Title: Undercover Repercussions
Author: CJ aka WritinginCT
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Gibbs/Ziva
Rating: FR18
Warnings: None
Categories: Drabble, Romance, Angst
Disclaimer: I don’t own the recognizable characters I’m just inspired by them. Hopefully they’ve had fun playing in my sandbox.
Note: Written for the LJ NCISDrabble100 prompt #55 (Jealousy), tag to 3x08 "Under Covers"
Summary: He saw and heard it all, now he can't get it out of his head...
Status: Complete 5/20/08 298 Words
He pushed harder, with a grunt. He was trying to erase the memory of the other mans' hands on her, the other man's mouth on hers, the other man's body covering hers. He didn't care that the other man in question was Tony. Nor did he care that it was all part of their portrayal of married assassins.
His arms strained and he felt a bead of sweat trickle between his shoulder blades, and still harder he pushed, the white hot jealousy pulsing through him, consuming him.
He set a brutal pace as he stroked long and hard, fueled by the infra-red image of Ziva and Tony faking all too easily the supposed passion of the ones they were posing as.
His breathing was ragged, and the tip of his tongue caught in his teeth as he moved, the audio of their performances echoing in his head.
He just closed his eyes and kept stroking.
Gibbs was lost so deep in his jealousy that he didn't hear her, and it wasn't until Ziva put a gentle hand on his, stopping the sanding block that he was assaulting his boat with, that he was brought out of his almost fugue state.
She pried the block out of his hands and put it down. She placed herself between him and the boat and waited, knowing.
It took a moment for his breathing to calm and the haze to clear, and for him to realize that she was waiting for him to do something. And do something he did as his mouth fiercely found hers.
And soon all the things about that undercover op that were haunting him were replaced by the sights and sounds of the two of them making love right there against the spine of his boat.
the end.