Title: First Love - 3rd Installment of the Ten Firsts Series
Author: writer_ally
Word Count: ~1100
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sterek (Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale), mentions of Jackson/Lydia and Erica/Boyd
Warnings: Slash, Slight Spoilers for Season 1 and 2 of Teen Wolf, AU after that, extreme fluff
Disclaimer: Any recognisable characters are not mine, but the creation of Jeff Davis from the MTV Teen Wolf TV show, based off of the original Teen Wolf movie. No copyright infringement intended.
Notes: If you don't like it, don't read it. Constructive criticism is always welcome, flames however, are not.
Authors Notes: Sorry for the delay in updates! I have this whole series planned out, I just actually have to sit down and write it. I never commit to a specific posting schedule, because I usually don’t stick to it. But I’ll try my best to make sure it doesn’t get too long between postings. Also, I struggled with this story. It wasn’t coming to me like they sometimes do, and I had to really work to get it where I had hoped it would go. It’s not my favorite of the ones I’ve written so far, but it’s the best I could come up with, and I wanted to post again, so hopefully it’s alright. Sorry for all the bad puns, and thanks for reading!
First Love
It had been one year. 365 days since the awkward dinner date that made Derek and Stiles ‘official’, as the pack liked to call it. Junior year had come and gone, and with it came the highs and lows of being involved in a supernatural group of teenagers. While Lydia and Jackson were still going strong, Erica and Boyd had attempted a relationship that ended badly, making it awkward for everyone involved. Isaac was gently turned down by Scott, who, while still not back together with Allison, saw Isaac as a friend and pack-brother. Isaac had been pretty devastated, and it took a while for him to get over his embarrassment, but he was doing better every day.
The pack had wanted to celebrate Derek and Stiles’ anniversary with them, and Stiles couldn’t say no when Isaac had put on his puppy dog eyes (pun totally intended), so the group had spent the day at Derek’s house, romping around outside, before coming in and eating dinner while watching a movie. It was early evening when Stiles murmured to Derek that his dad had the night shift, and Derek told the rest of the pack that they could stay over at his place, or go home as they pleased, but that he and Stiles would be at Stiles’ home if they should need him.
Now Stiles and Derek were laying together in Stiles’ bed, Derek’s larger form wrapped around Stiles, arms holding him close. Derek had made a promise to Sherriff Stilinski that they would not give him a reason to charge Derek with statutory rape, and Derek took that promise very seriously, much to Stiles’ chagrin. However, when the pack was not around to bear witness, Derek did indulge Stiles in all the cuddling he could handle, including, on occasion, holding him while they went to sleep.
Of course, that meant holding Stiles until he actually could fall asleep, which he often found challenging. Tonight, for example, Stiles was rambling on about the day, and his various interactions with the pack.
“...and then we thought Jackson was going to lose his mind and completely wolf out, but he actually stayed calm. It was probably the first time I’ve ever seen him not give in and turn when he was provoked, especially by Erica. It was so cool!”
Stiles felt Derek’s smile pressed against the back of his neck, knowing that he approved of Jackson’s success.
“You should reward him or something...it’s a big deal that he’s gotten himself under control so well” Stiles suggested, and Derek hummed.
“You’re not really listening, are you?” Stiles huffed in mock annoyance, looking back over his shoulder to glare at Derek.
“Maybe” he teased, and Stiles kicked his foot back, connecting with Derek’s calf.
“Hey!” It was Derek’s turn to huff, and Stiles could feel the vibrations of his laughter rumbling where their skin was connect, Derek’s broad chest firmly against Stiles’ back.
Stiles wriggled around a little to find a better position, and Derek finally heard his heartbeat start to slow down. Derek pressed a kiss to the back of Stiles’ neck, and tried to even out his breathing, in hopes that the steady rhythm would help to lure Stiles to sleep. They lay quietly for close to ten minutes, and Derek really was on the brink of sleep, when he heard Stiles’ quiet whisper.
“I love you”
Derek did his best not to move, and to keep his breathing steady, so as to not alert Stiles to his wakefulness, because it was clear that the younger man thought that Derek was asleep. Derek waiting another few moments, letting his thoughts catch up. Finally he sighed deeply,
“I wish you weren’t afraid to tell me things” Stiles tensed at Derek’s words, even though he kept his voice soft. “Then I could have seen your face when I told you that I love you too”
Stiles didn’t react for a few seconds, and then rolled over to face Derek, beaming a huge smile.
“You’re not missing much, just my ‘over-the-moon’ face. Pun totally intended, by the way” he says lightly, though Derek can see the trepidation in his eyes and the way he is purposely keeping a distance between the two of them.
Derek sat up, letting the sheets fall to his waist, and Stiles mimics his motions, until they are both resting against the headboard.
“Your heart is pounding so hard right now. I’m not angry, you can relax a little” Derek says, keeping the same calm and soothing voice, reaching over to take Stiles’ hand in his own, running his thumb over the top of his hand.
“You want to know why I said it when I thought you were asleep, and not to your face, right?”
“Yes, if that’s something you’d like to tell me”
“I didn’t want you to think I was being a stupid, sentimental kid or something, declaring my undying love after we’ve only been together a year”
Derek snorts and gives Stiles his ‘You’re being ridiculous, stop this instant’ look.
“Stiles, you’re seventeen, you’re allowed to be a ‘stupid, sentimental kid’. I know I’m not always the best at expressing myself, but I want you to tell me things, especially about how you’re feeling. And, to be fair, we’ve been through more in the time that we’ve know each other than some people do in their whole lives, so if some aspects of our relationship move faster than the norm, I think that’s alright”
Stiles looked hopefully at Derek from the corner of his eye.
“Does that mean that we ca-”
“We’re not having sex when your father can still put me in jail for it”
“Damn. Fine, if you’re going to do things like be logical and understanding” Stiles mutter sarcastically, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I’m sorry that I didn’t say it to your face...I get scared by all this stuff sometimes. I’m not good at it”
Derek finally gives in to the temptation to pull Stiles into his arms, and he goes willingly, settling in between Derek’s legs, against his chest.
“You’re doing just fine...we’re figuring it out together” Derek stats, pressing a kiss behind Stiles’ ear before whispering “I love you” once more, and shifting the pair down so that they were back in their original position.
Stiles raised himself up on his elbow to look over his shoulder at Derek as he responded “I love you too”, pressing a quick kiss to Derek’s lips before laying back down and letting Derek hold him until he fell asleep - for real this time.