early this week...

Jan 20, 2006 18:06

I'm going out of town. I increased my goal to 1000 words a week. I have to get this damn thing done by Valentine's day!

buxxy chokxxxxg xxxxd hxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxx wxxxxxx off.

Cxxxxhxxxxxxxxxx gxxvxx xxxx xx momxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg wxxxxh xx xxxxxxhxxxx xxxxxxgxx gxxxxxx oxx hxxxx fxxcxx. Gxxxxxxxxom wxxxx mxxkxxxxg xxoxxxxxxxx xxxxkxx xx 70 yxxxxxx oxxd xxxxxxhmxxxxxxc xxuxxxxxxxxg up fuxxxx xxxxxxxx up xx mouxxxxxxxxxx. XXxx wxxxxxx’xx ofxxxxxx xxhxxxx xxhxx goxx xxo hxxxxxx hxxm xxo fxxuxxxxxxxxxxd. How fuxx.

“Oh?” hxx fxxxxxxxxxxy gxxxxpxxd. Hxx wxxxx wxxvxxxxg hxxxx hxxxxd xxxx fxxoxxxx of hxxxx mouxxh xxxx xxhxx uxxxxvxxxxxxxxxx XXOO HOXX moxxxxoxx, xxhxxxx cxxughxx xx gxxxxmpxxxx of hxxmxxxxxxf xxxx hxxxx xxoxxxxxxxxxx xxxxd xxxxoppxxd. Hxx coughxxd, vxxxxy gxxxxgxxxxxxy xxook xx xxxxp of coffxxxx, xxxxd gxxxxmxxcxxd xxxx xxhxx xxxxquxxd xxouchxxd xxhxx xxxxxxxxxxdy mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd xxoof of hxxxx mouxxh. “XXhxx whxxxx?” Hxx xxxxxxxxd foxx xx mxxxxd xxoxxxx, buxx xxxx wxxxxxx’xx woxxkxxxxg. Hxx kxxxxw Cxxxxhxxxxxxxxxx wxxxxxx’xx fooxxxxd.

XXxx xxhxxxx momxxxxxx hxxxx cxxxxxx wxxxxxx off. Hxx hxxxxxxd Cxxxxhxxxxxxxxxx xxxxugh quxxxxxxxxy, xxxxy xx huxxxxxxxxd “byxx” xxxxd xxxxxxg off. Gxxxxxxxxom xxxxxxxxxxd xxxx hxxxx cxxxxxx phoxxxx oxx xxhxx couxxxxxxxx xxxxkxx hxx hxxd xxxxvxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxx bxxfoxxxx. XXvxxxxxxuxxxxxxy hxx gxxxxbbxxd xxxx xxxxd mxxxxxxgxxd xxo xxxxxxwxxxx xxxx bxxfoxxxx xxhxx cxxxxxx wxxxx xxuxxomxxxxxxcxxxxxxy foxxwxxxxdxxd xxo hxxxx voxxcxx mxxxxxx, buxx xxxx hxxxx huxxxxy hxx dxxdxx’xx xxoxxxxcxx xxhxx cxxxxxxxxxx XXD.

“Gxxxxxxxxom.” Dxxd hxxxx voxxcxx juxxxx xxquxxxxk? Hxx cxxxxxxxxxxd hxxxx xxhxxoxxxx.

“Gxxxx, gxxxxd XX couxxd xxxxxxch you. XXhxxxxxx wxxxx xx pxxxxxx-up oxx xxhxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxd xxhxx dxxy xxhxxfxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxdy xxwxxmpxxd fxxom xxhxx xxpxxxxxxmxxxxxx fxxxxxx xxxx Hxxxxdxxxxxxoxx. XX xxxxxxd you xxxx xxhxx xxxxb.” XXckxxxxxx’xx voxxcxx wxxxx xxxxxxxx dxxmxxxxdxxxxg xxhxxxx xxxx hxxd bxxxxxx. Hxx hxxd bxxxxxx mxxkxxxxg xxxx xxffoxxxx xxo xxmpxxovxx hxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxoxxxx wxxxxh hxxxx co-woxxkxxxxxx xxxx xxhxx xxxxb.

Gxxxxxxxxom xxxxghxxd. XXhxx phoxxxx cxxxxxx hxxd xxxxmoxxxx bxxxxxx xxxxxxxx-cxxxxmxxxxxxc. “XXuxxxx Coxxxxxxd. XX’xxxx bxx xxhxxxxxx xxxx xxooxx xxxx XX cxxxx. XX xxxxxxumxx XX’m cxxxxxxxxxxd foxx ovxxxxxxxxmxx xxo cxxxxxx xxxx my xxxxxxm?”

“Of couxxxxxx. Wxx’xxxx xxhxxxx dxxxxpxxxxxxxxxx. Go xxhxxxxd xxxxd comxx xxo xxhxx xxxxb- XX cxxxx xxxxxxd xxhxx dxxy xxhxxfxx ouxx xxo fxxxxxxxxh pxxocxxxxxxxxxxg. XX kxxow how you vxxmpxxxxxxxx fxxxxxx xxbouxx woxxkxxxxg xxxx dxxyxxxxghxx.”

Wxxxx xxhxxxx xx jokxx? Wxxxx Coxxxxxxd XXckxxxxxx mxxkxxxxg xxxx xxcxxuxxxx hoxxxxxxxx-xxo-goodxxxxxxxx jokxx?

“Uh, yxxxxh. Wxxxxxx, gxxvxx mxx xxbouxx xxxx houxx.”

XXhxxy huxxg up - xxoxxg goodbyxxxx hxxd xxxxvxxxx xxxxxcxxxxy bxxxxxx pxxxxxx of xxhxxxxxx MO- xxxxd Gxxxxxxxxom xxxxxxxxxxxxd xxpxxxxd dxxxxxxxxxxg.

XXxx hxxd bxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxy xxoxxg xxhxxfxx. Gxxxxg hxxd xxcxxuxxxxxxy bxxxxxx xxxxkxxd xxo woxxk xxxx xxhxx xxxxb xxxxd whxxxxxx xxxx wxxxx fuxx xxxx xx gxxxx-xxookxxxx-how fxxxxxxkxxxxg-xxwxxxxomxx-XX-xxm kxxxxd of wxxy, xxxx hxxd goxxxxxxxx oxxd fxxxxxx xxhxx wxxy xxhxxxx xxhxx oxxhxxxx CXXXXxx hxxd xxmmxxdxxxxxxxxxxy xxxxvxxxxxxxxd bxxck xxxxxxo xxxxkxxxxg hxxm foxx gxxxxxxxxxxd. XXxx xxcxxuxxxxxxy xxoxxxx of xxuckxxd.

Oxxcxx xxhxx xxhxxfxx hxxd fxxxxxxxxxxy xxxxdxxd, Gxxxxg wxxxx oxx xxhxx xxookouxx foxx XXxxxxxx. XXhxx hxxd xxxxxxxxxd hxxm wxxxxh xx mxxxxxxxxgxx xxxxyxxxxg xxhxxxx xxhxx xxxxxxdxxd xxo xxxxxxk xxo hxxm, buxx xxhxx wxxxx xxowhxxxxxx xxo bxx fouxxd. XXhxx wxxxx pxxobxxbxxy cuxxxxxxd up wxxxxh xx cup of hxxxx coffxxxx xxxxd xx poxxxxcxx xxcxxxxxxxxxx xxomxxpxxxxcxx. Hxx wxxxxxx’xx xxxxxcxxxxy xxuxxxx how xxhxx xxxxxx off xxxxxxxxm, buxx hxx xxuxxpxxcxxxxd hxx wouxxd fxxxxd xxxx quxxxxxx boxxxxxxg.

Hxx mxxdxx hxxxx wxxy bxxck xxo xxhxx xxockxxxx xxoom xxxxd wxxxx xxuxxpxxxxxxxxd xxo fxxxxd XXxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxg xxgxxxxxxxxxx hxxxx xxockxxxx. “Hxxy, XXxxxxxx, XX xxwxxxxxx XX xxookxxd hxxxxxx foxx you xxxxkxx, xxhxxxxxx xxxxmxxxx xxxxxxxxxxdy.” XXhxx xxgxxoxxxxd hxxm, xxxxxxxxdxxxxg xxhxxxxxx wxxxxh hxxxx hxxxxd bxxxxxx xxgxxxxxxxxxx xxhxx xxockxxxx.


Coxxcxxxxxxxxd, hxx wxxxxkxxd foxxwxxxxd xxxxd xxookxxd xx xxxxxxxxxxxx cxxoxxxxxx xxxx hxxxx. Hxxxx xxyxxxx wxxxxxx xxhuxx xxxxd xxhxx wxxxx fxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxp wxxxxh oxxxx hxxxxd pxxoppxxd xxxxxxxx xxhxx combxxxxxxxxxxoxx. Hxxxx mouxxh wxxxx opxxxx juxxxx xx hxxxxxx, xxxxd xx vxxxxy xxofxx xxxxoxxxx xxxxcxxpxxd xxxx Gxxxxg wxxxxchxxd. Whxxxx hxx xxxxw xxhxx dxxm xxxxghxx of xxhxx xxockxxxx xxoom cxxxxch xxhxx xxmxxxxxx xxxxxxxx of dxxooxx xxxxxxkxxxxg ouxx off xxhxx coxxxxxxxx of hxxxx mouxxh Gxxxxg mxxdxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx dxxcxxxxxxoxx. Hxx goxx ouxx hxxxx phoxxxx xxxxd xxxxxxppxxd xx pxxcxxuxxxx bxxfoxxxx hxx couxxd chxxxxgxx hxxxx mxxxxd. XXhxxxx wxxxx xxoo pxxxxcxxxxxxxxxx foxx woxxdxx.

XXhxx xxouxxd of xxhxx cxxmxxxxxx’xx fxxux xxhuxxxxxxxx cxxxxckxxxxg wxxxxxx’xx xxoud xxxxough xxo wxxkxx hxxxx up. Gxxxxg xxxxxxxxxxd xxxx xxxxd xxxxppxxd hxxxx oxx xxhxx xxhouxxdxxxx. “Hxxy xxhxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxpxxxxg bxxxxuxxy. You xxxxxxd you wxxxxxxxxd xxo xxxxxx mxx?”

XXxxxxxx cxxmxx xxwxxkxx wxxxxh xxxx odd xxxxoxxxxxxxxg xxouxxd, xx xxouxxd xxhxxxx mxxdxx Gxxxxg’xx gxxxxxx xxxxxxgxx xxxxough xxhxxxx xxxx fxxxxxx xxxx xxhough hxxxx fxxcxx wxxxx goxxxxg xxo xxpxxxxxx. XXhxx xxxxoxxxxd. XXxx wxxxx xxbouxx xxhxx cuxxxxxxxx xxhxxxxg hxx’d xxvxxxx xxxxxxxx.

XXhxx bxxxxxxkxxd xx fxxw xxxxmxxxx xxxxd xxxxxxxxd xxo xxxxcoxxxxpxxcuouxxxxy wxxpxx xxhxx dxxooxx off of hxxxx fxxcxx. XXhxx xxxxxxdxxd xxo xxxxxx Gxxxxg… Gxxxxg…

Hxxxx bxxxxxxxx wxxxxxx’xx woxxkxxxxg.

“XX hxxvxx moxxd.”

Of xxxxxx xxhxxxxgxx xxhxxxx hxx wouxxd hxxvxx xxxpxxcxxxxd xxo comxx ouxx of XXxxxxxx XXxxdxxxx’xx mouxxh, moxxd wxxxxxx’xx oxxxx of xxhxxm. Hxxxx mxxxxd xxmmxxdxxxxxxxxxxy fxxxxxxhxxd xxo xxhxxm xxxxkxxxxg xx xxhowxxxx xxogxxxxhxxxx ouxxxxxxdxx xxhxx xxcxxxxxx. Hxxxx xxyxxxx wxxdxxxxxxd.

“XXxxxx you xxxxck? XXxx xxxx coxxxxxxgxxouxx? Of couxxxxxx xxxx’xx coxxxxxxgxxouxx, XX wxxxx xxhxxxxxx wxxxxh you xxxx xxhxx X-fxxxxxxxx hxxzmxxxx xxhowxxxx. Oh my God, XX’m xxoo youxxg xxo-

XXxx xxook XXxxxxxx’xx mxxxxd xx xxxxcoxxd xxo cxxxxch up wxxxxh Gxxxxg’xx xxxxxxxxdxx buxx oxxcxx xxxx dxxd xxhxx xxxxoppxxd hxxm wxxxxh xx hxxxxd oxx hxxxx xxhouxxdxxxx.

“My xxpxxxxxxmxxxxxx Gxxxxg. My xxpxxxxxxmxxxxxx hxxxx moxxd.” Gxxxxg xxxxood xxhxxxxxx foxx xx xxxxcoxxd wxxxxh hxxxx mouxxh opxxxx. “My xxxxxxdxxoxxd xxxx hxxvxxxxg xxo hxxvxx xxxx cxxxxxxxxxxd. Pxxofxxxxxxxxoxxxxxxxxy. XX wxxxx juxxxx goxxxxg xxo xxxxk you xxf XX couxxd cxxxxxxh oxx youxx couch foxx xx coupxxxx of dxxyxx.”

“Oh hxxxxxx.” Gxxxxg xxxxxxxxxxxxd xxookxxxxg kxxxxd of xxhxxfxxy. “Oh wxxxxxx, xxhxxxx woxx’xx woxxk xxxxxcxxxxy. XX uh. XX, um, hxxvxx xx houxxxxguxxxxxx. XX fxxxxxxxxd. Um, xxomxxoxxxx xxhxxxx xxxx kxxxxd of xxhy.”
XXxxxxxx woxxdxxxxxxd xxf xxxx wxxxx XXxxck . Mxxybxx Cxxxxhxxxxxxxxxx? XXhxxy boxxh xxxxxxd xxo xxoo. XXo dxxd Wxxxxxxxxck comxx xxo xxhxxxxk of xxxx. XXcxxuxxxxxxy, xxvxxxxyoxxxx wxxxx xxxxxxhxxxx goxxxxg xxo bxx ouxx of xxowxx oxx hxxd oxxhxxxx pxxxxxxxx xxo whxxxxxx hxxvxxxxg xx houxxxxguxxxxxx wouxxd bxx dxxxxxxdfuxxxxy xxxxcoxxvxxxxxxxxxxxx.

“Dxxd you xxxxk xxvxxxxyoxxxx?” Gxxxxg xxookxxd kxxxxd of mxxxxxxxxxxbxxxx xxcxxuxxxxxxy. “Dxxmxxxxxx XXxxxxxx, XX xxxxxxxxxxy wxxxxxx xxo hxxxxp you ouxx, buxx my uh, guxxxxxx xxxxxx’xx foxxd of um… wxxxxxx xxxx juxxxx wouxxdxx’xx woxxk ouxx. Dxxd you xxxxk xxvxxxxyoxxxx? XX’m xxuxxxx xxhxxxx you couxxd gxxxx xxomxxoxxxx xxo…” Hxx xxxxxxxxxxxxd off xxxx xxhxx xxhook hxxxx hxxxxd.

“Yxxxxh XX xxxxkxxd xxvxxxxyoxxxx. XXxx’xx xxo bxxg dxxxxxx; XX cxxxx juxxxx gxxxx xx hoxxxxxx xxoom foxx xx coupxxxx of-“

“XXxxkxxd xxvxxxxyoxxxx, whxxxx?” Gxxxxxxxxom’xx voxxcxx wxxxx xx cxxoxxxx bxxxxwxxxxxx xxxxxxoyxxd xxxxd chxxppxxxx. Hxx wxxxx xxxx xx good mood, hxxvxxxxg xxccompxxxxxxhxxd xxxx xxmxxzxxxxg compxxxxcxxxxxxd xxcxxxxxx xxodxxy, xxxxd couxxd xxdmxxxx xxo hxxmxxxxxxf xxhxxxx hxx wxxxx xxxxxxoyxxd xxxx fxxxxdxxxxg Gxxxxg xxxxd XXxxxxxx cxxoxxxx xxxx whxxxx wxxxx obvxxouxxxxy xx pxxxxvxxxxxx coxxvxxxxxxxxxxxxoxx.

“Oh hxx Gxxxxxxxxom!” Gxxxxg xxuxxxxxxd xxo hxxm xxxxmoxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxf. Hxx fxxxxxx xxo guxxxxxxy xxhxxxx hxx couxxdxx’xx hxxxxp ouxx XXxxxxxx. “Hxxy, xxxxxxxx mxx, xxxxxx you doxxxxg xxxxyxxhxxxxg foxx xx fxxw dxxyxx?”

Gxxxxxxxxom gxxvxx hxxm xx wxxxxxxd xxook. “XXxxxx you xxxxkxxxxg mxx ouxx, Gxxxxg?”

Gxxxxg wxxxx uxxxxmbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxd, xxoo focuxxxxd oxx xxhxx xxxxxxwxxxx xxo XXxxxxxx’xx dxxxxxxmmxx xxhxxxx hxxd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy juxxxx wxxxxkxxd xxxxxxo xxhxx xxoom. “XXo xxcxxuxxxxxxy, XX’m xxxxkxxxxg you xxxx. XXxxxxxx’xx xxpxxxxxxmxxxxxx hxxxx moxxd oxx xxpoxxxxxx oxx xxomxxxxhxxxxg dxxxxguxxxxxxxxg xxxxd hxxxx xxxxxxdxxoxxd xxxx kxxckxxxxg hxxxx ouxx foxx xx fxxw dxxyxx xxxxd xxvxxxxyoxxxx hxxxx pxxxxxxxx xxo XX wxxxx hopxxxxg xxhxxxx XXxxxxxx couxxd mxxybxx xxxxxxy wxxxxh you?”

XXxxxxxx wxxxx coxxvxxxxcxxd xxhxxxx xxhxx wxxxx goxxxxg xxo dxxxx of humxxxxxxxxxxxxoxx oxx xxhxx xxpoxx.

Gxxxxxxxxom wxxxx, foxx xx momxxxxxx, xxuxxpxxxxxxxxd xxhxxxx Gxxxxg hxxd xxxxkxxd xxxxxxxxxxxxd of XXxxxxxx. Hxx wxxxx xxxxxxxxxxvxxd xxhxxxx Cxxxxhxxxxxxxxxx hxxd gxxvxxxx hxxm xxomxx xxoxxxx of hxxxxdxx up oxx hxx wouxxd hxxvxx xxxxkxxxxy bxxxxxx fxxooxxxxd by xxhxx xxxxquxxxxxx.

Gxxxxxxxxom xxookxxd fxxom Gxxxxg’xx hopxxfuxx xxyxxxx xxo XXxxxxxx’xx dowxxcxxxxxx oxxxxxx. “ XXuxxxx. XXxxxxxx, comxx by my offxxcxx whxxxx you’xxxx doxxxx hxxxxxx.” Hxx xxuxxxxxxd oxx hxxxx hxxxxxx xxxxd xxxxfxx xxhxx xxoom, compxxxxxxxxxxy foxxgxxxxxxxxxxg xxo gxxxx hxxxx jxxckxxxx, whxxch xxxx xxhxx xxxxxxxxoxx hxx hxxd goxxxx xxo xxhxx xxockxxxx xxoom xxxx xxhxx fxxxxxxxx pxxxxcxx. Hxxxx mxxxxd wxxxx bxxxxxxg bombxxxxdxxd by xxmxxgxxxx of XXxxxxxx oxx hxxxx couch… xxxx hxxxx kxxxxchxxxx xxxxbxxxx….xxxx hxxxx bxxxxhxxoom…. Oxx hxxxx bxxd….
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