I've finally gotten around to scanning the pictures. Sadly, half of them didn't really turn out, because it was a cheap disposable, and I tried to take too many pictures at night. So, I've had to make due. But here are a few of them! (Warning: Some of them are pretty big, because my scanner went a little crazy. Just be aware)
Before everyone got there, we were stringing tarps up to ward off the rain.
Jason, one of the filmmakers, is up in the tree trying to tie off the tarp. He is such a great guy. Jacob, one of the invisible children, is wearing the red jacket. I think he was laughing at us. Hehe.
Yes, I took a picture of the knots I tied in the tree to keep the tarp up. I think this picture is funny because it's moments before my, "Oh, shit, how do I get down?" moment.
You can see the people starting to get here... they're lined all the way down Michigan Avenue. The acid green shirts are the people that are helping out.
People signing up and getting situated. Katy is in the acid green shirt in front of me.
I love how long this line is... it just keeps going. Despite the rain, everyone was there.
Katy and I. I look absolutely wretched in this picture, but I'm posting it anyway, cause it's kind of cute. I'm pretty much soaked through, but we're happy.
This is what Buck-Buck is. It's kind of like leap frog... you get a bunch of people together on the 'first level' and then you have a bunch of other people run and jump on them. The idea is to get as many people piled on top as possible. Katy is in the green shirt here, she got right into it!
A different angle. Do you understand how many people are involved in this? And the best part, we were from all over.
And now it's my turn. I was the "anchor". Basically, I was on my hands and knees in front of the line and the first guy leaned on me as support. John, the guy in blue, and I had some nice conversations, hehe. It was really funny, because he was in the front again later and he just gave me this look and said, "Please?" I love it.
Bad camera. But this was the morning, when we were all lined up for them to take pictures that will probably end up in the movie. It comes out next year, go see it!
Mary and I reunited! I haven't seen her since graduation, so I was thrilled to come across her again. This was right before we all vacated, so I was sleep deprived, shivering from the cold, and soaked clean through. All I was thinking at this point, was "Hot shower... warm bed... soon..."
Stole this from Diana. On the left is Nathan, the guy who is responsible for the huge following here at campus, he did so much. On the left is Diana, a great girl! And in the middle is Jason, one of the filmmakers. Just a great group of people that contributed so much, I wouldn't be the same without them!
This is very unrelated, but I had to put it in because I love it so much. This is Katy and Amy "tanking" Heidi, who is coming out of the bathroom. This is what we do around here. I love it.