I will tweet your damn face off below:
- 09:00 Video: bohemea: Saved By The Bell also taught me about Native American history and how to save ducks from... tumblr.com/xk441rl98 #
- 09:04 Photo: flickflickflicker: J.J.: “Check out this invisible cheeseburger I found, Zachary.” Zachary: “I don’t... tumblr.com/xk441rn9u #
- 14:09 Such a rough week and I really wasn't sure last night what was to become of me today. Didn't know what I was... tumblr.com/xk441xabo #
- 16:18 Audio: aimee-b-loved: Agreed. On both parts. I’ve had this song on my mp3 player for the better part of two... tumblr
.com/xk441zz2p # - 20:26 Photo: tumblr.com/xk44259tc #
- 20:27 Adam Lambert DOES look like Liza Minelli. #
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