467+643 = 1110/1000
1. Gyrannal Rith
2. Very, Very old.
6. Female
3. Earth and Air. Very good combination in battle, since she can control the wind to carry her seeds where ever she wants it and then force them to take root and grow rapidly when they land. And she does generally not use flowers for this, unless they are poisonous or adorned by rather large thorns. Also, she has enough power to use wind and air control to lighten her burdens and sometimes carry her, if the environment are right. As she was very beautiful when she was young, many mistook her for being a nymph as she floated over the hills and fields surrounding her hometown. Many thinks that's because she's managed to become so old, she rarely have to carry any weight other then her own body. Has taken part in at least one major battle before. Good at fighting with a staff.
4. Vollena
5. Silver white hair in a bun, which hair strands usually fall out from when she gets pissed or suprised and such. Green blue eyes and a thin, wrinkly face. Is short, about 155. Used to be ten cm taller when she was younger, but age has shrunk her some. She wears a deep red cape with a blackened iron clasp and a hood. Underneath, she wears a dark, bordering to brown, blood red dress with a high collar. Around said collar, it's embroidered with gold leaves and the occasional flower, falling down the length of the dress. Underneath the wide skirt, she has a couple of layers of underskirts, varying in the different shades of red, orange and yellow. The arms are wide as well, with an orange extra arm goes tight all the way up to her wrist, where a slip goes up and around her middle finger. She carries a wide, rich brown belt around her waist which she's attached a myriad of little pouches too. In them, she keeps seeds, ranging from "battle plants" to fruit and berry trees/bushes and to magical herbs (most of them used in potions and healing, thought some are eadible, highly nutritious). Since she's able to grow almost everything she needs in the way of food, she only carries a water pouch and piece of bread and cheese with her. She doesn't eat meat, but that's mostly because she sees no need to. She has perfect memory and she love telling stories and tales. She knows of almost every tale and myth there is to know about and tells one whenever she sees fit. She also carries around a big walking stick of gnarled wood, which, apart from defense while in a battle, she uses to bonk people who interrupt her story telling in the head. also, people who are being stupid usually gets rewarded with a bonking.
Name: Elfraen Tiyranoth
Gender: Male
Age: 18-ish
Magical Ability: Didn't really understand the different levels, but he's damn good with Water. For example; he can collect the moistness from the air in his hand and drink it, creating the illusion that he can create water. Oh, and his familiars are a kind of water snake, except it's only about 50 cm long, with four thin legs adorned by four very long, crooked claws on each "paw" and a mouth full of sharp teeth. He brings at least one with him where ever he goes. His favorite is nicknamed "Priest" because of it's holier then thou attitude.
Country: Nabrugun (you haven't described that place, right? I see it as a version of Nor weigh, with lots of high mountains and water filled valleys, forcing the inhabitants to build their houses on the sides of the mountains, which are very steep ^^ ), thought he travels all over the place. Usually by foot (or water).
Appearance: Okay, from the top down; Ash blond hair that looks like he got slightly electrocuted, sticking out everywhere. This is because when it becomes to long, he just cuts it with a saw tooth dagger. It always falls into his eyes which annoys him to no end. Pale, gray eyes. Small nose with a slight bump from when he broke it when he was 10ish and fought with branches. Tree nymphs apearantly doesn't like getting hit with sticks. High cheekbones, slightly hollow cheeks, small mouth a slightly fuller lower lip, giving him a slightly pout. Smooth chin and no stubble. At all. He's rather tall, just under 190 cm, which is rare from where he comes from (?), and thin, almost skinny. His skin is pale. He wears a dark blue-gray cape with a hood and a string claps. Underneath, he has a light blue-gray shirt with silver embroideries around the neck and sleeves, which ends just after his elbows. Middle gray, wide pants, held up by a dark gray belt, which also serves as a holder for his saw toothed daggers in varying sizes (three of them, and no one can handle them as good as he can, since he specifically asked the smith to make them unbalanced just like that, so no one can steal them from him and use them against him.). A pair of leather boots in the same color as the belt, only done half way up. People always fear he'll trip on the shoelaces, but he never does. And a shoulder bag which he carries underneath the cape (duh) and keeps food and whatnots in.
Hmm, and personality... Well, he's negative, sarcastic and easily distracted. Comes with sarcastic comments every now and then, usually when you think he's not listening. If nothing interesting holds his attention, he plays with his water or with Preist. Since he travels alone most of the time (not because he choose too), every time he sees another person, he talks to them, even if he doesn't know the person in question. However, he's loyal to those who deserves it, and with loyal, I mean very loyal. Since he has an eye for details and hears almost everything, this is a very good thing. After less then an hour, he knows practically everything about you and your life, which is why he's usually sent out on spying and stealth missions. When he gets a quest (interesting enough for him), he does everything he can to finish it as fast and good as he possibly can. Money and equals hold little value to him, so one has to be creative to buy his services. This doesn't mean one has to offer great, magical weapons or their oldest daughter. To let him travel along for a while or give him a bundle of dried and salted meat works fine, depending on the difficulty of the mission, of course.