In lieu of any well-formed thoughts based on game canon, I'd like to pose a question (probably one that has been asked before, but here goes regardless!):
Which of the FE "worlds" is best left off after their respective final wars? (so, for example, in the case of FE6/7, how would things look like after the end of 6?)
I don't know enough about
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Comments 10
I've still only played FE11, but there seemed to be a measure of cynicism there butting heads with the starry-eyed idealism, at least from how I remember it.
IMO, the ending to the game seems to indicate Renais is going to have the upper hand hereIt does seem that way, especially since Ephraim and Eirika are "Restoration King and Queen" and champions of the reconstruction. But the question is, would they have the manpower to really keep the foot down on Grado? Especially since the surprise attack cut down their soldiers' numbers immensely (although I think Hayden said something to a similar extent about his own men and women in armor.) And there's no guarantee whatever loyal Gradan soldiers still live wouldn't actively try to off the twins...especially after a good year or so of propaganda painting them as the Demon King's whelps XD ( ... )
All I know is that there are still definitely battles going on after the Great Victory, 'cause one of the playable characters does Suicide By Cop in said battles. Also, a lot of the smarter characters get the hell outta there and presumably go to Valencia or someplace better.
Also, on a somewhat less petty note, Marth's character ending from FE3 isn't exactly the kind of panegyric that some of the other Lords rate: "As the leader of the unified Kingdom of Akaneia, [he] worked tirelessly to restore the devastated nations." That's it. It's a far cry from Alm's thousand-year dynasty.
ALSO... even assuming everyone loves Marth too much to ever get disenchanted with him personally, there are lots of dispossessed heirs to the other kingdoms kicking around, and if Marth's son or grandson doesn't have enough charisma to hold the archipelago together, the foci for rebellion are pretty numerous.
I've ( ... )
I think Tellius has it pretty good. Isn't there a secret scene after the credits if you do everything right where Sephiran tells the goddess the world has managed to be at peace for a while?
Elibe isn't too bad either. King Roy, King Zealot...lots of kings going around. 8)
Although Magvel definitely has it worse, all things considered.
Tellius: I think Ike's departure put a serious dent in the pace of beorc-laguz reconciliation, but it's far from impossible. Canon seems to suggest (in the ending cutmovie) that Yune spread magic sparkle loveflakes over the soldiers and through her goddess influence made them a little less hateful.
No seriously how else do you explain that movie.At least in Tellius there are no real power vacuums. The epilogue spells out the successions, and I suspect the game wanted you to think that the senators were never important for any real progress anyway ( ... )
Yune has anti-hate pony sparkles now? Gotta respect that.
In all seriousness, the peace of Tellius seems to rest on Altina's descendants. If Sanaki and Micaiah can help keep their countrymen and women from spiraling into chaos and hate once again, I think all the other nations would likewise be at peace. But then again, it only would take one malcontent duke to start another conflict and mess everything up again. After two wars only three years apart, though, I do think that things would be pretty calm for a good while afterward, especially since all the positions of power are pretty stable, as you mentioned.
Canon also reins in our speculation a bit here. It's around 1200,[...]before the next big war
Wait, was there something in canon that specifically said "and there was no more war for 1200 years?" O_o Was Yune sprinkling lovedust or lovecocaine? XDD
Ashunera: How long has it been? A hundred years? Five hundred?
Lehran: About twelve hundred years.
Ashunera: I see. For mortals, that is many, many lives.
Lehran: Yes. The peace we once had is on the verge of crumbling again.
Ashunera: That is unfortunate. The miasma of war is beginning to shroud the
world. However, I shall not again be frightened. As one born of the hopes
of man I shall protect this world.
I personally did not find "How long has it been?" to be ambiguous, but Myaru suggested that it could mean since Ashunera was last whole.
I think you're giving Micaiah bit too much credit! Sanaki's got a grip on the most powerful nation in the continent, bar none (now that the dragons have largely died out), but Daein's not much more noteworthy than Crimea, or Gallia, or anyone else. In fact, it's arguably less of a force because it's totally wrecked by three consecutive wars. I don't think they'll be stirring up trouble anytime soon.
I'm with Mark on feeling like Valencia has a pretty optimistic end, but I'd put Tellius as the best off, myself. Yes, there's the situation with countless men from all over the continent being dead, but every country by the end has a ruler who seems to care deeply about their people, and who is committed to making Tellius a better place. It's a very optimistic ending, and I think even Ike leaving factors into this-- the continent is secure enough in its future that it doesn't need the near-mythical hero hanging around.
Worst. . . I'd really say Magvel. As you and others stated, the disaster in Grado is, well, disastrous. And then the remains of the country are placed in the Ephraim's hands, and he didn't seem enthusiastic about handling just his own country. You've got the biggest power on the continent in complete shambles, with no royal line apparent, and then you have two countries with kings intensely willing, very recently, to ditch everything to have mercenary adventures. It's pretty hard for me to see ( ... )
Yeah, overall Tellius seems pretty well-off. And at any rate, IMO Ike is better off wandering the great unknown than being a sovereign of any sort. I tend to think he'd probably fudge it up if he tried. XD
There's definitely some weird, pretty dark stuff happening in Magvel.....I love it >:D
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