The Rosie Ramble - New Orleans - Part 3 (Sunday)

Feb 18, 2011 18:20

Third and final part of my ramble from NOLA. At least I got it done in a reasonable time. Maybe now I could do some catch ups!

Sunday 30th January

Today there was no hurry to get going so there was time to get in breakfast before strolling over to the con centre to be arriving pretty much exactly at 10am when it opened. I went round to James’s autograph table and started the line, though I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to be there until about 12-ish. It was the first time I have ever been first in the autograph line! I was joined by Adrian and various other people came along too and so the time was spent leaning on the table and chatting mostly. Froggy came up and threatened to whack me on the ass - stupidly I dared him to try it. He did - really hard! I mean - ow! And then about 10 minutes later when I wasn’t expecting it, he came up and whacked me again, just as hard! Not fun - it took about 20 minutes for my poor ass to stop hurting!

Peg, Steve and Lisa came along after a bit and started setting out the photos etc- they said James wouldn’t be down for a while as we expected, but that was fine, I was quite happy to stand there and talk.  One good thing we did notice was that the table the other side of James was still free, as Julie Benz had been set up opposite after all so taking pictures from there was going to be possible.

Time passed, and then they started to organise the line a bit more and get us up together as apparently James was on his way down.  The item I was having signed was laid out ready in front of where James would be sitting.

Said article was a bit special - it was part of the Barnabas Greeley costume from Caprica that James had worn that had been for sale on eBay. I hadn’t won it, but I had bought three of the pieces from the winner afterwards - the brown striped long-sleeved shirt, the jeans and the still stained and grubby grey singlet (yes, it had been washed!) that he had been wearing on his very first appearance with the barbed wire round his arm. This is what I was having signed! I was going to get him to write “Oh I am a bother!” on it as well, but because it’s ribbed, thought he was going to have enough trouble just signing it!

James came out from the back - he was wearing the longer sleeved blue shirt he had been wearing at the concert the night before - saw me and said “Hi Rosie” and as he started to get his chair organised asked “So how was your night last night?”

“It was cool!”

“It was good?”

“It was, we went out to eat”

He came and sat down and told me “I met an older couple who were crock drunk right. It turns out he’s a multi-millionaire who’s rebuilding... (I can’t make out what he said)… And I just met them as the nicest older couple who were tipsy!”

He started to straighten out the vest so he could sign it and I said “Do you know what this is? Its your… it’s Barnabas’s vest…!”  James gave a huge yelp of laughter as he realised what it was “…from Caprica. It’s still so filthy even though they’ve washed it!”

“Oh yeah - right on!” he started to sign right on the front “They rubbed so much dirt on me for that - my whole trailer was filled with dirt like this!”

I put in “I’ve also got the shirt and the jeans - but I had to get you to sign that!”

“Oh that’s awesome!” he finished his signature and then said again, quietly as he finished “That is awesome!”

I then went on “I wanted to tell you - you do have the most awesome fans. After the GOTR concert, I got stuck going home because of the snow at Heathrow - for 2 days in Toronto” James was looking at me very intently with his mouth open in surprise “I immediately had two people in Toronto saying “Come to us” as it was just before Christmas and I wasn’t going to get home - they said “Come and stay with us if you need to””

James was “uh-huh-ing” along with me - I really wanted to tell him about the awesomeness of everybody, his fans, who offered to help out when I was stuck

“I had Jessie saying “If you can get to New York, come and stay with me.” I had offers of money from people. It was just so many people being supportive - on the phone and all - it’s like, James fans are the best!”

James by now was smiling at me, a big happy smile breaking out as I told him about it “They were all supporting me”

“That’s awesome!” and he lightly slapped the table with both hands to emphasise the point.

“I got home in the end - got on a flight, so….”

“That’s fabulous” We shook hands “Wonderful!”

I did my trademark burbling at this point before managing to ask “Did you enjoy last night - the concert?”

“Oh yeah - yeah” he was pushing his hair back, running his hand through it “I thought I did OK”

“You did a good job - loved the new song”

James suddenly sat up straight as he said “Thank you!” and then did a slight head tilt “I didn’t screw it up!”

“We always like a new song”

“Yeah, I know” said James ruefully “I just gotta write ‘em!”

I then remembered I had the two Mardi Gras masks to give him, they were in a bag by my feet “Oh - hang on… (the bag was jingling with the bells on the black mask!) - This is from me and Jessie - a couple of the masks - one for you and one for Patricia”

James looked into the bag “Oh that’s fabulous!”

“I’m sure you can do something with them” He kept on looking in the bag and it looked like he was about to take one out to look at, but then changed his mind “Thank you Rosie” and I reiterated that they were from me and Jessie as someone going past said something that made both James and I laugh and he looked over at them for a few seconds, before turning back to me and holding his hand out once more.

I said “Thanks sweetie - I’ll see you at the photos” and we did a handshake to the handclasp - very obviously led by James this time and he squeezed my hand briefly saying “Right on” quietly. As he was still holding my hand, even as I was starting to move away, I said “Love you” and he immediately replied, “I love you too Rosie” looking me in the eyes and gave my hand another squeeze. Happy day!

I moved over to my favourite spot by the table again and took more pictures - it was lovely to be able to do that again. I asked Craig if he could move one of the stand up frames with a notice about the photo ops on it from right by James (as it was blocking part of my shots) and he did - only for it to fall onto the floor a few minutes later and explode spectacularly into shards of plastic when Jean accidentally knocked the table as she approached for her autograph! Craig started jokingly blaming me and then Steve joined in as well, despite my protesting my innocence since I was a good 5 feet away - why does everyone immediately think it’s my fault?? But hey - it removed the annoying frame for good, so no loss there!

Then, as it was coming up for James’s photo op time, I reluctantly left my post and went to join the line up to buy an extra. Whilst I was standing there waiting, I spotted James coming down the aisle alongside on his way to the photo op booth. He noticed me at about the same time, gave me the most glorious smile and raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement. I know it’s not much, but its things like that that make my day!

The photo ops were going to be a bit of a military operation for me - having ended up with 6 photos for the one session, I was dividing them into two lots of three. I had a pose I really wanted to do with me wearing the new GOTR t shirt, but didn’t want it on for most of the others. So I was going to have 3 pictures near the beginning of the line and then quickly zoom out, stick my GOTR t shirt on over the top and go back in again for 3 more!

I was quite near the beginning of the line - James had been doing the Buffy group shots first - and when I walked over to him, he just hugged me. He was being very cuddly in fact - he held onto me for just a bit longer and I had a brief, extra moment to really feel and enjoy a big James hug! We didn’t really say anything except to say “hi” to each other.

The first shot, I asked if James would put his hands over my eyes from behind, in a “Guess who?” pose, which he was happy to do - I didn’t know what to do with my hands, so I just sort of held them up. It came out pretty good - James is doing a smirk at the camera over my shoulder! The second shot was another one of my “How can I hide my fat chin?” poses. I said “I’ll put my hands over my mouth and look horrified…” I demonstrated “…and you can do something to make me look like that” I didn’t know what to expect, but immediately James said “How about…?” and did a scary snarling vampire face complete with clawed hands! I just cracked up laughing, so it was definitely going to be that one! We did it again - me being all scared and James kind of looming over me. It’s brilliant - I love it!

We both started laughing immediately afterwards and I said I hadn’t got anything planned for the third picture, so we just had a cuddle! In it, I’m still laughing from the picture before and James is doing a very over-the-top pursed-lipped smirk, showing off his cheekbones!

That then turned into a big squeezy hug, which was lovely and I then apologized and said I would be back round again for 3 more in a minute as I had got landed with six photos after the session the day before had been cancelled! James kind of screwed up his face and said “I hope you’ve got some ideas, cos I’m too hung over to think!” I assured him I had!

So - I zoomed out of the photo op booth and just moved over out of the way of the passing crowds; whipped off my cardigan, dug out the t shirt and put it on over the top of the one I was wearing and then stuck my cardi back on. I then joined the end of the line again - and I nearly was last, though Louisa was behind me as she wanted us to have a picture together. I was also having one with Adrian, who was in front, so it was going to be even more of a military operation!

Adrian went first and had her pictures and then I went in to join her - we just each leaned on James’s shoulders (and I had my eyes shut - Argh!) I stood back so she could talk with James afterwards and then it was my turn again.

I don’t look good in normal t-shirts - the round neck does nothing for me, so I was hoping to hide the t shirt as much as possible except for when I needed it to be seen. So for the first pose, I went behind James, put my chin on his shoulder (hiding it - yay!!) and just held onto the tops of his arms, but to make it a bit different, I told him “I’m going to look at you” What I didn’t expect was for him to turn his head and look back towards me - its come out rather well!

Second shot was the one I had been planning - and was the only reason I was wearing the cardigan over the top!  I showed him the t-shirt and said, “If I go in front and reveal the shirt, will you be pointing down at it?” and I demonstrated.  “Right on!” was the reply.

So I did a big “Da-nah!” holding my cardi open to reveal the GOTR shirt with  a big open-mouthed grin on my face - and James behind doing much the same thing and pointing at it with both hands! It came out really well - I love it!

Last one - I wanted to see if I could get James laughing again, as they are always good pictures when he is. He put one arm round my shoulders and as I put my arm round his waist I asked “Can I tickle you a bit and make you laugh?”

The reply was “Go for it!” so, as he stuck his other hand in his jeans pocket, I reached across and very gently tickled his side, as I know his propensity for having to be peeled off the ceiling when he’s being tickled! I was laughing anyway, and it worked because so was James, and without his shoulders ending up round his ears! He told me I had a “very polite tickle!” and then hugged me.

I murmured “I so love you” in the hug and James replied “Thank you babe” (I just love being called babe - it’s so not how I see myself!) and hugged me some more! Pulling back a bit so I could look at him, I had to say “You make my life so much more fun, you really do!” James slid his hands down so he was holding on to me under my elbows and grinning at me, replied “You make mine more fun!”

I insisted it was true on my part, that he really did; and he insisted that I did for him and that ended up with more huggage - all of it led by James.

As I was going to be needed for a photo with Louisa, I just stepped over to the corner of the booth and waited to be called back. It was great fun watching Louisa’s pictures - she did one where she was taking a photo of James as he over-the-top posed and then one where he was taking a picture of her -  he was really playing up in that one. After 3 pictures, Froggy called me in and James put his arm round me and gave me a quick hug, but no. Louisa said it wasn’t my turn yet, so I scooted back over to my corner. After one more picture, Froggy called me in again and I walked over and got yet another hug from James. We stood there together wondering what to do as Louisa was digging in her bag for a prop or something, Froggy looked resigned and James was laughing like a drain when I muttered “ I have no idea what Louisa is up to!”

It turned out I still wasn’t needed, so I scooted back to my corner yet again whilst Louisa had one more photo and then , third time lucky I hoped, I came forward again asking “Do you really want me in this time? Are you sure? Are you really sure you want me now??”

It actually was, and we did a photo as though James was riding a motorbike and we were on the back - as ever, he looked great, Louisa looked good and I looked like a complete dork.

As Louisa turned to collect up her bags and crutches, there was a pause, and without really thinking, I held up my hand to James to high-five him and then wondered if he would. I didn’t need to worry - as soon as he saw my hand up, he responded immediately. So we high-fived and laughed - and then he hugged me again! I’ve never been hugged so many times by James. It seemed like any time I was near him, he hugged me - and I certainly wasn’t complaining! So many lovely warm, friendly James hugs. I said I would see him in Seattle in a few weeks, though he wouldn’t remember that he was going yet, but he said yes he did remember that he was going there! And then I had to go, albeit reluctantly.

Having sorted out my clothing, (as I was getting hot under so many layers!), I went back to the autograph table and took up position for photographing again once James came back. There was still quite a line to see him and lots of photographic chances. Once the line died away, I thought that was going to be it as James upped and left, but no, it seemed he was going to have a break and then come back again for one more signing session - so more chances to photograph!

I moved around the table again to talk to Craig and then Steve, and then a woman came up wanting to see James and was so relieved he hadn’t gone, she was desperate to meet him. She asked me if he was still blonde, so I showed her some of the pictures on my camera and she was getting all excited and overcome about seeing him - I love it when people meet James for the first time.

James came back through the curtains and then spotted Ray Park over at the next table but one, so went over to see him. Since I was round the side of James’s table looking across, I had a perfect view of the hilarious by play that went on next. The guys talked for a bit and then Peg was trying to attract James’s attention to get him to come back to sign. He started moving away, but then Ray said something else, James replied and they went back to talking again. Peg gave them a few more moments and then got hold of James again and this time made sure he was following her, even though he was still talking over his shoulder. Peg went through the curtains expecting him to follow her, but James stopped, obviously caught up in something else they were talking about - and then he walked back over to Ray again continued the conversation!

I was doubled up laughing at this point; it was just so funny to watch.  I wasn’t sure if anyone else was noticing what was going on. A few seconds later, Peg came back through the curtain, looked at James in exasperation, frowned a bit,  started pushing her sleeves up like she really meant business and then just sighed and waited. Eventually, James really did stop talking and Peg actually managed to shoo him out and back round to his own table. I just cracked up laughing when I caught her eye as she came in behind him - she just raised her eyes upwards in exasperated resignation when she saw me laughing my ass off and knew I had seen it all! The whole thing was totally hilarious - and so typically James!

Meanwhile, the lady who had been waiting to meet James with such excitement had just got her first glimpse of him as he came in and sat down. And the look on her face was just wonderful. She really was utterly gobsmacked - she was staring at him, with her mouth slightly open and her eyes wide, in total amazement. I managed to get a couple of shots of her face as it was just wonderful to see! Once I had gone back round to my normal spot again was able to take a few of her talking to James (yes, she did manage to speak to him - even got real words out!)

Somewhere about now, the guy who played Baby Boba Fett (Daniel Logan??) came past and called out to James, so he leapt up and they had a quick conversation right in front of me. I was able to get a few pictures of them talking and there was huggage too.

It never gets boring watching James meet people at the autograph table. Everyone is greeted the same and given his full attention. I heard him tell the same stories to people that I have heard before and he has probably told many people many times, but every time it still sounds fresh and James is telling it with the same amount of enthusiasm regardless of how old it is. He really is very, very good at what he does!

The line started to peter out a bit, there were still a few more people coming along, some of the volunteers to have their shirts or badges signed (including the one I had wrestled with for the set list!) One guy was saying something to James about how great it was seeing him at the con and how he made it and James was again telling him that it was the coolest place with the most intelligent people, making friends was the aim and you couldn’t consider it a success unless you got at least three phone numbers. Then he glanced across at me and indicated with his hand as he said to the guy “Rosie will back me up on this!”

I just nodded and agreed with him, whilst being thoroughly surprised! (and flattered!) Pretty cool being referred to as a good example of what cons are really all about by James!

And then, as it really was down to the last few people and there was a bit of a gap, I dived in from the side so I could quickly say goodbye before he went.  I said “I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for a great weekend” and we shook hands, and then James put his other hand round mine as well and held it between both of his. He thanked me for backing him up about the making friends at the con thing a few minutes before and we talked briefly whilst still keeping hold of each others hand, James again saying I made his life more fun. He was smiling up at me, looking me straight in the eye, utter sincerity on his face as we talked - I can’t remember what about, but I do remember the way he was looking at me. James must have said something funny as Karo got a few photos of us at this point and I’m laughing my head off about something!

James talked with a few more people as Steve and the crew were gathering everything up to go and then they were all going. Though James managed to make a great exit - carrying his guitar case he went through the gap in the curtains and managed to bring the whole lot down as he did so! There was much grabbing at them by the crew and trying to stop it all falling on top of him and somehow it was just the perfect, hilarious and somehow appropriate finish to the con!

They had left a couple of things, including a few of the sharpies behind on the table - Adrian got the black one and I got the two silver ones - one didn’t have a cap on, but I looked under the cloth on the table and found it on the floor. A nice memento - sharpies as used by James! (Did you know you can’t get silver ones in the UK?)

So that was it for the James side of things. We stayed around to collect our photo ops then made our way back to the hotel for a bit of  a rest (I downloaded photos and squeed a lot!) Then I went down to Bourbon Street with Adrian, Chad and Caleb. Unfortunately it was raining now - a lot - which rather dampened things, but it was still bright and very noisy, lots of neon signage and music blaring from every bar and shop. We had dinner in what turned out to be a very posh steakhouse restaurant - the kind where you have 3 waiters to each table, they refill your water as soon as you’ve drunk any of it and everyone’s meal arrives at exactly the same time. I had a steak (being that it was a steak house) and it was most definitely the best steak I have ever had. Cooked to perfection, a decent size and absolutely delicious!

Caleb went back to the hotel whilst we three checked out the various shops along the street and took some photographs. Because of the rain, it wasn’t that busy, but there was still guys outside every bar and club trying to get you to come in, and the odd girl advertising her wares in darkened doorways! Adrian and I ended up having our Tarot cards read in one shop and that was quite an interesting experience!

It was certainly a interesting place, but we didn’t stay out that late - Adrian and Chad were driving back to Indiana the next day and so had a very early start and I was happy to go back too - cons are surprisingly tiring.

I hoped to be able to have one more quick look around the town in the morning, but I was late getting up, my shuttle was earlier than I remembered, and it took me most of the morning getting organised to go home!

Yet another truly great weekend. New Orleans is an amazing place - I would love to go back there and spend more time exploring. The convention was little and friendly and mostly well run. And James was just wonderful - so very happy, smiling the whole time, and so animated. He was very talkative too - and so very huggy, which was wonderful. Being married seems to suit him very well indeed!

new orleans comic con, james marsters

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