
Jul 16, 2010 23:08

Uhm, still feeling a little bummed about my drawings, but i did this to get my hands on an item which I really wanted.

some watercolorsss )


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Comments 14

theblackhatlady July 16 2010, 21:14:04 UTC
Aww Kitsu.... *huggles* don't feel so bummed :C

I guess it is pretty shitty living far away from everyone.. but I think most of us have that problem haha ^^; LET'S GO BUY THAT HOUSE X AND ALL LIVE TOGETHER !! <333


wthis_pattys July 16 2010, 21:19:41 UTC
haha danku Wybs

Tja, slaperig en alleenig zijn helpt er ook niet aan!

Maar dat is het inderdaad ook =_=; Het tragische leven van een sociaal leven gebouwt op internet contacten haha.
HUIS X, WIJ ERHEEN. ik pak de decohoer in


coronanl July 17 2010, 00:37:55 UTC
My housemate was an internet contact, Buffy the vampire slayer brought us together \o/



anonymous July 16 2010, 21:26:45 UTC
aww. I think your drawings are still nice, but if you feel like there's something missing you should try something else.
And about friends, that's too bad :( if I'd live in the neighborhood I would throw cookies over trees with you, but well ^^; ... alas
Hope you still have fun though. Maybe time for a new home somewhere?


wthis_pattys July 16 2010, 21:39:36 UTC
Tja ik weet niet, het is of m'n vrije tijd inspiratie op is ofzo! Toen ik voor Neutraal3 bezig was ging het prima, en net als mn surfmadam en aniway agenda illustraties ben ik ook wel tevreden mee, maar... Ik weet van gekheid niet wat ik moet tekenen ofzo haha, en dan blijft het ergens een beetje leeg,
Haha XD ja... Naja aan de andere kant ben ik blij dat ik uberhaupt vrienden heb, lol. Maar ik kan nergens heen waar het beter zou zijn, want ik wil niet in een stad wonen. XD


coronanl July 17 2010, 00:41:38 UTC
Maar..maar je characters zijn juist altijd zo fantasierijk . Ik moet altijd heel hard nadenken anders wordt het een saai wit jurkje of alleen een hoofd of een drol ;)


ici_yolin July 17 2010, 07:42:16 UTC
Ze zien er allemaal echt tof uit. Fraaie waterverf kleurtjes, wat een geduld allemaal. Wat heeft u trouwens een heldere scanner. *_*

Misschien moet je ook maar in Bavel komen wonen, dan heb je sukkels om je heen inplaats van vrienden.


wthis_pattys July 20 2010, 21:13:20 UTC
ik heb geloof ik meer een heldere photoshop dan een heldere scanner XD


rorschach_inc July 19 2010, 17:55:40 UTC
I like Panda boy & Bloody Teddy (and that cool flying thing next to it), I don't really get the idea that you're repeating yourself though. But if you think so.. maybe it's an idea to expose yourself to something completely different, like ehm, celebrate Dia de los Muertos in Mexico and be inspired with something new? =D

And I can imagine that having no friends close-by kinda sucks, I guess Sets has the same problem. It still beats having no friends at all, I was kind of in that situation during most of my high school time. Well that sounds pretty sad and isn't entirely true to be honest, but I didn't have many back then and even living in the city didn't help much.

What we need are those transporters they use in Star Trek. =P


wthis_pattys July 20 2010, 21:12:59 UTC

haha we do need those!

It does beat that, but you know... sometimes you just wanna see somebody and not use your entire day on that, which is what usually happens when I meet up with someone now. XD So it's hard to do whatever you had planned and still see people, or something. oh well.

It'll probably be fine though with the drawing stuff. I had this before and usually it ended up with me taking a leap haha.
Only it's taking a bit long this time >_<;


rorschach_inc July 20 2010, 21:52:26 UTC
I understand, you just want to hook up in the evening to see a movie (for instance) instead of having to fill your entire day with one visit, right?
I guess that's hard when everyone lives pretty far away.

I read that two years ago some scientist predicted that we'll have those transporters within 100 years, you think you can wait that long? ;(


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