hey....this sucks! i hasd a grup of friends goin to the commons today and only one out of like 7 can go?!? one's grounded one's sick anothers mom can't take her the other one i cant talk to cause i dn her #! its messed up! well if u wanna go we're goin to see 50 1st dates at the commons @ 11:50 be there a lil bit early! >brett< COMMENT!
hey...borde! ntohin to talk about? i want to see 50 1st dates but i'm goin on monday! did anybuddy see trevor smith get rejected my a sixth grader...Pshh sad! and he got a simpathy date to the dance(loser) well g2g >brett
hey is anyone goin to the valintines dance at skool? i know there not very good vut wat the hell? why not? i'm goin. i got a date to (p.i.m.p.) all i want to know is if there is goin to be any good music?!?