Phoenix Comicon photo ops

Jun 02, 2010 18:41

[i]*sigh[/i] - that's the trouble when you go to cons with two of the best photographers in the fandom - their pictures totally overshadow any of mine.

So, from the beauty and awesomeness of Happy Meal's and Angela's pictures, I give you completely wacky adorkableness - my photo ops!

The straight forward arms-round first shot.

James wanted to go behind me, but I protested cos it just shows off my big fat chin - so he went in front instead - and this is one of my favourites!

Couldnt think what to do for this one, so James said we should look off into the distance "at that strange person over there" which was Patricia! (Steve protested he hoped that it wasnt him) Patricia promptly went into a totally over-the-top pose which is what is cracking me up, and I had no idea what James was doing until I saw it!

Saturday -  and James was in the lovely black button down shirt again. First up - Spike and Dru pose (pity James isnt smirking, and I cant pull off the wicked Dru smile - I either look like this or too smirky!)

Then I said "You be like a super-hero and I'll look on adoringly" which James liked a lot and of course had no troble pulling it off and looking amazing! Though I had to take a few seconds to get my adoring look on my face as I was laughing too much. think I managed it OK!

Then as I couldnt think of anything to do for the last one - James said "lets both be super heroes!" standing with our hands on our hips but I protested that there was no way I could bring that off - so settled for a head hug instead! (and its lovely cos he has both hands wrapped round my head rather than just one!)

Now, I wasnt planning on having any pictures at the second photo session James was doing - but then he changed into that gorgeous sort of petrol-blue t shirt for the Q and A and it just made his eyes so blue - I couldnt resist having just one! And Im glad because I just love this picture - it's a tickly one and James was leaning over to the left more and more as I [i](very gently!)[/i] tickled his sides, so I had to go overwith him and Froggy took the picture at just the right moment before we fell over...

Sunday - I had a couple of other photo ops to try and recreate. firstly - one of Sylvies, which is Ok but probably the worst of all my ops this weekend (and its still good!)

Then one of Magie's - and this was wonderful, because James was actually kissing my hand - he had his lips were pressed firmly against it - thats why I'm looking very slightly stunned, because I was watching him do it and thinking  "OMG - he is actually kissing my hand!"

And the third one - unprepared again - James said "You hug me, Rosie" and stepped in front so I could hug him fom behind - and who was I to disagree with that? Really like this one too - Lovely!]

It was just lovely.I think Froggy did a great job - very clear, concise pics. And James was a total sweetheart - so funny and adorable throughout.

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