write_dattebayo is currently looking for moderators! If you are interested in a position, please fill out the following form and submit it here.
Moderators must be active participants in the community and able to commit to helping post scheduled events. Scheduled events would include:
- Posting Weekly Assignments
- Posting mid-week Group Discussions
- Compiling a list
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Comments 6
Contact: email or through LJ
Moderating Experience: I'm a moderator for the (slowly building) LJ community, willstudy4food, and a forum mod on ff.net for the AAG and the AWS. I'm also on the naruto_news team now, if that means anything here, lololol 8V
Contact: prettydead19@yahoo.com, or LJ PM-ing.
Moderating Experience: First time experience. I want to learn more about moderating and thought this could be a good place to start, because in RL I am very into writing.
I think three mods will be very beneficial to the community indeed. Welcome aboard! I'll be getting in contact with you about the upcoming mod schedule... I just have to figure everything out first ^_^;.
I agree, I think the three of us will all be a good team. And don't worry about the mod schedule, take as long as you need to figure everything out ;)
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