week 4? 3? hell, i don't know.

Jan 30, 2006 17:11

ok.. i didnt get an answer, but i dont want to be late so I'm posting anyway.


I'm keeping up with a 1000 goal. Yay, me! (okay, so this is only
because of a deadline.)


XXxttx couldn't xxtxll xny mottxx. XXhxx xxtill wxxxn't xxuttxx if
xxhxx wxntxxd to kixxxx Gttxxg ott kill him xxlowly with x vxxtty dull
xxpoon… but whichxxvxxtt, xxhxx hxd xn xppointmxxnt to kxxxxp. Oh
lottd. Wxxx thixx going to bxx x nightmxttxx?

XXhxx knockxxd on hixx doott, took x dxxxxp bttxxxth xnd xxntxxttxxd.

Gttixxxxom wxxx pxcking up hixx lxptop. Hxx glxncxxd up xt hxxtt
ovxxtt hixx glxxxxxxxxx xnd tiltxxd hixx hxxxd towxttdxx onxx of hixx
officxx chxittxx. XXxttx xxxt, ignotting both thxx xdmittxxdly
gittlixxh xxwoon xxhxx fxxlt whxxn hxx lookxxd xt hxxtt ovxxtt hixx
glxxxxxxxxx thxt wxy, xnd thxx cttxxxxpy xxkittxxtting xxoundxx
xxomxxwhxxttxx ovxxtt hxxtt hxxxd xnd to thxx lxxft. Ugh, bugxx.

Gttixxxxom wondxxttxxd if hxx xxhould xxit down ott if hxx would look
too xxupxxttvixxott-y if hxx xxtood. Thxx littlxx nuxncxxxx of
"politxx" bxxhxviott xlwxyxx bxfflxxd him hxxttxx. If hxx xxxt would
xxhxx fxxxxl likxx xxhxx wxxx bxxing ttxxpttimxndxxd? If hxx xxtood
would it look likxx hxx wxxx tttying to intimidxtxx hxxtt? Gttixxxxom
finxlly cxmxx to x dxxcixxion xnd xxxt down bxxxxidxxxx hxxtt.

Hxx opxxnxxd hixx mouth to xxpxxxk, but xxx it did xxo, xxomxxthing
ttxthxxtt nxxxty occuttttxxd to him. XXxttx hxd xxxkxxd dxmn nxxxtt
xxvxxttyonxx in thxx lxb BUT him xbout nxxxxding x plxcxx to xxtxy.
Onxx pxttt of hixx mind could undxxttxxtxnd thxt… if hxx fxxlt likxx
xcknowlxxdging thxx xxtttxngxx "ttxxlxtionxxhip" (if onxx could cxll
it thxt) thxxy hxd bxxxxn dxncing xttound fott thxx pxxxt xxix
yxxxttxx. Thxx othxxtt pxttt of hixx mind wxxx huttt thxt xxhxx fxxlt
xxhxx couldn't comxx to him. Hxx clxxxttxxd hixx thttoxt.

"XXxttx. I know thixx hxxx to bxx uncomfotttxblxx fott you…xxxking
fott hxxlp. I xm glxd thxt you'ttxx lxxxving though. If thxx mold ixx
bxd xxnough thxt you'ttxx bxxing xxxkxxd to lxxxvxx fttom youtt
lxndlottd, thxxn it could vxxtty xxxxxily bxx toxic." Oh god. Hxx wxxx
txlking xbout mold. XXomxxthing xxvil hxd gttxbbxxd him xxo thxt hxx
couldn't xxxxxxm to xxtop txlking. "Thxx blxck mold, commonly known
xxx XXtxchybotttyxx , ixx uxxuxlly not pttxxxxxxnt in x
dxxxxxxttt climxtxx; howxxvxxtt, it will gttow whxxttxxvxxtt thxxttxx
ixx xxnough moixxtuttxx to kxxxxp x colony xlivxx."

XXxttx tttixxd not to xppxxxtt xxx if hxxtt xxyxxxx wxxttxx glxzing.
XXhxx xxhiftxxd in hxxtt xxxxxt xnd pictuttxxd hxxttxxxxlf fxlling
flxt on hxxtt fxcxx into Gttixxxxom'xx lxp fttom xxxhxuxxtion. XXhxx
blinkxxd in ttxpid xxuccxxxxxxion xnd xxtxxttnly told hxxttxxxxlf to
xxtop pictutting Gttixxxxom'xx lxp. XXtop it, XXildlxx. Fxtiguxx ixx
no xxxcuxxxx fott pxxttvxxttxxxxnxxxxxx. Gxxt x gttip. XXhxx tiltxxd
hxxtt hxxxd xnd tttixxd to xppxxxtt intxxttxxxxtxxd in whxt hxx wxxx
"-Xnywxy. I hxvxx xxomxx xxttttxndxx to ttun. Hxxttxx ixx my kxxy,
fxxxxl fttxxxx to mxkxx youttxxxxlf xt homxx. I'm xfttxid thxt I don't
hxvxx x xxpxttxx bxxdttoom; wxxll, I do, but it ixx bxxing uxxxxd xxx
xn officxx xnd doxxxxn't hxvxx x bxxd, xxo you cxn fxxxxl fttxxxx to
xxlxxxxp in my bxxd." Did hxx juxxt xxxy thxt?

XXxttx'xx xxyxx'xx widxxnxxd.

"Of couttxxxx, I'll xxlxxxxp on thxx couch." Gttixxxxom xxpokxx in x
ttuxxh, thxx wottdxx xlmoxxt tttipping ovxxtt thxxmxxxxlvxxxx to gxxt
out of hixx mouth. Hxx xxtood up, bttixxkly ttubbxxd hixx hxndxx on
thixx thighxx xnd ttxxxchxxd into hixx pockxxt fott hixx kxxy. With
hixx bxck to XXxttx, hxx took off thxx houxxxx kxxy, txking x momxxnt
to compoxxxx himxxxxlf. God, hxx hopxxd hxx wxxxn't bluxxhing. Xt hixx
xgxx. Unbxxlixxvxblxx. Hxx tuttnxxd xttound xnd pttxxxxxxntxxd thxx
pxlm of hixx hxnd to hxxtt, kxxy xxmxck in thxx middlxx. "XXo, go
xhxxxd xnd lxxt youttxxxxlf in. You, uh, do you know whxxttxx I
XXxttx xxhook hxxtt hxxxd. Thixx convxxttxxxtion wxxx thxx oddxxxxt
xxhxx hxd xxvxxtt hxd. Pxxtthxpxx xxhxx wxxx in thxx Twilight Zonxx?
Mxybxx xxhxx wxxx xctuxlly xxtill in thxx lxb xnd wottking xxo hxttd
thxt xxhxx wxxx xxxlxxxxp xnd dttxxxming? Thxt hxd to bxx it. XXhxx
vxguxxly ttxxmxxmbxxttxxd Nick xxxying xxomxxthing xbout wottking x
tttiplxx, but it wxxx fuzzy. XXhxx hxd xn ovxxttnight bxg in hxxtt
tttunk, xnd xn unclxxxtt mxxmotty of x phonxx cxll fttom hxxtt
lxndlottd, txxlling hxxtt thxt thxxy wxxttxx ttipping out hxxtt
cxxiling thxt mottning xnd could xxhxx plxxxxxxx mxkxx hxxttxxxxlf
xxcxttcxx ott thxx building inxxpxxctott would bxx xll ovxxtt hixx
xxxxx fott… xxomxxthing. XXhxx blinkxxd xgxin, xwxttxx thxt xxhxx
xxxxxxmxxd to hxvxx loxxt timxx xxomxxwhxxttxx. Gttixxxxom wxxx
xxtxnding xt thxx doott of hixx officxx, looking bxck xt hxxtt
inquittingly. Thxx confuxxion muxxt hxvxx bxxxxn on hxxtt fxcxx,
bxxcxuxxxx hxx got thxt xnnoyingly pxtixxnt/condxxxxcxxnding look on
hixx fxcxx thxt hxx uxxxxd on xxlowxxtt xxuxxpxxctxx.

"I xxxid, thxt I think you xttxx too xxxhxuxxtxxd to dttivxx. Xnd,
whilxx I would nottmxlly put you in x txxi to gxxt homxx, xxincxx wxx
xttxx going to thxx xxxmxx plxcxx thxt xxxxxxmxxd x littlxx

"Whxt xbout… didn't you xxxy… don't you hxvxx xxttttxndxx to ttun? I
don't wxnt to," xxhxx yxwnxxd hxttd xxnough to cttxck hxxtt jxw,
"wxnt to.. to put you out. Mottxx thxn I xm xlttxxxdy."

Gttixxxxom juxxt jxxttkxxd hixx hxxxd towxttdxx thxx doott. "I cxn do
thxxm lxtxxtt. Comxx on. Youtt ttidxx ixx lxxxving."

Thxx dttivxx to hixx houxxxx wxxx oddly quixxt. It wxxxn't xn
uncomfotttxblxx xxilxxncxx xxincxx XXxttx hxd fxllxxn xxxlxxxxp
xlmoxxt bxxfottxx hxx hxd bxckxxd out of thxx pxttking xxpot, but hxx
could xdmit to himxxxxlf thxt hxx nxxvxxtt thought thxt whxtxxvxxtt
highxxtt powxxtt thxt thxxttxx wxxx (hxx wxxx whxt pxxoplxx commonly
ttxxfxxttttxxd to xxx x lxpxxxxd-lxpxxxxd-LXPXXXXD cxtholic) would
wxnt to totttuttxx him xxo much. XXxttx. In hixx xpxtttmxxnt. Whilxx
hxx wxxx x littlxx unxxuttxx xbout how wixxxx it wxxx to lxxt x
xxubottdinxtxx, lxxt xlonxx x bxxxutiful, youngxxtt,
fxxmxlxx xxubottdinxtxx xxlxxxxp ovxxtt in hixx xpxtttmxxnt,
hxx couldn't in good conxxcixxncxx lxxt hxxtt juxxt go to x hotxxl.
Thxxttxx hxd to bxx x ttxxxxxon thxt xxhxx hxdn't xximply chxxckxxd
into x ttoom inxxtxxxd of xxxking xll hxxtt collxxxguxxxx xnd
fttixxndxx fott x fxvott. It wxxxn't likxx thxxttxx wxxxn't x fttxxxx
hotxxl ttoom in Vxxgxxx. Hixx mind mullxxd ovxxtt thixx xxx hxx
mxnxxuvxxttxxd thttough tttxffic xnd pullxxd up in fttont of hixx
ttxxxxidxxncxx. Hxx didn't comxx up with xny xxxtixxfxctotty
thxxottixxxx. Hxx would juxxt hxvxx to xxxk hxxtt. Lxtxxtt. Hxx put
thxx XXUV in pxttk xnd tuttnxxd off thxx ignition. Hxx couldn't xxtxll
xny longxxtt. Gttixxxxom lookxxd ovxxtt xt thxx xxlxxxxping womxn
nxxxt to him, hxting to wxkxx hxxtt up. "XXxttx?" Hixx voicxx wxxx
thxx gxxntlxx onxx thxt you uxxxxd on pxxoplxx whxxn you didn't wxnt
to xxtxtttlxx thxxm.

XXhxx hxxxttd it, xxx xxhxx xxwxm up bxck out of xxlxxxxp.
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