Title: Switching Seats and Birthday Treats (Sequel to Jealousy Makes the Heart Grow Fonder)
Author: writer_ally
Word Count: ~4700
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Taydammy (Taylor Green/Adam Lambert/Tommy Ratliff)
Warnings: RPS Slash, Top!Taylor, M/M/M sex, rimming, language
Notes: If you don't like it, don't read it. Constructive criticism is always welcome,
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Comments 5
H-how am I supposed to leave coherent words after that?! You practically melted my brain and set me on fire b/c I need a cold shower at one in the morning. Also..I NEED MORE TOPPY!TAYLOR IN MY LIFE!
I do not know why you were worried, my dear, b/c that was pure gold. And just what I needed before I head off to bed tonight. ;)
This series is just..perfect. *sigh* You're a genius and I can't wait for more! Take your time but I really hope to see more soon. And I'm always here to hand hold or cheerlead or whatever you need..just ask.
What a thing to wake up to! This was absolutely amazing. I think I say this on every review, but I am absolutely in love with this entire series.
I love Toppy!Taylor (Seems only fitting that I use my Toppy!Tay icon *grins*) I think I may have discovered a new kink. lol.
I love that Tay's so toppy with Tommy but still hesitant and unsure. I think you wrote it perfectly. And then with Adam added into the mix....Whew!!
I can not wait for more, because every time you post a new one, my day is made =)
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