D.Grayman Anime Episode 93 and 94 (Review) - Spoiler

Aug 14, 2008 22:32

Oh my God.... Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God OH MY GOD!

I have just watched the few latest anime of D.Grayman from Tudou.com recently! (Blame my job! And a BITCH from my working place that doesn't even knows how to clean up her work! *grumble-growl-sulk*)

SPOILER AHEAD! Don't wanna know? Then don't read after this sentence! XD

Episode 93 - Melody

I really, really love the 'Musician' or as almost everyone called it 'The 14th' song! It's so, how to say? (My knowledge of vocabularies is not very wide, so excuse me.... TAT) I just love it! End the story! *pouts*

I search the song almost everywhere and finally found some from Tudou.com~! The song was being played by the DGM fans that know how to play piano. They are really cool~~! X3 Downloaded them and put them into my phone as ringtone~! *crackles evilly* Now I'm waiting for the CD of D.Grayman that contain this beautiful song~~! >//////< I can't wait to convert it into MP3 and put it into my MP4 player~ *sighs dreamily*

Have I ever say that Lavi is a cute little rabbit? XD Awww~ He's really cute when he yelled for Allen to come out *giggles* Um~ Is it me or Lavi really happy when Yuu reappeared (with an unconscious Krory though)? *blinks* It might be my imagination *cross eyes* Ehehehe~

Awwww~~~ Little Tim Tim is so~~ CUTE! XD Never thought she really can cries O__O But still cute never the less XD Ano, Allen.... where the hell you found the ruler? O__o

ANYWAY~ WOOYAH! -SMACK- Lavi fell on top of Yuu-chan! XD This is every LaviYuu fans girls dream comes true~~~!!! *squeals* Oh yeah oh YEAH~! *does a happy dance* Uh, ignore the fact that Allen is under Yuu though, so yeah... WOOHOO!

Etto... I think I have said it once that I like the threesome coupling of Lavi x Yuu x Allen right? Scratch that, I finally found out that I actually like LaviYuu or vice versa instead. But then again, I don't against three of them to have an orgy with Tyki though~! X9 Found two stories of this foursome from Aff.net! The stories just wow.... *drools*

Ok ok, back to the episode! I also love the scene where Allen, Lavi, Yuu and another guy - what's his name, oh ya Chaoji! - thought Cross is doing the unspeakable with Lenalee *cracks up* I still find their reactions very hilarious even I have read it from the manga *snickers* Eh... By the way, is Kro-chan having a wet dream? O_o *snorts* XD

Episode 94 - Homecoming

Another of my favorite episode! XD This one really heart warming~

Go, Lenalee! She really is one hell of a heroin in D.Grayman! I love it when she is the only one that can stop the fight between those two ^_^a It’s all your fault anyway, Lavi… If you haven’t tackle hug Allen to ask him to play the piano, Yuu won’t get jealous!

General Tiedoll is a very sensitive idiot (I do like this kind of idiot though, because only this kind of idiot can survive Yuu’s wrath - No offence to every General Tiedoll’s fans, I really like him), no surprise there. But what surprised me is Bookman shed the tears of relief when he seen Lavi is alive! I always thought he’s a heartless little old man, but now I changed my mind -^_^- Anyway, despite whether he’s heartless or not, I still love his Panda Punch on Lavi *snickers*

No wonder I like Lenalee…. She’s really cute! Even Cross unable to deny her request to stay XD And poor little Bak-chan~ Lucky for him that the protector of his always by his side to take care of him ^_^;; But I think that old man is a little bit over board sometimes….

Next onwards is the hospital scene! God I really love this one! Poor guys as they have to suffer the loud stomach growls from Krory. Lavi looked really cute when he was complaining about the noises XD Uh, is Yuu really tired or already used to it? O_o Because he didn’t react when Lavi called him Yuu-chan! I repeat - YUU-CHAN! Not a simple Yuu, but Yuu-chan! (Keyword - ‘chan’!) Or maybe he has called Yuu that way in some previous episodes? Eh, to tell you the truth, I didn’t watch all of the D.Grayman episodes ^_^; Just downloaded and watched a few that I found interesting @@;;

Ne, Yuu…. Do you really have to throw some rabbit toy dolls when you quarrel with General Tiedoll? Not that I say it’s not interesting, but…. Uh, oh well!


Oh my, I think I have overdone it O__O Never ever I have write anything that long before. Oh well, this is the result when I have the mood.

I guess that’s all from me for this entry ^~^ Ciao~! XD

d-gray man

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