Rules and Explanation for the Doors challenge

Nov 08, 2010 02:41

(in conjunction with the new Choices board)

How do I answer the challenge?
Like Post Secrets, the 50-200 word limit does not apply to the Doors challenge. If it asks for meta, write meta. If it asks for a five-item list, write a five-item list. Unless it gives a specific word constraint (e.g. haiku, 100-word drabble), you can be as brief or as expansive as you like. Do keep everything in one single comment.
Door challenges should be played as its own move instead of combined with a different square prompt.

What about images?
You may incorporate images/doodles/fanarts while answering the Doors challenge. However, do NOT post NWS images in the comments.

How many points will I get?
The challenges have varying difficulty levels of easy, medium and hard. However, each challenge is worth four points, no matter the difficulty level. Unlike Post Secrets, there is no maximum limit on how often you answer the Doors challenge in one game.

How often will new challenges be posted in one game?
New challenges will be posted every 7 - 10 days, depending on mod availability and game traffic. So you can have anywhere between 9 to 12 different door challenges in one game.
The mod in charge will try to give a heads up at writing_game several hours before new challenges are updated.

Can I answer challenges from a different door? What about past challenges?
No. You have to answer the current challenge from the door you opened.
Unanswered past challenges will be recycled for future Choices boardgame(s). If you answer a past challenge or a challenge from a different door, you'll get zero points for that move.

Can I propose new challenge(s)?
Yes, please! Each time you fulfill a Door challenge, you may suggest one new Door challenge to the mod. The mod might adjust its difficulty level accordingly.

I've answered the Door challenge. Now what?
Award yourself four points and go on to a different colored path. Start on the first letter square instead of the fourth letter square.


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