Without preamble... Yes, I'm back on the internets now. RL has sucked and my inspiration levels are at an all-time low. Help an artist out and offer some feedback? *puppy eyes*
This poll will eventually be referenced in my DeviantArt journal. (Since dA won't let us meagre freebie members post polls there.)
Poll dAAny other ideas? Comments here or on dA both count. <3 (And a reminder: I'm still open for paid commissions through PayPal. Haven't had any takers yet.)
The icon links in my sidebar now go to my shiny new AO3 account (thanks to
TactheJoker for helping me set it up!) and the trusty old DeviantArt gallery.
I'm slowly bringing back older pieces on dA that I deleted pre-2013. If there are old kinkmeme fanfics anyone wants me to bring back, tell me and I can archive them on AO3.