[OOC] Infopost Bandwagon: Oldbie Edition!

Jul 05, 2013 01:22

Still working on the newbie's infopost, but in the meantime, the oldbies in tasty bitesize form.

Korra | failsatspirit
Avatar: The Legend of Korra | between seasons one and two | rising senior | Has superfun elemental powers and a god-mode | And a polar bear dog | Unlikely to mention the middle one of those |
bull-headed, kind hearted, hot tempered dork | hopefully getting new canon soonish \o/

Lex Luthor | hasadestiny | PB: Michael Rosenbaum
Smallville | still a few years pre-canon | recent grad | TAing for Josh |
going to college to get a biochem degree and bad reputation in the fall | bald | rich | daddy issues

Cara | wrongkindofsith | PB: Tabrett Bethell
Legend of the Seeker | post-canon | alumnus | currently being dragged all over the Midlands by Richard | wears red leather and carries magic pain dildos |
in feelings with Surreal | and will hold you down while she cuts you | also a trained torturer | just saying

James Bond | doubleohblonde | PB: Daniel Craig
Reboot Era Bond Movies | right at the end of Casino Royale | will eventually do a canon catch-up | probably | teacher |
forever alone in House of Ill Repute | keeps alcohol stash in his office | teaching Sex Ed | last two facts unrelated

Oz | thefearwasreal | PB: Christian Slater
Breaking In | some vaugue point post season one | teaching Conflict Management | has fun defintion of management |
may be insane | will traumatise you for your own goood | and because it's funny

Calvin (and Hobbes) | not_tylerdurden | PB: Fran Kranz
Calvin & Hobbes | way post-canon | alumnus | studying creative writing |
also enlisting Susie Derkins to help with hair-brained schemes | Hobbes will lock them in a closet if Calvin takes too long | just you wait

Wendy Watson | notahostage | PB: Natalie Morales
The Middleman | post-canon | alumnus | artist | Middleman-in-training | fights evil so you don't have to | Art Crawl! o/

Jo Harvelle | wannabehunter | PB: Alona Tal
Supernatual | taken a left turn at Albuquerque from canon and NEVER GOING BACK | alumnus |
college drop-out | divides time between the Roadhouse and hunts | no time for Winchester manpain

And the player:

Bron | froggimus_rex
Australian | on AEST (so currently GMT+10) | so slowplay is a thing | student | hopefully graduating soon | can be found on email: goddessofvengence(at)gmail(dot)come | or aim: froggimusrex (when I remember to sign on)

[ooc], [ooc] infopost, [ooc] making more work for tracy

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