Title: Things I Dislike about Do Kyungsoo
Author: writerarch
Pairing: Hinted!Sekai and Kaisoo
Summary: It's got nothing to do with Sehun.
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff?
Author's Note: This is Kai centered and it's confusing. It's mean to be so... because I feel that Kai's thought's would be this messy. Pretty faces don't equal emotionally smart ♥
When Jongin's eyes landed on Kyungsoo for the first time, he skimmed past him to the boy right next to him; that was the day Do Kyungsoo transferred from somewhere (Jongin didn't really care) to his high school because Sehun (and now this matter had Jongin’s undivided attention) knew him from his early childhood and had been trying to convince him that going to high school together would be amazing.
The second time Jongin’s eyes landed on Kyungsoo, he labeled him a freak. He had much too large eyes for his much too small face and they were much too round; plus he was short and clumsy and he smiled crookedly.
Jongin spent the rest of the class thinking of things to hate Kyungsoo for and convincing himself that it wasn’t because Sehun’s had his hand resting on his forearm.
The third time that Jongin’s eyes glanced upon Kyungsoo, they almost popped out of their sockets. The older male was singing a duet with the Junior Choir’s Power Voice, Byun Baekhyun and Jongin had never heard such gorgeous sounds.
The first time Jongin speaks to Kyungsoo, he’s stuttering.
“I didn’t know you sang,” he said and Kyungsoo laughed.
“Good, it would have been pretty damned freaky if you had.” And walked away leaving Jongin to add one more thing to his “Why I dislike Do Kyungsoo” List that still wasn’t related to Sehun in any way, shape or form; even though he added one more item after said boy swung an arm over his shoulder and laughed prettily.
By the end of Kyungsoo’s first week, Jongin’s list of “Why I dislike Do Kyungsoo” morphed into “Things I’ve learned about Do Kyungsoo” though the title never officially changed and Jongin never really acknowledged it, though he managed to convince himself that, yeah, Sehun had nothing to do with it.