again it took me more than three month to post anything....
But first I hope you all had nice free days over christmas and wish you all a happy new year!!! good thing I'm not THAT late haha
I can't even exactly say WHAT it was that kept me that busy....
Because school was that stressful over the last weeks I really enjoyed the holidays (which, again, are nearly over), my whole family was here and spend christmas together. It was amazing to see them all, because some I hadn't seen for like two years....
Today I booked my flight to BRAZIL!!! *hoooorayyy* I'll spend two months there and I'm already soooooooooooooooooo excited to see all my friends after these three long years *happydance*
but, well, the true reason why I'm posting is, that I have some fanart to show :P
[01-12] Nikita 1.01 - 1.03
[13-38] Vampire Diaries 2.07 - 2.11
4 Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Michael Trevino header
4 Vampire Diaries & Supernatural wallpaper
♥♥♥ I love credit, comments and stuff ♥♥♥