Title: Choi Scrooge? Choi Claus? Chapter: 2 (of 2) Pairing: Youngjae/Jaebum Rating: PG Word Count: 6523 Warnings:[Spoiler (click to open)]Spoilers for Rudolph and Frosty as well as kdrama plots in general. Other than that? Major sugary fluff ahead.Summary: Youngjae’s not really feeling the whole Christmas thing but still gets roped into helping with a Christmas play, which
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Title: Choi Scrooge? Choi Claus? Chapter: 1 (of 2) Pairing: Youngjae/Jaebum Rating: PG Word Count: 6356 Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]Spoilers for Rudolph and Frosty as well as kdrama plots in general. Other than that? Major sugary fluff ahead. Youngjae’s not really feeling the whole Christmas thing but still gets roped into helping with a Christmas play, which is
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Title: H is for Holiday Baking Chapter: 8 (of 26) Pairing: Youngjae/Jackson Series: Alphabet Soup: GOT7 Style Rating: PG Word Count: 1673
Summary: Starting from A (to Z), a series of one-shots featuring all seven members of GOT7. Various pairings and ships, all most likely romantic in nature with a few friendship fics thrown in potentially.