Title: The Phoenix Didn't Rise
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 929
Characters: Yuni, Gamma, Byakuran.
Pairings: none
Warnings: worksafe, if you can read non-hardcore gore at work.
A/N: I ended up abandoning my initial Xanxus-centric idea in favour of Yuni. I'm glad I did.
This is the darkest hour of the Giglio Nero family. )
Comments 3
grammar/spelling: perfect!
story flow: talked about this a little two seconds ago, but -- solid, too! though i feel as if the section where yuni runs into the skull and the ending could've both been a little more emotive, your initial description of her was so good. the image of her tears cleaning her face was really powerful, at least for me.
prompt usage: excellent reinterpretation of canon; i wondered where you were going with it at the beginning, but the reveal at the end was awesome.
originality: definitely lies in how you've characterized yuni, i think. though this is the first fic i've read that focuses on her, i now... want to read more, haha.
bonus: yuni. ♥
Wonderful job. ♥
Thank you for entering with this story, great character choice. Good luck!
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