Jul 03, 2007 18:00
Yuki Eiri (real name Uesugi Eiri)
Age: 22
Eyes: hazel, sometimes w/green
Hair: sandy blond
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: ...for the first time in six characters, I'm saying no. Since a great deal of Yuki's emotional issues have physical manifestations, I don't think bodyswitches are a good idea unless it's someone I know OOC very well. He's really rather sickly. See "Physical and mental health" below, for elaboration.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: He'll probably hit you, shove you off, insult you, etc etc. Unless you're actually upset. It depends on the circumstance, but generally I say go for it. :Db
Maim/Murder/Death: Go for it, he's no stranger to violence.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Anything! Yuki has many many emopings, but he hides them pretty well. Just know that he is painfully blunt in his opinions, bordering on mean... and sometimes he's just mean. The man does not know how to censor himself, or express his emotions. Even if he does like you, or is concerned? It's very hard to tell.
Physical traits: approximately 6'1, lean and pale. No noticeable scars or tattoos, but his left ear is pierced.
Physical and mental health: Yuki is incredibly fucked up. Like. Really really fucked up. His past is spoilerriffic, but I can explain the consequences without giving anything away. He has two major classes of disorder, as I can tell between canon and his behavior. [[1) Post traumatic stress disorder... nightmares, flashbacks, depression and general anxiety. 2) A personality disorder... causing (among other things) mood swings and an inability to express himself. While most of Yuki's affection is hidden between lines of sarcasm, it's clear sometimes that he's frustrated at what he's saying/not saying. He'll actually get angry at himself and storm off, mid-conversation, because he can't find words for what he's experiencing. Interesting, for a writer, but very classic dissociative behavior.]] Yuki takes sedatives and what is likely an anti-psychotic class mood stabilizer... and most of those, I know from personal experience, have nasty side effects that would account for Yuki's onscreen lethargy. In any case, he's been in therapy ever since he moved back to Japan. It seems like therapy only ever helped him hide his problems, though, not deal with them... being with Shuichi makes him more social and functional. He's also in and out of the hospital a few times, as his general health sort of sucks (EAT SOMETHING ALREADY), and although he hides it well, stress takes its toll on him physically.
Abilities: Despite smoking like a chimney and constantly forgetting to eat, Yuki is amazingly strong and fast. He's put people in the hospital, fighting them with his bare hands. He's also an amazing shot with a gun, even if he'll never ever use a real one as a weapon. I can't think of anything else notable, besides his writing ability.
Secrets: Ah. Ahahaha. Ahahahahahahahaha. Uh. I'd give away half the freaking series if we went here. Let's just say lots.
Other random stuff!
* Haaaaaaaaaates celery.
* He's a sap for stray cats.
* He has horrible nightmares, except when he sleeps with Shuichi.
* Speaking of, he can only sleep on his stomach.
* Has one hell of an oral fixation... Yuki is always either smoking, about to light a cigarette, or hanging a pencil or chopstick or something from his mouth.
* Lucky me, it's another character that doesn't give a shit about honoraries!
* The only spot he's ticklish is his ears.
* Yuki sort of becomes narcoleptic when he writes. He'll stay up for days without taking his medication, subsisting on cigarettes and beer, and then crash as soon as he stops writing. And by crash, I mean like fall down go boom, I'm sleeping and I don't care where I am. He collapses on Shuichi repeatedly, due to his sheer inability to stay awake any longer. It's sort of hilarious.