Out of Character Information
player name: Nini
player livejournal:
iverinplaying here: n/a
where did you find us? BATTY HAS BEEN AFTER ME FOR LIKE. SIX MONTHS? LONGER? Almost a year, idk.
are you 16 years of age or older?: By a long shot.
In Character Information
character name: Olivier Mira Armstrong
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Timeline: Canon end
character's age: 35
powers, skills, pets and equipment: Olivier will possess a standard Amestrian military uniform, along with all its trappings. She will also be carrying her family's heirloom sword, a semi-automatic handgun, and a broken pocket watch. You can bet she probably has an additional small knife or so hidden in a boot.
That's the easy part.
SO. As for skills, she's ace with a sword, a terrifyingly good shot with any kind of gun, and if she were physically able to bite someone's head clean off, you can bet she'd be good at that, too. This kind of precision swordplay and command of the one-on-one battlefield will be amplified upon arrival, though not to an extreme degree. Being that the Armstrong family already has larger than life skills, she will simply be "unbeatable" (yeah right) in individual armed combat. Her natural Armstrong strength will also be amplified by a factor of two (that is, two times her normal lifting or press weight). Note that in canon she can lift a shoulder mounted rocket launcher from flat to her shoulder completely effortlessly, and can drag a 200-pound man without breaking a sweat.
Her command of the battlefield is dominated by her leadership qualities, supplemented by a keen eye for strategy and a knack for choosing--and making--good soldiers.
canon history: In lieu of typing everything out in tl;dr, please enjoy the
FMA Wiki page on Olivier!
In general, Olivier likes things to be strictly black-and-white, but is unfortunately subject to reality. She is quick to take responsibility for things that are her fault, openly and vociferously absolving all others of guilt. Though it seems contrary to that, she believes that the strength of the unit and the strength of the individual are closely tied. Weak links will get themselves removed somehow, and aren't really her problem, but she doesn't hesitate to nudge them in the direction of "hardcore". Survival of the fittest is the rule of her life and her unit, and she claims to have no need for the alchemist concept of equivalent exchange. In other words, Olivier does not fear nature or natural laws. She accepts them, and absolutely forces that same acceptance on everyone under her command--no matter how briefly. (Looking at you, Fullmetal.)
She inspires loyalty in all those around her, simply because she is amazing and a hardass. Possibly her hair helps. Why her hair? Well, she's from the great Armstrong family, a long-standing military institution of sorts, renowned for their extreme strength, incredible wealth, and curly forelocks. And sparkles.
While appearing to be not much more than a cold, hard bitch on the surface, Olivier actually cares VERY deeply about certain people, like her subordinates and her family; she has a funny way of showing it. It's somewhere between tough love (as in, buck up or get the hell out) and a deep-seated protectiveness. She makes her goals and standards completely clear, and expects people to follow them when they are around her. That loyalty and obedience is rewarded with a place in her plans and with a small umbrella of protection, almost like a chivalrous gangster. Even her family falls under this: she forces them out of their own home to protect them when her plans for government takeover start progressing quickly. She does not tell them the real reason why, but as her family, they understand her and comply. That's what pretty much everyone does with Olivier. Asking questions is generally a bad plan.
A woman in a man's world, Olivier is out for blood. She has a bit of a thing for stabbing people through the wrist. Largely, I assume this is to show her badassitude, though she generally does it to people who undesirably touch her. It must be noted that the wrist is an awfully small target, and she likes to do the slice right between the bones. It's a gesture of hatred meeting control, and not really out of self-defense at all. People who can use swords with such precision are generally thought to be able to control their temper just as easily. Repeatedly, she shows that she can bite her tongue when she really feels the need to, and can pull off some pretty epic bluffs in order to advance. However, when she decides to let the switch flip, someone is probably going to die.
She has a penchant for violence in general. Her post has an entire underground R&D department that seems to focus on big-ass, snow-friendly tanks: Think the Soviets in WWII if they'd been doin' it right. Olivier stands on her tank gunners, uses shoulder-mounted rocket launchers with ease, and definitely knows how to use a sword and a gun at the same time with masterful precision... while injured.
While she doesn't have a problem with authority per se, Olivier definitely takes issue with men who want to push her around, and people who walk on others with no remorse or reason. She'll happily command her men, call people weak, and criticize her peers, but when it comes to respect and doing what is right, her own agenda and standards are king. Some evils are necessary, but some are unforgivable--it all seems a little arbitrary at times. Things that are contrary to her standards--whether it's command styles or man-made abominations--are objects to be removed from her sight and path as quickly as possible. Again, this usually means a fair amount of bloodshed.
Luckily, she remains completely gorgeous while doing so.
why do you feel this character would be appropriate to the setting?
Not only is she tough as nails, she also has a pioneering and dominating spirit that will drive her to overcome any obstacle placed before her--including a mysterious transportation. Her physical abilities being enhanced by the transition will give her something interesting to reflect on, given her disdain for the supernatural abilities of the State Alchemists. So, too, will she serve as a bastion of strength, support, and complete bitchiness for all residents of Anatole.
Writing Samples
Network Post Sample:
A sample from her previous game. And a post generously bombed by the players of this fine game. Third Person Sample:
That one where she fought everybody while wearing a dress and heels. Anything else? ...Anything else? :D