Title: Betty, the Bat, and the Bird: (Ficlet #3)
Fandom: Batman Begins/Ugly Betty
Characters/Pairing: Betty Suarez, Bruce Wayne
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,460
Summary: Betty gives Bruce one of her famed peptalks. Bruce decides to leave the country. Maybe not the result she was hoping for.
Notes: I've been busy with getting a job and getting
whattheficathon ready.
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Comments 15
Off to read. Will edit with crazy comments. As usual. ♥.
EDIT: Okay! Have read! D:
I am very glad to see some Bruce/Betty interaction! I was thinking you might re-introduce Bruce and then work towards a reunion of sorts, but this was lovely! Bruce was really great in this part.
I am also very curious to see what Betty will do with her 6 weeks and what will come out of Bruce/Dick's 6 weeks.
Basically, I am very excited at the direction this is all heading. D:
I cannot wait for Dark Knight! I am going to pretend I see Betty walking around Gotham.
Sorry, but I got addicted to this fic about a week ago, and since I noticed your lateness in updating, my hopes were really low in you updating soon.
Fortunately, you updated just when I was in a bad mood, and I absolutely LOVED this chapter.
Well, I absolutely love all of your chapters but still.
It rocks XD
I love Batman and I love Ugly Betty. This, in my opinion, is the best crossover (as well as best fic PERIOD) I have ever read, so please update as soon as possible.
Is Bruce taking Dick to train him? Btw, who's going to take over for Bruce while he's away?
This is fantastic, please keep going!
Really looking forward to meeting Dick (figuratively anyways ^^)
Interesting, why would he want to go back there?
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