Title: Of Elephant Weddings and Deep Goodness
Pairing: Eli (U-Kiss)/Sungjong (Infinite) ...Well, sorta. It's more gen than anything.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: At Idol Sports Day, Eli temporarily babysits Sungjong.
A/N: Short and I'm super tired so I'm not spell-checking or anything. Wrote this for Nikki who I adore dearly~. This is pretty much crack fic with the most random pseudo-pairing ever.
Eli likes to think he's a good person, deep down inside. Sure, he mocks Alexander's English more often than not. And okay, sometimes he pushes Kevin around because he's weak and he can't fight back. And maybe he tricked Dongho into thinking Kiseop was in love with him for a good two weeks. But still. Good person, deep deep inside.
So when some random guy comes up to him on Idol Sports Day, interrupting his relaxing time he might add, and asks him to watch this kid, he says yes. The guy says thank you and quickly runs off, and Eli tries to read his name off the paper on his back but he gives up when he realizes he doesn't know what the second syllable says. He finally turns to look at the kid, expecting some toddler or, even worse, a baby but instead finds a boy who can't be much younger than him. The boy blinks at him expectantly, tilting his bright blond head to the side.
Eli tentatively says, "Hi… I'm Eli. What's your name?"
"Hi, I'm Infinite's cute maknae, Sungjong!" The boy, Sungjong, exclaims brightly, bowing when he's done.
Eli just stares at him for a few moments and decides this boy is obviously an idol, probably from one of those rookie groups he can't tell apart. He realizes that he is a sunbae to Sungjong and immediately brightens up a little, happy for the ego boost.
"So… what do you want to do?" Eli asks uncertainly, eyeing the boy warily. He's pretty, feminine looks and high voice, probably a little too pretty and Eli likes pretty but, you know. He's a kid.
"Oh, I don't know!" Sungjong says, just as loudly and excitedly as the first time he spoke and Eli wonders if he always talks like that. "We should play a game!"
Eli racks his brain for what he used to do with his little sister but draws a blank. What do kids like to do? Coloring? Well he had no crayons, so that's not an option. Hide and seek? They're kind of in a big open field, though. Maybe…
"I could throw you up in the air and catch you," Eli half-suggests, half-jokes. Sungjong brightens, if it's possible for him to get any brighter, and smiles so wide that Eli feels obligated to indulge the boy at least once.
Eli eyes him again, this time trying to determine his weight, then picks the boy up from his armpits and throws him all of an inch in the air before catching him again and putting him down.
Sungjong squeals in delight and claps his hands, "Again, again!"
Eli continues this for a few minutes, trying desperately to ignore the looks other people are giving him. When he finally convinces Sungjong that he's tired and needs a break, he frantically looks around for Woo-something and wonders if he's ever going to come back or not. Maybe he'll have to adopt Sungjong. Kevin would like him, at least; and he's always thought Soohyun would be a great dad.
Eli looks around for his water bottle, needing to take a drink before continuing to "play" with Sungjong, but finds the boy already has it in his hands. Eli notices Sungjong's puffed out cheeks and before he can say anything, Sungjong squirts the water he was holding in his mouth at him, wetting his entire right arm.
Sungjong giggles and makes an odd growling noise and says, "I'm an elephant!"
Eli wants to be annoyed, honestly he does, but the boy seems so genuine that he can't find it in him to be mad. Oh, if his members could see him now, they'd see what a softy he'd become. Eli smiles back at the blond boy and replies, "You call that an elephant noise? Let me show you how it's done!"
Eli makes his own elephant noise, more successfully than Sungjong, and the boy stares in awe for a few moments.
"You are amazing! Omo, teach me how to do that! We can be elephant buddies! Or we can have an elephant marriage and spend forever playing the throwing game and blowing water!" Sungjong gushes, eyes taking on that sparkle that Eli normally sees on fangirls.
Looking around one more time, Eli decides, aw fuck it and proceeds to have an impromptu elephant wedding with Sungjong. He realizes he must've lost track of time because suddenly, a bunch of guys, including Woo-something from before, come up to them and immediately grab Sungjong.
"Hey, hyungs! Me and Eli are elephant husband and wife!" Sungjong explains excitedly, bouncing a little and making an elephant noise.
The red-haired one pats him on the head gently, saying, "That nice, Sungjongie."
"We'll just be taking him now," one of the dark-haired ones says before leading Sungjong away. Eli waves indifferently as the shortest one alternates between glaring at him and glaring at Woo-something. Eli watches them go and then shrugs, sitting down and deciding to retie his shoes.
Finally the other members come back and when Kibum asks him what he did while they were gone, he replies, "Got married… I think."
Kevin makes an offended noise and doesn't talk to him for the rest of the day. Eli doesn't understand why.