Title: “Saraswati and the Swan”
Series: Sailing in Samsara (1/1 - thus far)
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Spoilers: Post (my hypothetical) AWE
Pairing: Jack/Elizabeth, Saraswati (OC)
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,550
Summary: The first chapter of a longer work that will address Jack’s backstory and the role of family in his life. Jack and Lizzie set anchor
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Comments 33
Hope the training and party went smashingly. :) Need to respond to your email as well. And oooo, new fic sounds Fab.U.Lous.
And you know, but I'll say it again: I am so thankful for your opinion, and I am thrilled, thrilled, thilled that you enjoyed this. Thanks so much! *squish*
P.S. "Mongeese."
I love it and can totally visualize Sara, can't wait to read more! :)
So glad Sara's coming through loud and clear. She's my muse of the moment.
"I can't believe all the detail!"
-Oh, thank you! You would not believe the amount of notes I have. It's ridiculous. You'd think I was getting paid for this. But it's great fun, and I'm tickled that the details worked for you.
I know the idea of Jack as Indian is by no means new, but I was surprised that no one I'd seen had run with it yet. I'm having a ball, although the research takes a stupid amount of time. Thanks so much for the feedback!
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