and protect this place, ensuring that every ship stays safe. The World Train stops by here on the first of every month to take travelers to their next destination.
On the surface, the Outlander is a simple inn with cheap fees, simple food, and bored hosts and patrons alike. But once you give the password to a drudge in the restaurant portion ("I'm feeling ____ tonight"), they will let you into the Outlander Underground, where all the world’s most despicable habits are accepted, encouraged, and made into a profit.
- Based on the sin Wrath, Enmity Stadium is the part of the Outlander Underground for patrons to fight out their differences. The end result is usually a brutal beating for the losing party, or sometimes even death.
- Based on the sin Lust, the Hall of Aphrodisia is a brothel in the Outlander Underground. There are different rooms for their many visitors, each designed around a different color and theme.
- Based on the sin Pride, the Vainglory Spa is a place in the Outlander Underground where narcissism and pampering oneself is highly encouraged.
- Based on the sin Sloth, Acedia’s Tenement is a rundown set of rooms in the Outlander Underground for those who pay for lodgings in something other than simply munny.
- Based on the sin Envy, Invidia Alcove is a series of balconies in the Outlander Underground that overlooks the various goings-on.
- Based on the sin Gluttony, Pantophagy Cabaret is a restaurant in the Outlander Underground where one can find both food, perhaps of low quality, and entertainment.
- Based on the sin Greed, Avarice Circle is a casino in the Outlander Underground where one can make a killing, or lose it all.
A weapons and synthesis shop in Anchorage Harbor, Chaser’s Forge will make whatever weapons, armor, or accessories you desire, given that you provide the materials.
Tricksy Deliveries is a delivery service based in Anchorage Harbor that will travel the world to ensure a package gets where it needs to go.
Hammerfall Mountains and Beyond
The Hammerfall Mountains are a large mountain range, home to dragons. They have a lot of crystal in them, so crystal mines were constructed so that it may be used for many different things. Somewhere in these mountains is Resonance Cave, the place where the World Spirit is said to appear the most, though she will not always answer a call. As a result, some enterprising artists have carved it into an altar. Music is always playing here, giving the cave its name, though the source is unknown.
Andor Valley is a small valley in the Hammerfall Mountains where treasure is said to be hidden. These legends attract many young adventures seeking fame and fortune. On the other side of the mountains lies the Sirocco Desert.
Chaos Canyon is a pass through the Hammerfall Mountains, and a major source of Chaos magic. Rabbit Holes, geysers throughout the world that spout Chaos magic, are more common in this area. Both are usually surrounded by Chaos Barriers, spells meant to restrain their magic, though they don’t always work.
The Ethereal Tundra is a glacial region near the Hammerfall Mountains that few return from. Those that do are often reported unstable, claiming that they have seen spirits and gods. On the Tundra’s edge are the Glacial Ruins, currently claimed by the smallest known ice dragon.