Game #87

Oct 25, 2014 19:10

Board and prompts by lilian_cho. Picture square prompts are from The Mysteries of Harris Burdick.
Post Secrets is playable.

This board is also posted on Dreamwidth. You may play on either site.

Disclaimer: This is a manipulated image. The base image is taken from a Pirates boardgame. Not mine, etc. etc.
The goal of Writing Game is not to make multiple rounds around the board, but to accumulate as many points as possible.
You may switch fandoms/worlds whenever you first pass 20 points, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120, then free for all.
e.g. Total points: 19. Complete a +3 prompt.

This brings you to 22 points. At this point you may switch fandoms/worlds.

You may go clockwise or counterclockwise on this board, but don't change directions midway.
Exceptions: 1) You are going backwards because you skip a prompt.
2) You are at a Player’s Choice Square.

All the general rules can be found in the profile.


HomeStart on the first letter of your favorite Halloween song. If you cannot think of one, then your favorite fall/winter/cold/holiday song.

APrompt: Absence +2

BPrompt: Boring +1, Blind spot +2

CPrompt: Claim +3

Gypsy CardYou have coins to spend and visited a fortuneteller.
She told you to pick two cards. You picked ___ and ___. (Use Picture tables).

DCharacter: Deluded +2

CompassYou just saved a Mage from drowning.
Out of gratefulness, the Mage called the ___ Wind to help you. (Use Player’s Choice tables).

EPrompt: Evidence +3

FPrompt: Firm +1, Fiend +2

GSetting: Gathering +2, Prompt: Gatherer +3

HCharacter: High-strung +2, Prompt: Hallucination +3

Skull and swordsYour main character caught the plague and died. Roll the dice to go to your next square (Count forward from this space). For the next three drabbles, write about a minor character instead.

IPrompt: Identity +2

JPrompt: Jar +1, Character: Jarhead +2

KPrompt: Knee +2

Triangle Menace A huge storm hits! Lighten your load or your ship will sink. Rewrite your last drabble, taking out 25 words. Give yourself the same points as the drabble you're rewriting.
If this is not your first time braving the Triangle, you may rewrite any of your previous drabbles written for this game, taking out 25 words.

LPrompt: Logo +1, Logical +2

MPrompt: Millions +1, Manuscript +3

NSetting: Nature +2

OCharacter: disObedient +1, Obedient +2

PPrompt: Process +2

QPrompt: Quality +1, Quality Control +3

RPrompt: Revolving +2, Revolution +3

SPrompt: Skeptic +3

TPrompt: Transform +1, Character: Twelve-year-old +2

UPrompt: Unlikely +2

Triangle Menace A huge storm hits! Lighten your load or your ship will sink. Rewrite your last drabble, taking out 25 words. Give yourself the same points as the drabble you're rewriting.
If this is not your first time braving the Triangle, you may rewrite any of your previous drabbles written for this game, taking out 25 words.

VPrompt: Variety +1

WPrompt: Worthy +2

XPrompt: eXalt +3, eXorbitant +2

YPrompt: YOLO +2, You are what you eat +3

ZPrompt: Zircon/Zirconium/Zirconia +3

Compass: You just saved a Mage from drowning. Out of gratefulness, the Mage called the ___ Wind to help you.
(Use Player’s Choice tables below).

Player's choice
Box A


Brick-layer +2
Quit +1
Blind +2

Chrysalis +3
Blacken +1
Gap-toothed +2

Basketball +2
Muffle +1
Insane +2

Player's choice
Box B


Ground coffee +2
Leap +3
Essential +2

Agenda +1
Turn +2
Outspoken +3

Horse +2
Meet +3
Same +1

Player's choice
Box C


Monk +2
Add +1
Provoking +3

Imbalance +3
Multiply +1
Pleated +2

Manhole +2
Reduce +1
Literal +3

Player's choice
Box D


Specialty +1
Key +2
Regional +2

Cherries +2
Explode +2
Alive +3

Syrup +1
Stopper +2
Dreamy +3

Gypsy Card: You have coins to spend and visited a fortuneteller. She told you to pick two cards. You picked ___ and ___.
(Use Picture tables below).
You may use up to two of them, as long as they’re touching each other (either top to bottom or side to side).

Gypsy Cards +2 each.
Prompts from The Mysteries of Harris Burdick.

A tiny voice asked, "Is he the one?"
Two weeks passsed and it happened again.

If there was an answer, he'd find it there.
So it's true he thought, it's really true.
The fifth one ended up in France.

He threw with all his might
It all began when someone left the window open.

She lowered the knife
She knew it was time to send them back.
spelling out "goodbye."

He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn.
He had warned her about the book.

board: treasure map, game

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