Recap of tonight's episode of "Arrow"

Jan 20, 2016 21:41

Okay, let's get the difficult part out of the way first: I was wrong.

Felicity is not going to die (at least, not in this season). She is, however, going to do a 180 degree turn on her stance re: thou shalt not kill, which is our biggest hint as to who may get the axe. Whoever it is has to motivate both Oliver and Felicity to decide an eye for an eye is necessary. Since we've now ruled out the possibility of the deceased as a lover, we are left with the conclusion of family. This could mean Oliver's sister, Thea, but since Felicity has been so hardcore on her stance until this point, I think it's going to hit closer to home for her. My new prediction is the victim will be Felicity's mom (Oliver's mother-in-law-to be).

Best part of the episode, hands-down, was of course Quentin agreeing to move in with the Green Arrow, sorry, I'm stretching things a tad. I mean to say Quentin agreeing to move into Oliver's bunker, not to mention the small details of him risking his own life and imperiling his daughter's to help Oliver. (But let's all go along with the writers' insistence that there is no such thing as Quiver...)

Oh and if anyone cares about the plot of the episode, it involved someone Thea apparently set on fire in a previous episode, only he has a grudge against Dark instead of her. Am I the only person who didn't remember who he was? Seriously, trying to pick up on trivial details of this soap opera right after a hiatus was not a smart move on the writers' part.

If you'll excuse me, I have to figure out whether I still have the will to watch "Arrow" now that the writers have promised us an Olicity wedding, since "'til death do us part" is no longer a factor.

quentin lance, thea queen, oliver queen, arrow, spoilers, felicity smoak

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