trying to describe the kingdom (notes)

Oct 03, 2011 01:21

my first bang is FINALLY OVER.

every time i write a long fic, i learn new things - and the longer the fic, the more there is to learn, &c., &c. ...and then there's the matter of writing against a deadline.*g* there is so much i'd like to think i would have done differently with more experience, but ah well. it's still been an exciting better-half-of-a-year, especially because of all the people who helped make it possible!

acknowledgements: first off, the deancasbigbang mods have been nothing but excellent - they've kept this running so smoothly, and hils deserves many thanks for putting up with some of my more inane questions.
a big thank you goes to my artist, pikku_liisa, for her wonderful work - her pieces are so atmospheric, her castiel is a lovely mix of gorgeous and feral, and dean's expressions are rendered so carefully - i could go on and on, honestly. i'm incredibly lucky to have gotten to work with an artist so interested in the feel/background of the setting, and seeing the art go from drafts to finished works has been a delight.
thank you also to psi-neko for the thorough beta (everybody: if you need someone who's good at catching inconsistencies, this is the one you want) and for the check-ins that kept me going!
rl non-fannish people who put up with me while this was coming together and sometimes even read the damn thing, thank you. you know who you are.

special thanks: jayfray18 - without you, a rough idea that spawned way back in january about pilots and a uniform-fetishy setting wouldn't have taken off (...sorry) - the backstory you helped whip into shape is awesome, and i really am disappointed that various constraints kept most of it from actually entering the fic. your historical background was invaluable in the early stages, and your beta feedback was also super helpful. thank you so much!
sailetheach - haley haley haley where do i start. ♥ shipping the novaks, thinky thoughts about gabriel and sam and lampshades, impromptu fic rec clubs over skype with aplethora at 3 a.m.
speaking of whom - thank you for nitpicking historical facts, conversations about watering a garden with dean's tears, e-mailing when i didn't have internet, advice that i should have taken, and telling me to kill my darlings. fuck you. ♥

(everybody: any remaining historical errors are all mine; please don't hesitate to point them out. similarly, my sources/references are a bit scattered, but if anybody's interested in the background of so-and-so or what exactly such-and-such is meant to look like, just leave a comment and i'll find you the answer!)

no thanks to richard siken for getting me into this mess.

I was trying to describe the kingdom, but the letters
kept smudging as I wrote them: the hunter’s heart,
the hunter’s mouth, the trees and the trees and the
space between the trees, swimming in gold.

masterpost | art post

fic: kingdom

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