Gentlemen, we just seized an airfield. That was pretty fucking ninja.

Dec 01, 2011 03:00

Okay, I'm a little more aware, coherent, and caffeinated.  I think I can adequately explain the trip over, the first few days, and few quirks of this place few people know.

So, we stopped once on our way over here.  In Leipzig, Germany.  Cool place...from the looks of the postcards I picked up for people.  We were sequestered away from the general public into a "military only" hanger.  They had all the amenities - beer, snacks, water.  Of course, the inflation on these items was astronomical.  $6 for 12 ounces of beer.  No thank you.  I survived on a single water bottle (I'm pretty sure they fed us 9 meals on this plane) which also doubled as a semi-comfortable pillow when I passed out listening to The Thrilling Adventure Hour.  The hanger we were in was probably a bomb shelter or a bomb manufacturing plant at one point in its lifetime; so many cratered out sections of walls.

But, we finally landed at our destination (Unnamed Middle Eastern City [UMEC]) and then proceeded to sit around waiting for customs to get their feces collocated for five more hours!!  We were starving.  We'd been awake for going on 36 hours and we had officially lost a day of our lives to travel.  I'm still not entirely sure what day it is right now.  But, I am conveniently set up for the flying/sleeping schedule I have to get used to here.  Fly at night, sleep during the day.  So that was yesterday (and Monday and part of today).

Today we sat through Death by PowerPoint.  Brief after brief after brief.  No lunch; figures that was the thing they forgot to schedule.  So by the time the afternoon rolls around I'd slept for about 4.5 hours and I can barely keep my eyes open.  I'm serious.  The second I closed my eyes...I was dreaming.  I think there was actually a time or two where I twitched myself awake from a dream.  I'm sure my fake-wakefulness was easily seen through, but you know what?  FOUR AND A HALF HOURS OF SLEEP!!  So they can just go suck it for all I care.

I would post pictures of my room for you all (read: the three people who actually read this) to see, but I STILL have no clue how to do that.  (Seriously...I need an LJ For Dummies book for Christmas).  It's not a bad room; not big by any stretch of the imagination.  But I don't have a roommate (the ONLY time it pays to be female in the military) and it's not hot as balls out here.  So.  Not complaining.  I've jury-rigged a desk out of the fridge and an overturned table/bench thing.  I've packed all the necessities (leigh57 I packed S7 just because I still need that Jack/Renee connection to the real world) and managed to fit my life into two suitcases and a backpack.  The most common misconception is that all deployed members are "roughing it" and while that may be true for most, I am certainly...NOT.  This place is nicknamed "Club Med" and rightly so.  Wifi everywhere, Starbucks across base, 24/7 dining facilities, and Fox Sports Sky Box bar.  So, yes, while it sucks being away from home for the holidays and for 4-8 months...I could definitely be in a worse place.

It is funny what we take for granted at home, though.  Bathrooms directly across (or even attached to our rooms) for one.  Hell, I'd be happy to have one right next door.  But, alas, the closest bathrooms (codename: Cadillac for reasons I'm not aware of, nor do I wish to find out) are about 200 yards away.  It's like you can't walk passed a bathroom and NOT go in.  I no longer pass up the opportunity to pee.  I fly my first flight out here tomorrow night and then it's get-up-and-go time.  Nonstop for the next 120 days...hopefully no longer.  *crossing fingers*

So, how's things back home?  Herman Cain decide he really is crazy yet?  What's happening on your shows?!?  Will Rookie Blue have a 4th season?  Or will it take Desperate Housewives's spot on the regular season circuit?  News, people, any and all news is what I want in my eyeballs.  Also, I'm looking forward to all that Christmas fic I prompted for leigh57, adrenalin211, and sardonicynic.  I'm all *grabby hands* excited for these.  No pressure...whenever they get out is TOTALLY fine you crazy talented authors of fictional glory!

fic, rl, deployment101, tv:rookie blue

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