Dec 17, 2006 01:51
Fandom: X-Men
Title: Sorry
Characters/pairing: Bobby Drake/St. John Allerdyce
Prompt: 045. Guilt
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG (post X3)
Summary: Even after the battle, Bobby still sees his best friend in Pyro
Author's Notes: Characters are Marvel's. I do not own them in any way, shape or form nor am I trying to make any money on this. I intend no fraud or misrepresentation in any way.
"You don't have much time, Iceman."
Bobby nodded and moved further inland, shifting to lay the barely breathing body on the ground. "Should have listened to me, Allerdyce. Never should have left." He checked the boy's pulse once more and glanced at the jet before quickly kissing John. "I'm sorry."
He sighed before tucking a card in the pocket of what was left of John's jacket. It wasn't much, but at least he hadn't left his best friend to die.
Turning back to the jet, he tired to ignore the guilt that ate at him for almost killing St. John.