Rosie Goes to see James in The Bells of West 87th in L.A. - Part 1 - First Weekend

Sep 20, 2013 07:59

Rosie Goes to see James in The Bells of West 87th in L.A.

Part 1 - First weekend - 13th, 14th & 15th September

(SPOILER ALERT!! - Spoilers for the play and James’s character)


I managed to get a great priced flight by travelling on Friday 13th - it really did seem to make a difference! And it was direct, but that does make it long - about 10 and a half hours which can get a bit tedious. Did have some amazing views over Greenland though where it was totally clear, seeing the really beautiful mountains and glaciers and then again later coming across the deserts in Wyoming, Utah and Nevada (two extremes, both beautiful in their own ways) Flight got in on time which was great as it was a bit tight for time and it depended on the flight not being late! I had planned it so I could go straight from the airport to the theatre, but then of course I ended up getting caught in immigration for about an hour and despite having zoomed off the plane quickly, was one of the last ones out - grrrrr! - and then they were being very thorough at the declaration point so had to queue for that too. Finally got out and Patti found me (after having missed me once!) and by now it was half past 6 and the play started at 8. I did some convoluted changing of clothes in the car on the way (didn’t want to be all stinky after all that time on the plane to see James!) but we made it quite easily by half past 7, so panic over.

It’s a sweet little theatre; it has a sort of outside area where we gathered as they didn’t actually open the auditorium doors until 15 minutes before it started. There wasn’t that many people waiting, so when they did open the doors it was easy for us to go in and get in the front row as the seating is not allocated. Being so small, all the seats are good really but it was nice to be close to the action.  It wasn’t even half full sadly, but we were delighted to see Steve Himber arrive to watch.

So - the play. It’s awesome! It would be great anyway without James in it as the writing is sharp and funny and the characters are recognisable. Cameron Meyer who is playing Molly and who had to stand in at the last minute when Juliet dropped out was amazing and I absolutely adore Carol Lockatell who is playing her mother. So frustrating and so (dare I say it?) typical Jewish Mom - they play so well off each other. And then it was James’s first entrance - he came in from the left of the audience, so to begin with was standing on the floor. He was wearing a white floppy shirt with lacing at the front - typical romantic poet shirt! - and straight away I could see he had cut his hair! Still with the curls thank goodness but nothing like as long as they had been. I almost missed the first bit of his dialogue as I was so enraptured by seeing him right there  and looking so incredible, but when I concentrated, it was great to see him playing a character that is totally unlike the ones we normally see him do. Chris is an awkward but sweet, goofy, geeky poet.

His next entrance was the one I did know about, where he whips off his shirt (but has a white vest on underneath, damn it!) and applies deodorant which was hilarious - especially as it was right in front of where we were sitting. And then you begin to see Chris’s character - he is so positive about everything - turns every negative into a positive and the awkwardness of him and the situation is superbly done by James. It’s so different and so wonderful to see. Everything about Chris is so not the James we know - every movement and mannerism  (though there is the odd moment of him putting his thumbs in his jeans pockets, but even that is different as it’s kind of awkward, not that strutting confidence that James exudes!) Every action - even his walk! - is so different. And of course, it’s absolutely adorable, brilliant and hilarious. I laughed a lot - especially at the beginning of the second act when he is so delighted to see the goldfish he goes up to the bowl and waves to it; and later he got a huge laugh when he ends up hugging the fish bowl for comfort! Just so adorkable, endearing and wonderful.

I admit I was watching James the whole time he was on stage, even when he was doing background stuff with the action elsewhere. He’s so good - all his actions and reactions are perfect and totally believable even though the audience’s attention should be elsewhere; he - and the other actors - never slip. Just fabulous to watch - I loved it!

After the play finished, we went outside and James and the other actors all came out pretty quickly. James got caught up with Steve, so I got to talk to Carol and Cameron first and took a few photos when he was talking to Elin the writer. Then he turned to come out to the front, walked straight up to me as he was saying “Hi Rosie” and hugged me hard. I told him he was awesome as we hugged and he said he was glad that I was there which was lovely.  I said sadly “you’ve cut your hair!”  and he told us that his agent had insisted that he got it cut shorter as they wanted to send him to auditions and it was too long (fools!) Patti told him about the rumour online that he was in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and he said emphatically that he wasn’t but then added jokingly “I will be in it in about 2 seasons - just before they cancel it!”

I congratulated him again on his awesome performance and how much I loved him hugging the goldfish bowl (it’s still making me laugh just thinking about it!) and he explained about how he had been trying too hard to get the laugh for it (he thought) so tonight didn’t try and consequently got a bigger laugh than usual!

James seemed very happy and quite bouncy. He said although we were a small audience tonight (they had wondered if anyone would come as it was Yom Kippur) but we sounded bigger as there was a lot of laughing which was great. We said we would be seeing it again tomorrow and Sunday and I said I was looking forward to watching the play change and develop over the coming weeks and he agreed.

James then moved across to talk to another girl next to us who had a couple of things for him to sign, so I took photos and then took a photo of her with James on her camera. As they posed James said “Make me look pretty Rosie!” to which I replied sarkily “Yeah, like that’s going to be difficult!” (he is looking so pretty and so young right now!)

We had a few more words and said we would see him tomorrow. We did a sort of high five that James turned into a hand hold and squeeze and then he had to go back into the theatre for something, so we left for the hour and a half drive back to Patti’s during which we squeed and exclaimed a lot. It had been an awesome evening and I just loved the play and seeing James on stage. I may have been awake for well over 24 hours at this point but I wasn’t a bit tired - I was too happy and running on pure squee!


After a good sleep and a bit of errand running, Patti and I made our way back over to the Greenway Theatre for the next performance of The Bells of West 87th. There were more people there this evening so the theatre was a lot more than half full which was good. Jasmin was there too - she finally got to see the play! I was able to give her a hug and have a few words before we were let in. She was really happy to be there and seemed delighted that we were there to support James too (she did refer to him as her ‘boo’ - so cute!) Patti and I got the same seats again in the front row - Jasmin went up in the sound booth.

It was another awesome performance. On James’s first entrance where Chris meets Molly for the first time, when he is looking over at her as he waits for her to finish her phone call - OMG! The look James was giving her! Utterly devastating, so full of awe. It was Spike looking at Buffy - that look of complete wonder and adoration. How does he do that with his eyes?? It was so powerful and brilliant and it sure made me gulp a bit! Don’t know what it would be like to be on the receiving end of that look - I’m pretty sure my knees would give way!

I was watching out for the goldfish bits tonight and they cracked me up again. I don’t think it’s ever going to get old. His waving at the goldfish was almost funnier than the hugging bit, even though it’s only a quick movement. I love it! The audience seemed oddly quiet tonight except for a few of us in the front row laughing our heads off. They were a lot noisier in the second half though.

Got to say all five of the cast are so good in this. Doing the awkward silences and the ridiculous small talk and the covering up of obvious verbal gaffs some of the family were making was superb. They are all very quick on their cues and it snaps along at a pace that is totally believable. It’s really excellent writing and we have all met the characters at some point. It deserves to go far!

Afterwards, we waited and took photos whilst James was talking to others there first (and he was looking  as beautiful and gorgeous as ever!) and when he finally got to me and Patti he said he couldn’t stay as he had an early meeting in the morning so we only had a few words with him. He did say he was so happy being back on stage though when Patti asked him. No hugs, but he did take hold of my arm and sort of stroked it as he slid his hand down it to mine to give it a squeeze. Its little things like that you remember and make time with James so special.


It was an earlier start today as the performance was at 6 pm with the Meet and Greet afterwards. I got to drive in today so I would know the way next weekend when I’m doing it on my own. I love driving the truck even if I do have to have a pillow behind me so I can reach the pedals!  When we were getting our names checked off the ticket list and collecting our wristbands to show that we were attending the Meet & greet, being able to read upside down I saw that Adam Baldwin’s name was on the list. And yes, he was there, as was Charisma Carpenter which was really nice. And David Fury was there as well of course. Lots more people in the audience tonight but its still wasn’t completely full.

The whole cast did a wonderful performance again - they were all really right on it for this one - don’t think there were any missed cues, just one little physical slip which as ably covered up by Robert Towers. I noticed how some lines got different laughs tonight - a couple of James’s lines got a much bigger laugh than previous nights, including one where everyone laughed early so missed the even funnier punch line. I still can’t take my eyes off him when he is on stage - he is mesmerising. I love watching him never slip out of character even when he is in the background and all the little mannerisms he’s given Chris. Man, he is such an awesomely talented actor, he really is!

As the show finished - we gave them a standing ovation - David Fury said that we could go out and have something to eat for 15 minutes or so and then we could come back in for the Q & a session. So we went out and there was really nice food and drink available. I was trying to take a photo of Charisma with Elin and ended up having a photo with both of them instead at Charisma’s insistence! - like that’s going to make me look good, standing next to her! - and I managed one picture of Adam Baldwin. They didn’t stay on for the Q & A or M & G

We were called back in to the theatre and we ended up fairly central which was great because they put James in the centre of the five chairs on stage and of course it was lovely theatre lighting. He was wearing a very pale blue t shirt and dark blue jeans, his hair was still lovely and curly and he looked amazing up there. I know I keep saying it but he does look so young with those adorable curls - he could pass for late thirties easily.

David F was in charge of the Q & A - he just sat on the edge of the stage on the left and Elin sat on the stage the opposite side. After introducing the actors (James was just “and you all know the guy in the middle”) I asked the first question - you know me, never backwards in coming forwards! I asked Cameron how it had been for her coming in at the last minute and how had the others found it. She said she had only had 2 rehearsals beforehand! James said that she was great and really knew her stuff. They had been rehearsing with Juliet for about 3 months so yes, it was a bit of a change for all the cast, though she was much faster on her cues and he was trying to keep up with her! David said that originally Cameron had been the understudy for the part of Maxine, the sister until one day when Juliet was late for rehearsal, she stepped in and she was so good at it they decided she should understudy for Molly.

I was very amused to see that Byron the goldfish in his bowl was on a table at the end of the line of chairs. - David did ask him a question at one point! Apparently he doesn’t have an agent - yet!

They all spoke about very much being part of a team - every one was in it together looking after the play with everyone contributing. Carol was an absolute hoot, a very funny lady and the interaction between her and James up there was adorable.

David told about recommending James for the part of Chris to Elin - she thought he was too cool and too much of a stud type, but David persuaded her saying he would be able to do it (and boy, can’t he just??)

There were some great questions and most of them were for all the actors which was nice. James got to explain the difference between theatre and film work using his “freshest piece of celery” metaphor, and telling a young aspiring actor to practice, practice, practice (and getting an established actor to try and talk them out of it!)

I was meanwhile getting some really great photos thanks to the wonderful lighting, the joy of no microphones or water jugs and James looking so amazing! The gorgeous curls got me some fabulous hair porn pictures when he leaned forward and he was smiling and laughing a lot.

At one point towards the end when James wasn’t answering a question, he looked out into the audience and caught my eye and held it - he was definitely looking at me and Patti - and then he broke out into a huge smile aimed straight at us. Couldn’t do anything but grin back and go a bit gooey!

All in all it was just a joy to be there, seeing James so happy and relaxed and obviously loving being back on stage so much. He was radiating happiness - it was just glorious!

After the Q & A we went back outside and there was more yummy food (including loads of seriously huge and delicious prawns) and waited or the actors to come out. I got to talk to Carol first - she was already remembering me from the previous two performances - and she is awesome and so much fun. She complimented my hair, signed my playbill and gave me a big hug - I absolutely adore her!

Then I got to talk to Cameron again - she seems fairly shy and is quite unassuming, though I told her again how completely awesome she is on stage. James was still caught up inside the foyer talking with people so I talked to David F and thanked him for all his wonderful writing on Buffy and then finally managed to talk to Robert, who is an absolute sweetie and very interesting to talk to. We were chatting away for about 10 minutes. He admitted that he didn’t know James at all before the play and wasn’t familiar with any of his work - although he had been in one episode of Angel, they had never crossed paths before. He said that he found James to be a really wonderful person; and said he was very serious about his work but didn’t take himself at all seriously! And also said he was great with dialect and voice work, so that was lovely to hear.

James was meanwhile very gradually working the room, obviously trying to get round to everybody. He kind of went past me when I was taking photos, so it wasn’t until he was talking to Nancy and I took a photo of them together, and then she kindly took one of me with James, that I got a chance to talk with him. I thought he was going to disappear off again but he did stop for a few words. I said again how much the goldfish bit made me laugh, especially when he waved at it. He said he once had a vegan girlfriend and this was his way of getting revenge. He said “I used to do this all the time” and then bared his teeth and tapped on them with his finger “What are these for baby? They’re for eating meat!”

He said he couldn’t hug as then he would have to hug everybody - which was fair enough - and then he was off to the next person. It was very abrupt for James and I felt a bit sad as it seemed he was putting forward his professional persona whilst talking with everybody which meant he was more stand-offish than usual. So I went off and ended up talking to the director Richard for a bit and then taking more photos when I could - especially when Cameron, James, David and Elin posed together.

Eventually James got round to Patti so I took a load of pictures of them talking and then Patti drew me into the conversation and suddenly it was James again, being his normal self. He said “I love having you guys here - you’re a great audience. You laugh!”  I said I couldn’t help it - I knew a lot of the lines that were coming up now but I was still laughing at them because they are really funny! I’m not sure how he ended up holding my hand during this but he did and in fact was holding it in both of his. The next thing he said took me by surprise “I look for you in the audience you know. You might not see me looking, but I do” I protested at this - he couldn’t be! - but he assured me with sincerity that he did, and he loved having me there because I had a great laugh and he could hear me! Now that made me go a bit gooey - James is looking for me in the audience and knows my laugh??? I was gobsmacked! I don’t know how much truth there is in it, but it was lovely of him to say anyway. It certainly made me feel great. And he was still holding my hand and kind of brushing his fingers down my arm when he finally let go. Just lovely. He looked so beautiful and boyish with the adorable curls and his smile is as devastating as ever.

I said I would see him again on Friday and we hung around to take a few more photos whilst he was there before we finally left when James had gone back into the theatre. They let us raid the buffet as there was lots of food left so we had a impromptu picnic in the car before I drove us home!

It was a thoroughly wonderful weekend all round with lots of James! The play is awesome and I can’t wait for next weekend to see how it develops!!
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