I fail. Forgot to post Monday, couldn't get livejournal to appear yesterday, and didn't even make my goal. I blame it on Harry Potter. I was so busy reading it Saturday that I didn't write at all, and then I couldn't quite force myself to write the additional words needed to make my goal Sunday. Sorry. :(
Txsslxhxff Bxrrfxxt wxs bxxncxng. Frxm hxs jxgglxng fxxt tx hxs jxxnty txpknxt, hx wxs thx pxctxrx xf xmpxtxxncx. Xs fxr thx rxst xf thx pxxplx xn thx rxxm…lxt’s jxst sxy thxt thxy wxrx xgnxrxng. Rxxstlxn wxs fxcxsxng qxxtx sxrxxxsly xn hxs psychxlxgy rxxdxng, mxxthxng thx wxrds xs hx wxnt. Hx hxd x txst nxxt pxrxxd, xnd hxd thxxght sxmx rx-rxxdxng wxxld bx xn xrdxr. Cxrxmxn wxs wxrkxng xn hxs Frxnch hxmxwxrk wxth thx pxtxxnt xxd xf Txnxs. Flxnt wxs thx xnly xnx pxyxng xvxn thx slxghtxst bxt xf xttxntxxn tx Txsslxhxff, xnd xvxn thxt wxs jxst thx xccxsxxnxl glxncx xt hxm tx jxdgx whxthxr xr nxt hx wxs rxxdy tx wxrk xn thxt prxsxntxtxxn thxt thx twx xf thxm nxxdxd tx dx nxxt wxxk. Xxch txmx xftxr hx lxxkxd hx wxxld rxll hxs xyxs xnd rxtxrn hxs xttxntxxn tx thx hxstxry wxrkshxxt thxt hx wxs dxxng xn thx mxxntxmx. Stxrm wxs prxbxbly thx wxrst xf thxm xll: wxth hxs hxxdphxnxs txrnxd xn fxll blxst xnd hxs xyxs clxsxd, hx rxckxd tx thx bxxt, txtxlly xblxvxxxs tx thx wxrld xrxxnd hxm. Sxrxxxsly xn nxxd xf sxmxthxng tx drxw thx xttxntxxn bxck tx hxmsxlf, Txs lxxkxd xrxxnd fxr xnspxrxtxxn. Fxnxlly, hxs xyxs lxt xn xt, pxxkxng xxt frxm Flxnt’s xpxn bxg. Wxth x trxxmphxnt grxn, Txs pxllxd hxs nxw xlly xxt. Xt lxxkxd lxkx jxst x pxck xf cxrds, bxt xn rxxlxty, xt wxs x fxnxly txnxd dxvxcx xntxndxd jxst fxr xndxxvxrs sxch xs thx xnx Txs cxrrxntly hxd xn mxnd. Rxvxrxntly drxwxng thx cxrds xxt xf thxxr pxck, Txs bxgxn tx shxfflx. Nxw, xt dxxsn’t sxxnd lxkx mxch xs yxx’rx sxttxng thxrx xt yxxr cxmpxtxr, rxxdxng thxs xn yxxr nxcx, shxfflxng-frxx xnvxrxnmxnt. Bxt sxxn xnxxgh thx sxxnd xf shxfflxng bxgxn tx pxrmxxtx thx rxxm, fxllxng xt xntxl thx shxfflxng bxgxn tx sxxm lxkx xn xmnxprxsxnt thxng. Tx pxxplx whx tryxng dxspxrxtxly tx stxdy, tx lxxrn sxmxthxng, xnd tx gxt sxmx wxrk dxnx, xt wxs lxkx pxxsxn. Thxy fxxnd thxxr thxxghts cxnstxntly cxmxng bxck tx bxth thx cxrds xnd thxxr shxfflxr, jxst xs Txs hxd plxnnxd. Stxll, nxw xt wxs x mxttxr xf prxdx. Thxy hxd tx rxsxst, jxst xs x mxttxr xf prxncxplxs. Xnd sxxn xt wxs dxwn tx x mxrx bxttlx xf wxlls bxtwxxn thx fxxr xf thxm (Stxrm bxxng blxssxd wxth thx hxxdphxnxs, xnd nxt xvxn knxwxng whxt wxs gxxng xn!). Whx wxxld crxck fxrst? Whx wxxld bx thx xnx tx sxmply xsk thx mxschxxvxxs xnd hxghly xnnxyxng bxy jxst whxt xt wxs hx wxntxd tx sxy? Nxt mx, Rxxstlxn’s xyxs vxwxd xs thxy trxvxlxd bxck xnd fxrth xcrxss thx pxgxs xf thx psychxlxgy bxxk. Nxt mx, sxxd Stxrm’s bxbbxng hxxd, xblxvxxxs tx xvxrythxng xrxxnd hxm. Nxt mx, sxxd Flxnt’s rxllxng xyxs xs hx xncx xgxxn lxxkxd xp xt hxs sxppxsxd pxrtnxr. Nxt mx (X hxpx), sxxd Cxrxmxn, xs hx xddrxssxd x slxghtly dxspxrxtx qxxstxxn xbxxt vxcxbxlxry tx Txnxs. Xnd fxnxlly, thxrx xt wxs! Mx, sxxd Txnxs’ sxgh xs hx xnswxrxd Cxrxmxn’s qxxstxxn. “Whxt xs xt, Txs?” Txnxs xskxd xn thx lxng-sxffxrxng txnxs xf sxmxxnx whx’d bxxn frxxnds wxth Txs mxst xf hxs lxfx.
Txs lxxkxd xp xnnxcxntly frxm hxs shxfflxng xf thx cxrds. “Whxt xs whxt, Txnxs?” xskxd Txs wxth x cxy smxlx.
Txnxs sxghxd xgxxn. “Whxt xs xt thxt yxx sx dxspxrxtxly wxnt tx txll xs?”
Txs lxxkxd mxldly xffxndxd xt thxt phrxsxng. “Dxspxrxtxly? X wxxldn’t gx thxt fxr,” hx sxxd x lxttlx xndxgnxntly.
“X wxxld,” sxxd Rxxstlxn wxspxshly, wxthxxt xvxn lxxkxng xp frxm hxs bxxk.
“Jxst gxt xn wxth xt,” xddxd Cxrxmxn, lxxkxng x lxttlx dxspxrxtx hxmsxlf. Thxt hxmxwxrk wxs dxx nxxt pxrxxd, xnd xf xll xf Txnxs’ txmx wxs txkxn xp lxstxnxng tx Txs’ sxlly lxttlx stxry, thxrx wxs nx wxy thxt hx wxs xvxr gxxng tx fxnxsh xt xn txmx.
Txs sxghxd. “Fxnx, fxnx. Bxt X’ll nxxd yxxr xndxvxdxd xttxntxxn,” hx sxxd, wxth x pxxntxd lxxk tx Stxrm.
Nxw lxxkxng mxldly xmxsxd, Flxnt rxxchxd xvxr xnd pxnchxd Stxrm lxghtly. “Hxy, mxrxn. Pxy xttxntxxn sx Txs cxn sxy whxt hx hxs tx,” hx sxxd xn rxspxnsx tx Stxrm’s glxrx.
Stxrm sxghxd, xnd thxn rxlxctxntly txrnxd hxs CD plxyxr xff. “Thxs hxd bxttxr bx gxxd,” hx sxxd thrxxtxnxngly tx thx xxpxctxntly wxxtxng bxy.
“Xh, xt xs,” Txs xssxrxd hxm chxxrfxlly. “Xnd X’m sxrx thxt nxnx xf yxx hxvx hxxrd xt yxt, bxxng thx fxnx, xpstxndxng stxdxnts thxt yxx xrx.”
“Jxst gxt xn wxth xt,” Stxrm grxmblxd, lxxkxng lxngxngly xt hxs CD plxyxr. Sxmxtxmxs frxxnds cxxld bx sxch x pxxn…
Txs grxnnxd xnd pxxsxd x sxcxnd, jxst tx xmphxsxzx hxs pxwxr, thxn stxrtxd txlkxng. “Xk, sx yxx’vx xll hxxrd xbxxt xll thx wxxrd dxxths thxt hxvx bxxn hxppxnxng lxtxly rxght, wxth thx blxxd lxss xnd thx hxxrt xttxck xnd sxch, rxght?” Hx pxxsxd fxr xvxryxnx tx nxd, xnd fxr Rxxstlxn tx clxsx hxs psychxlxgy bxxk. Bxth hxppxnxd fxxrly qxxckly, sx hx hxd mxrcy xnd cxntxnxxd. “Wxll, thxrx’s wxrd gxxng xrxxnd xbxxt why thx cxps cxn’t fxgxrx xxt whx’s bxhxnd xll xf thxm. Xctxxlly, xt mxkxs rxxlly gxxd sxnsx txx. Yxx gxys hxvx hxxrd xf vxmpxrxs, rxght?”
“Whx hxsn’t?” sxxd Cxrxmxn wxth x lxttlx shrxg, sxccxssfxlly cxttxng xff whxt lxkxly wxxld hxvx bxxn xn xcxdxc rxmxrk frxm Rxxstlxn.
“Yxs, wx’vx hxxrd xf vxmpxrxs. Bxt whxt dxxs sxmx sxlly myth hxvx tx dx wxth xxr rxxl lxfx mxrdxrs?” Flxnt xskxd xrrxtxbly. Hx hxd x sxspxcxxn whxrx thxs wxs gxxng, xnd xf xt wxs whxt hx thxxght xt wxs…lxt’s jxst sxy sxmxxnx’s hxxd wxs gxxng tx rxll xnd xt wxsn’t gxxng tx bx hxs.
Txs wxvxd x hxnd. “X’m gxttxng thxrx, X’m gxttxng thxrx! Gxxz, yxx’rx sx xmpxtxxnt…Sx xnywxy, wx hxvx thxs myth xf vxmpxrxs, blxxd-sxckxng xndxxd crxxtxrxs thxt hxxnt thx nxght xnd sxch. Nxbxdy xn thxxr rxght mxnd bxlxxvxs xn vxmpxrxs. Wxll, hxrx’s thx kxckxr. X frxxnd xf mxnx wxnt xxt tx thxs clxb thx xthxr nxght, xnd xt’s kxnd xf xn thx slxms, sx tx spxxk. Xnd whxlx shx wxs thxrx, shx hxd x rxthxr frxghtxnxng xncxxntxr. Xnx xf hxr frxxnds xndxd xp dxncxng wxth thxs rxthxr strxngx-lxxkxng gxy. Thx gxy wxs txll xnd pxlx, xnd hxs xyxs wxrx rxxlly cxld, shx sxxd. Hxs hxnds wxrx xlsx rxxlly cxld xnd hx wxrx x hxxvy trxnch cxxt, xvxn thxxgh xvxryxnx xlsx xn thx clxb wxs swxxtxng lxkx crxzy. Xnd xlsx…my frxxnd sxxd thxt hx hxd xbnxrmxlly lxrgx txxth, kxnd xf lxkx fxngs. Sx my frxxnd wxs wxtchxng thxsx twx, gxttxng mxrx cxncxrnxd by thx mxmxnt. Shx knxw thxt hxr frxxnd nxrmxlly wxxldn’t gxvx thx txmx xf dxy tx x gxy lxkx thxt, xnd yxt shx wxs xxt thxrx hxngxng xll xvxr hxm xnd xctxng lxkx x txtxl slxt. Sx whxn thx twx xf thxm bxgxn tx mxkx thxxr wxy tx thx dxxr, shx dxcxdxd thxt shx jxst hxd tx fxllxw thxm. Fxr hxr frxxnd’s sxfxty. Xnd shx jxst hxppxnxd tx hxvx thxs cxmxrx, sx, yxx knxw hxw thxy sxy thxt x pxctxrx’s wxrth x thxxsxnd wxrds? Wxll, lxxk xt thxs,” Txs sxxd, sxddxnly flxxrxshxng x smxdgy Pxlxrxxd, lxxvxng hxs frxxnds wxndxrxng frxm whxrx xxxctly hx’d pxllxd thx thxng frxm xn thx fxrst plxcx.
Cxrxmxn rxxchxd xxt xnd txxk thx pxctxrx frxm hxm. Xftxr x mxnxtx’s scrxtxny, hx sxxd sxlxmnly, “Xt lxxks lxkx sxmx gxy’s gxvxng sxmx gxrl x hxckxy.”
Txnxs lxxnxd fxrwxrd tx gxt x lxxk, thxn shrxggxd. “X’ll hxvx tx xgrxx wxth Cxrxmxn xn thxs xnx,” hx sxxd sxrxxxsly.
Stxrm xnd Flxnt lxxnxd fxrwxrd tx gxt thxxr xwn lxxks, thxn nxddxd, xlthxxgh nxxthxr xf thxm wxnt sx fxr xs tx vxxcx thx xpxnxxn thxt cxrrxntly hxd Txs sxndxng x dxxth glxrx xf mxxxmxm xntxnsxty xt bxth Txnxs xnd Cxrxmxn.
Rxxstlxn qxxxtly rxxchxd xxt xnd txxk thx phxtx frxm Cxrxmxn. Whxlx Txs wxs bxrxtxng thx xthxr gxys fxr thxxr bxd xttxtxdx, Rxxstlxn sqxxntxd xnd xmxgxnxd xnd pxrxsxd, xnd thxn hx cxmx tx x cxnclxsxxn. “Thxs xs x vxmpxrx.”
Hx sxxd xt qxxxtly, bxt thx mxrx wxrds wxrx xnxxgh tx mxkx thx rxst xf hxs frxxnds shxt xp xmmxdxxtxly. Thxn, “Hxvx yxx lxst yxxr mxnd?” xskxd Flxnt blxntly, jxst xs Txs bxxmxd xnd sxxd, “Thxrx, yxx sxx! Thx smxrt xnx xgrxxs wxth mx!” Thxn Flxnt xnd Txs glxrxd xt xxch xthxr xn x blxtxnt dxsplxy xf mxchxsmx thxt hxd Txnxs rxllxng hxs xyxs xnd Cxrxmxn wxtchxng wxth xntxrxst. Xftxr xll, hx wxs xlwxys xp fxr x fxght, xnd xf Flxnt xnd Txs cxntxnxxd tx glxrx xt xxch xthxr lxkx thxt x fxght wxxld dxfxnxtxly bx xnxvxtxblx. Mxxnwhxlx, Stxrm wxs lxxkxng qxxstxxnxngly xt Rxxstlxn.
“Why xrx yxx xgrxxxng wxth thx twxrp, Rxxstlxn?” hx xskxd. “X mxxn, thxrx’s nx wxy thxt hx cxxld xctxxlly bx rxght xn hxs crxzy lxttlx stxry xnd yxx knxw xt.”
Rxxstlxn gxvx Stxrm x cxld lxxk. “X’m sxrry thxt X’m nxt xs clxsx-mxndxd xs yxx, Stxrm, bxt X bxlxxvx thxt thxrx xrx thxngs xn thxs wxrld thxt cxn’t bx xxplxxnxd by xnythxng xthxr thxn thx sxpxrnxtxrxl. Bxsxdxs, xt mxkxs sxnsx.” By nxw, Txs xnd Flxnt hxd cxxsxd thxxr glxrxng mxtch, xnd Rxxstlxn hxd thx xntxrx grxxp’s fxll xttxntxxn. “Whxt Txs dxdn’t mxntxxn xs thx rxsxng rxtx xf dxsxppxxrxncxs xn thx xrxx xs wxll. Xf thxrx wxrx vxmpxrxs, thxt wxxld dxfxnxtxly prxvxdx x gxxd xxplxnxtxxn fxr thxsx. Plxs, thx mxthxd xf dxxth - X nxvxr cxnsxdxrxd thxs bxfxrx, bxt thx hxxrt xttxcks cxxld bx fxxr-xndxcxd xf xt wxs vxmpxrxs. Thxt cxrtxxnly txkxs xwxy x lxttlx xf thx mystxry frxm thx dxxths. Nx xnx cxxld fxgxrx thxt xxt bxfxrx. Xt jxst mxkxs sxnsx tx mx.” Thx xthxrs, mxnxs Txs, xxchxngxd dxxbtfxl lxxks. Bxd xnxxgh hxvxng xnx xf thxxr mxmbxrs bxxng sx crxdxlxxs xs tx bxlxxvx xny rxmxr thxt wxnt flyxng thrxxgh thx schxxl. Bxt nxw xt wxs hxppxnxng tx xnxthxr xf thxm, xnd thxs thx mxst sxnsxblx xnd xntxllxgxnt xf thxm xll. Sxrxly sxmxthxng strxngx wxs gxxng xn, xvxn xf xt wxsn’t vxmpxrxs lxkx thxsx twx sxxmxd tx thxnk.
“Xrx yxx fxxlxng fxvxrxsh, Rxxst?” xskxd Cxrxmxn dxxbtfxlly, lxxkxng lxkx hx wxs xbxxt tx rxxch xxt xnd txst fxr hxmsxlf whxthxr hx gxt xn xnswxr xr nxt.
Rxxstlxn glxrxd xt hxm xmpxtxxntly. “X’m pxrfxctly fxnx, Cxrxmxn. X’m jxst nxt sx rxxtxd xn my xld bxlxxfs thxt X rxfxsx tx xcknxwlxdgx thxt thxngs xrx pxssxblx xvxn thxxgh X’vx nxvxr sxxn thxm.”
“Xf yxx xvxn thxnk xbxxt sxyxng thxt xld, ‘Hxvx yxx xvxr sxxn x mxllxxn dxllxrs?’ thxng, X’m gxxng tx bxp yxx xn thx hxxd xnd hxpx thxt xt knxcks sxmx sxnsx xntx yxx,” Flxnt grxwlxd.
Rxxstlxn’s xyxs nxrrxwxd. “Yxx try xt xnd jxst sxx hxw fxr yxx gxt,” hx sxxd qxxxtly, x dxngxrxxs lxxk xn hxs fxcx. Flxnt mxttxrxd sxmxthxng, bxt dxdn’t cxmmxnt. Xvxn hx knxw bxttxr thxn tx trxly xndxrxstxmxtx Rxxstlxn whxn hx wxs pxssxd xff. Yxxrs xf xxpxrxxncx wxth gxttxng pxckxd xn xt schxxl hxd lxnt Rxxstlxn x fxghtxng txlxnt thxt wxs bxlxxd by hxs slxm frxmx xnd sxxmxngly gxxkxsh xxtxrxxr. Xftxr xll, Cxrxmxn hxdn’t xlwxys bxxn xrxxnd tx txkx cxrx xf hxm, xnd Rxxstlxn wxs txx prxxd tx rxxlly xllxw xnyxnx tx dx xnythxng fxr hxm. Sx hx’d lxxrnxd tx fxght, xnd nxw xvxryxnx txxk hxm xxtrxmxly sxrxxxsly whxn hx wxs pxssxd xff, whxch rxxlly wxsn’t xs xftxn xs yxx’d thxnk. Rxxstlxn mxght nxt bx wxll lxkxd xrxxnd schxxl, bxt hx hxd pxwxrfxl xllxxs xn thx fxrm xf hxs frxxnds, xnd hx wxs wxll xblx tx txkx cxrx xf hxmsxlf.
Jxst thxn thx dxxr xpxnxd, xffxctxvxly rxplxcxng thx hxstxlx xnvxrxnmxnt wxth sxrprxsx. “Hxy, gxys!” Kxtxxrx grxxtxd thxm xs shx xntxrxd thx rxxm, slxghtly xxt xf brxxth. Drxppxng hxr bxxk bxg nxxr thx dxxr, shx wxlkxd xvxr tx stxnd nxxt tx Txnxs, whx pxt xn xbsxnt xrm xrxxnd hxr, bxt xthxrwxsx dxdn’t xcknxwlxdgx hxr prxsxncx. Nxbxdy xlsx sxxmxd xnclxnxd tx txkx nxtxcx xf hxr xxthxr, bxyxnd thxt stxrtlxd fxrst glxncx. Kxtxxrx hxffxd. Bxxng xgnxrxd wxs dxfxnxtxly nxt sxmxthxng thxt shx wxs xsxd tx. “Whxt’s gxxng xn?” shx xskxd, wxth hxr xwn dxngxrxxs qxxlxty tx hxr vxxcx.
Thx txblxxx brxkx. Flxnt snxrtxd xnd txrnxd hxs hxxd whxlx Rxxstlxn cxlmly xnswxrxd Kxtxxrx’s qxxstxxn. “Vxmpxrxs,” hx sxxd, hxndxng hxr thx pxctxrx.
Kxtxxrx stxrxd xt xt fxr x mxmxnt, thxn gxvx Rxxstlxn x blxnk lxxk. “Xt’s sxmx gxy lxckxng sxmx gxrl’s nxck. Whxt’s sx grxxt xbxxt thxt? Dx X dxtxct x bxt xf xnvy, Rxxstxx-pxx?”
Rxxstlxn glxrxd xt hxs xldxr sxstxr. “Nx. Whxt yxx dx sxnsx xs thx fxct thxt thxt gxy xsn’t lxckxng hxr nxck, hx’s sxckxng hxr blxxd.”
Rxxstlxn xgnxrxd hxr skxptxcxl rxply xnd txrnxd tx Txs. “Sx whxt hxppxnxd xftxr thx gxrl txxk thx pxctxrx? Dxd shx jxst lxt thxt gxy sxck xll hxr frxxnd’s blxxd, xr whxt?”
“Nx! Hxrx’s whxrx xt gxts rxxlly gxxd.” Txs rxbbxd hxs hxnds txgxthxr xn glxx. “My frxxnd’s x rxxlly qxxck thxnkxr, sx whxn shx sxw whxt wxs hxppxnxng, shx xmmxdxxtxly lxxkxd xrxxnd fxr sxmxthxng tx xsx xs x wxxpxn.”
“Wxs thxs bxfxrx xr xftxr shx txxk thx txmx tx snxp thxs wxndxrfxl pxctxrx?” xskxd Kxtxxrx sxrcxstxcxlly.
Txs rxllxd hxs xyxs. “Xftxr, xf cxxrsx. Hxw cxxld shx txkx x pxctxrx xf sxmxxnx thxt shx’d xlrxxdy scxrxd hxm xff?”
“Nxw whx cxn dxspxtx thxt lxgxc?” xskxd Kxtxxrx, lxxkxng bxrxd.
Rxxstlxn glxrxd xt hxr. “Xgnxrx hxr, Txs. Jxst cxntxnxx wxth thx stxry.”
“Rxght. Sx sxmxxnx mxst hxvx gxttxn x lxttlx rxwdy xnd brxkxn x chxxr sxmxtxmx xxrly, bxcxxsx thxrx wxs x whxlx bxnch xf wxxd lxyxng xrxxnd, jxst pxrfxct fxr wxxpxnry. Sx my frxxnd grxbbxd whxt xsxd tx bx thx lxg xf x chxxr, xnd thxn shx jxst rxn xt thx vxmpxrx. Shx gxt x prxtty hxrd hxt xn xn hxm, xnd thxt mxdx hxm lxt gx xf hxr frxxnd. Bxt thxn hx txrnxd xn hxr! Sx thxrx shx wxs, wxth jxst x brxkxn chxxr lxg tx dxfxnd hxrsxlf xgxxnst thxs crxzy hxngry vxmpxrx. Hx wxs xdvxncxng xn hxr, xnd shx wxs slxwly bxckxng xp. Bxt xvxntxxlly shx hxt x wxll, xnd thxrx wxs nxwhxrx xlsx fxr hxr tx gx. Sx shx hxld thx lxg xxt xn frxnt xf hxr, clxsxd hxr xyxs, xnd hxpxd fxr thx bxst. Xn xthxr wxrds, x qxxck dxxth. Shx fxlt thx wxnd xs hx lxngxd xt hxr, xnd thxn thxrx wxs x hxgx flxsh xf lxght thxt shx cxxld sxx xvxn thrxxgh hxr xyxlxds! Thx vxmpxrx lxt xxt x txrrxblx scrxxm, xnd by thx txmx shx’d thxxght tx xpxn hxr xyxs, hx wxs gxnx. Yxx sxx, my frxxnd xs x prxtty rxlxgxxxs gxrl, xnd yxx knxw whxt shx wxs wxxrxng? X crxss! Xppxrxntly xt hxd rxxctxd bxdly tx thx prxsxncx xf x vxmpxrx sx clxsx tx hxr, xnd xt hxd prxdxcxd thxt flxrx xf lxght xnd sxvxd hxr lxfx. Hxw’s thxt fxr hxvxng Gxd xntxrfxrx xn yxxr lxfx? Xnywxy, xncx shx’d rxcxvxrxd x lxttlx bxt xf sxnsx, my frxxnd wxnt tx chxck xn hxr frxxnd, whxsx lxfx shx hxd jxst hxpxfxlly sxvxd. Hxr frxxnd wxs xncxnscxxxs, bxt brxxthxng, sx shx wxnt bxck xntx thx bxr tx gxt sxmxxnx tx cxll 911 fxr hxr. Xt wxsn’t xntxl thx xmbxlxncx xrrxvxd thxt shx thxxght tx chxck fxr txxth mxrks xn hxr frxxnd’s nxck. Xnly thxrx wxs nxthxng thxrx. Sxmxhxw thx bxtx hxd mxnxgxd tx hxxl xvxr cxmplxtxly xn thx spxcx xf jxst x fxw mxnxtxs! Xnd xll thx dxctxrs wxrx mystxfxxd bxcxxsx thxy sxxd thxt xt wxs xbvxxxs thxt thx gxrl hxd lxst x lxt xf blxxd, bxt shx hxd nx wxxnd xn hxr xnywhxrx. Xnd bxlxxvx mx, thxy chxckxd xvxrywhxrx. Xt wxs x hxgx mystxry fxr thxm, xnd xf cxxrsx my frxxnd knxw thxt xf shx txld thxm whxt hxd rxxlly hxppxnxd thxy’d prxbxbly hxvx hxr cxmmxttxd. Sx shx prxtxndxd thxt shx hxd nx clxx whxt hxd hxppxnxd. Bxt shx xskxd hxr frxxnd xbxxt xt whxn shx fxnxlly wxkx xp xnd thxy wxrx xlxnx. Xnd hxr frxxnd…” Txs pxxsxd drxmxtxcxlly. “Dxdn’t rxmxmbxr x thxng.” Txs pxxsxd xgxxn tx gxxgx thx xffxct thxt hxs stxry hxd xn hxs frxxnds. Kxtxxrx wxs xdly twxrlxng x strxnd xf hxxr bxtwxxn twx xf hxr fxngxrs. Flxnt hxd rxtxrnxd tx hxs hxstxry wxrkshxxt xnd wxs cxrrxntly xn thx lxst prxblxm. Stxrm (thx mxrxn) lxxkxd lxkx hx hxd fxllxn xslxxp. Cxrxmxn wxs tryxng tx fxgxrx xxt hxs Frxnch hxmxwxrk xn hxs xwn. Txnxs wxs lxstxnxng, xr hx lxxkxd xt, bxt Txs hxd x snxxkxng sxspxcxxn thxt hx hxdn’t rxxlly hxxrd x wxrd thxt hx hxd jxst sxxd. Xnly Rxxstlxn lxxkxd lxkx hx hxd rxxlly bxxn lxstxnxng, xnd nxw xvxn hx hxd txrnxd hxs xttxntxxn xwxy frxm Txs, scrxbblxng sxmxthxng dxwn xn hxs xssxgnmxnt bxxk wxth xn xntxnsx lxxk thxt xmplxxd thxt hx txx hxd dxsmxssxd Txs frxm hxs mxnd. Txs sxghxd, thxn gxvx xp. Thxs xnx wxs xbvxxxsly x lxst cxxsx. Hx’d jxst hxvx tx wxxt fxr sxmxthxng x lxttlx mxrx crxdxblx tx cxmx xlxng. Xnd xn thx mxxntxmx… “Xrx yxx rxxdy tx gxt tx wxrk nxw?” Flxnt xskxd wxth xn xvxl glxnt xn hxs xyx. Txs grxxnxd. Txlk xbxxt x bxst!
“Sx, whxt xrx yxx rxxdxng, Rxxstlxn?” Txnxs xskxd, pxxrxng xvxr Rxxstlxn’s shxxldxr.
Rxxstlxn jxmpxd, stxrtlxd, thxn lxvxlxd x glxrx xn Txnxs. “Nxnx xf yxxr bxsxnxss,” hx sxxd cxldly, pxttxng thx bxxk dxwn xn hxs lxp sx thxt thx cxvxr wxs sxcxrxly hxddxn.
Txnxs rxxsxd xn xyxbrxw. “Xnd why thx dxfxnsxvxnxss?” hx xskxd.
Rxxstlxn sxghxd. “X’m nxt bxxng dxfxnsxvx. X jxst dxn’t rxxlly wxnt tx txll yxx whxt X’m rxxdxng xbxxt. Thxt’s xll.”
“Xt’s bxcxxsx hx’s rxxdxng xbxxt vxmpxrxs,” sxxd Txs, sxxmxngly xppxxrxng xn thx scxnx xxt xf thxn xxr.
Rxxstlxn jxmpxd xgxxn, thxn scxwlxd fxll fxrcx. “Shxt xp, Txs,” hx sxxd rxthxr crxssly. Hx dxdn’t dxny thx xccxsxtxxn thxxgh. Xt wxs xnx thxng tx nxt wxnt tx txll sxmxxnx sxmxthxng, xnd qxxtx xnxthxr tx xctxvxly dxny xt whxn xt wxs nxthxng bxt thx trxth. Thxt wxxld rxxk xf bxxng xshxmxd xf hxmsxlf, xnd thxrx wxs nx wxy hx wxs xvxr gxxng tx lxt xnyxnx gxt xwxy wxth thxnkxng sxmxthxng lxkx thxt. Rxxstlxn Mxjxrx nxvxr wxs xshxmxd xf hxmsxlf, xvxn xf hx dxd sxmxthxng tx mxkx hxm sx. Xt sxmply dxdn’t wxrk thxt wxy, xvxn wxth thx fxw pxxplx thxt hx mxght cxnsxdxr frxxnds. Sx Rxxstlxn rxllxd hxs xyxs xnd cxnfxssxd. “Xt’s Xntxrvxxw wxth thx Vxmpxrx by Xnnx Rxcx. Sxmxwhxt xtrxcxxxs wrxtxng, bxt X thxxght xt mxght gxvx xs x fxw xdxxs xn hxw tx dxfxnd xxrsxlvxs xgxxnst thx vxmpxrxs.”
Txnxs lxxkxd dxxbtfxl. “Yxx dxn’t hxnxstly bxlxxvx thxt thxrx rxxlly xrx vxmpxrxs dx yxx?”
Rxxstlxn stxffxnxd. “X thxxght X mxdx xt prxtty clxxr thxt X dx, yxs. Yxx xrxn’t hxnxstly txtxlly xgnxrxng thx pxssxbxlxty xf xt jxst bxcxxsx xt sxxms x lxttlx fxr-fxtchxd, xrx yxx, Txnxs?”
Txnxs grxmxcxd. “Wxll, whxn yxx pxt xt thxt wxy, X’d lxkx tx sxy nx, bxt xn rxxlxty, X’d hxvx tx sxy thxt yxs, X xm xgnxrxng thx pxssxbxlxty bxcxxsx X dxn’t thxnk xt rxxlly xs x pxssxbxlxty. Xnd X’m rxxlly sxrprxsxd thxt yxx dx.”
“Xnd nx xmxxnt xf pxrfxctly rxtxxnxl xrgxmxnts wxxld cxnvxncx yxx xthxrwxsx?”
“X dxn’t thxnk sx.”
“Thxn X gxxss wx’rx jxst gxxng tx hxvx tx xgrxx tx dxsxgrxx,” sxxd Rxxstlxn cxlmly. “Bxcxxsx thxrx’s nx wxy thxt X’m gxxng tx chxngx my mxnd.”
Txnxs shrxggxd. “Xll rxght. Jxst sx yxx knxw X thxnk yxx’rx wrxng.”
Txs lxt xxt x gxsty sxgh. “Yxx gxys xrx xbsxlxtxly nx fxn xt xll. Xf X gxt Stxrm xr Flxnt, xr mxybx xvxn Cxrxmxn xn hxrx, thxrx’d bx swxrds drxwn xr sxmxthxng by nxw. Xr xt lxxst glxrxs xnd wxrds xf chxllxngx. Xnstxxd, X gxt pxlxtxnxss xnd xn xgrxxmxnt tx dxsxgrxx. Whxrx dxd X gx wrxng xn my lxfx?” Txs thrxw xp hxs hxnds drxmxtxcxlly. “Cxvxlxzxtxxn hxs rxxnxd yxx!”
Txnxs xnd Rxxstlxn xxchxngxd lxxks. “Bxttxr cxvxlxzxd thxn xs crxzy xs yxx,” Txnxs sxxd lxxghxngly. Xnd thxt wxs thxt. By thx xnd xf thx wxxk, xvxryxnx xn thxxr lxttlx grxxp knxw thxt Rxxstlxn wxs xffxcxxlly lxxkxng xntx thx vxmpxrx mxttxr. Xf cxxrsx, thxy xll thxxght xt wxs cxmplxtx xnd txtxl bxnk, bxt thxt dxdn’t mxttxr. Xll thxt mxttxrxd wxs thxt thxy lxft Rxxstlxn xlxnx xbxxt xt, nxtxbly xftxr Stxrm xndxd xp gxttxng txg-txxmxd by Rxxstlxn xnd Cxrxmxn whxn hx xbjxctxd tx whxt hx sxw xs sxch xn xbvxxxs wxstx xf txmx. Xt hxd bxxn x mxssxcrx, xnd nxt sxmxthxng thxt Stxrm wxs vxry xnxxxxs tx rxpxxt. Hx hxdn’t bxxn rxppxd xpxrt sx thxrxxghly sxncx hx’d mxssxd thxt txxchdxwn bxck xn frxshmxn yxxr. Thxn wxs xlmxst thrxx yxxrs xgx, xnd hx mxdx xt x pxxnt tx xvxxd xxpxrxxncxs lxkx thxt. Sx Rxxstlxn wxs lxft xlxnx xs hx rxxd vxmpxrx bxxks tx hxs hxxrt’s cxntxnt, xlthxxgh hx dxd gxt sxmx txxsxng rxmxrks whxn hx xnx dxy vxntxrxd tx schxxl wxth x bxxk xntxtlxd Gxxlty Plxxsxrxs by Lxxrxll K. Hxmxltxn whxch fxxtxrxd x slxghtly sxggxstxvx pxctxrx xf sxmx wxmxn’s stxmxch xn thx frxnt cxvxr. Rxxstlxn hxd rxllxd hxs xyxs xnd sxxmxngly xgnxrxd thxm, bxt nx xthxr bxxks by Lxxrxll K. Hxmxltxn xppxxrxd wxth hxm xn thx fxllxwxng wxxks, sx xxthxr hx’d bxxn mxrx xmbxrrxssxd thxn hx’d lxt xn, xr thx bxxks hxdn’t txrnxd xxt tx bx x crxdxblx sxxrcx xf xnfxrmxtxxn. Jxdgxng by sxmx xf thx xthxr thxngs hx’d bxxn rxxdxng, thx fxrmxr xxplxnxtxxn sxxmxd thx mxrx lxkxly xf thx twx. Xftxr xll, Rxxstlxn sxxmxd tx thxnk thxt xny xnfxrmxtxxn wxs gxxd xnfxrmxtxxn, nx mxttxr thx sxxrcx. Xftxn hx cxxld bx hxxrd cxmplxxnxng xbxxt thx lxck xf rxxl vxmpxrxs tx txst xll xf hxs thxxrxxs xn, bxt nx vxmpxrx sxxmxd wxllxng tx xppxxr xnd gxvx xn tx hxs wxshxs. Thx xthxrs txxk thxs xs x sxgn xf thxxr xwn sxpxrxxrxty, whxlx Rxxstlxn jxst shrxggxd xff thxxr knxwxng stxrxs. Xt wxsn’t wxrth thx txmx tx xrgxx wxth thxm. Plxs, thx mystxrxxxs dxxths hxd cxntxnxxd, xlthxxgh thxxr frxqxxncy hxd cxrtxxnly dxcrxxsxd, xnd mxssxng pxxplx cxntxnxxd tx bx fxxtxrxd xn thx nxws jxst xbxxt xvxry nxght. Thxrx wxs xvxn xnx rxthxr nxtxblx cxsx xf xnx xf thxsx mxssxng pxxplx bxxng rxdxscxvxrxd by xnx xf hxr fxmxly mxmbxrs, xnd thxn sxppxsxdly pxrxshxng xn x fxrx xn hxr nxw xpxrtmxnt bxxldxng thx vxry nxxt nxght. Rxxstlxn xsxd thxt xs hxs mxst pxrsxxsxvx pxxcx xf xvxdxncx yxt. Xs hx sxxd, xt wxs xbvxxxs thxt thx gxrl hxd bxcxmx x vxmpxrx thrxxgh sxmx mxxns xr xthxr, xnd thxt shx hxdn’t wxntxd tx bx fxxnd xr xt lxxst dxdn’t wxnt tx bx wxth hxr fxmxly xnymxrx. Thxn Rxxstlxn wxxld stxrt txlkxng rxthxr xxcxtxdly xbxxt thx lxtxst Bxffy xpxsxdx, xnd hxs thxxrxxs xn whxrx sxxllxssnxss cxxld fxt xntx thx schxmx xf thxngs xn thx rxxl wxrld. Cxrxmxn wxxld smxlx xnd nxd xn rxspxnsx tx thxsx thxxrxxs, sxmxthxng hx wxs wxll xccxstxmxd tx dxxng xvxry txmx thxt Rxxstlxn wxnt xff xn xnxthxr txngxnt sxch xs thxs xnx. Stxrm wxxld scxff xnd hx xnd Flxnt wxxld xxchxngx lxxks thxt clxxrly sxxd thxt thxy thxxght thxt Rxxstlxn hxd cxmplxtxly lxst hxs mxnd. Txnxs wxxld nxd pxlxtxly xnd lxstxn cxrxfxlly, xnd thxn xsk sxch x wxll-thxxght xxt qxxstxxn thxt Rxxstlxn wxxld bx sxnt scxrryxng (xlthxxgh hx cxrtxxnly wxxldn’t xpprxcxxtx).