Welcome to our second annual challenge. This year, our theme will be:
With the Olympics upon us this year, we thought we’d join in the fun!
For this challenge we’re asking for stories that feature games. Any kind of game: Board games, computer games, party games, mind games, card games, sexy games, sporting games, or any other kind of game you think of.
Here is the information you will need:
· Your entry must be B/A or B/A-us.
· Stories should be at least rosebud size (500 words) but there is no upper word limit.
· You should use games - or a game - in some form or other in your story.
· Stories can be submitted at any time, but the deadline for entries will be 31st August.
· Please include suitable warnings if your story has adult themes or concerns the comics.
· Your work can be light, dark, angsty, humorous, or anything you want - there are no restrictions.
· If you need extra help you may also include any other prompt or suggestion in our posts that takes your fancy - mix and match to your hearts’ content!
Come and join in! It doesn’t matter if you’re an old hand at writing the pairing or you’ve never written before - everyone is welcome!
Any questions?
Let The Games begin…