Title: Need (Dean)
eboniorchidGen/Het/Slash: Gen (but slashy if you want it to be)
Pairing: None (but Sam/Dean if you want it to be)
Rating: PG (maybe a naughty word)
Spoilers: Nothing, I don't think.
Summary: Dean needs ...
Author's Notes: It's kinda more like fanpoetry than fanfiction, but what the hell. Un-betaed.
Feedback: Yes, please.
Length: 237 words.
Disclaimer: Supernatural, all of its characters and related junk belong to Warner Bros. and their appropriate business associates. No copyright infringement is intended. This is only my creative expression inspired by their amazing show and I receive no financial or material gain from this project.
Some beautiful baby you have there, mister. Sammy giggled, loving the attention. Dean did a remarkable job, already at six, of trying not to mope, about Sammy getting all the affection. Dean had to be tough. No time to be snuggly-wuggly with a blankey.
He loved Sammy. Anything for him, anything.
But not the leave-and-never-come-back thing. Not that. Please not that.
Because as he got older, Dean was less jealous of Sam, it turned out, and more jealous of all the people who doted on, joshed with, hugged on his Sammy.
Apparently the Adorer of Sam position had already been filled, by Dean.
It wasn't sexual, he didn't think, though some screwed up bit of the universe might call it romantic.
He just wanted to bottle Sam and carry him around in his pocket. All the time snapping "mine!" possessively at anyone who looked like they might even be thinking about stealing Sam from his trusty left hip pocket.
It didn't work like that, though. Never did. Never would.
Sam wanted Normal.
Dean wanted the Fight.
You know, the saving-innocents, scared-to-his-shoelaces, covered-in-gunk, charms-and-weapons, broken-but-healing, adrenaline-rush, of bashing beasties and other wannabe big-bads.
And Sam … yeah, he just basically wanted Supernatural to finish and Normal to start.
Thinking about Sam going back to Normal chinked Dean's armor.
At the hour of reckoning. One quest ended. Sammy saying not-quite-goodbyes. Dean would shatter.
A fallen angel. Bleeding and broken.