Challenge #18, Weekly QuickFic #6

Jan 07, 2014 11:17

Title: Risks
Prompt: “Live, love today, and come tomorrow what may; don’t stop even for a sigh, it doesn’t help if you cry. That’s how I’ll live and I’ll die, devil may care” (“Devil May Care” by: Jamie Cullum)
Word Count: 245
Rating: PG-13
Original/Fandom: Original
Pairings (if any): One-sided him/her
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): None ( Read more... )

challenge18, #wanted: comments, member: theun4givables, #wanted: creative criticism, original fiction

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Comments 8

n3m3sis43 January 7 2014, 16:27:48 UTC
I think it is always worth it to find out, when your heart says you have to--even if you do get hurt. He can't protect her, and no one else can, either. Maybe she doesn't need a protector, as long as she's got people who have her back if she does fall.


theun4givables January 7 2014, 17:27:24 UTC
Maybe she doesn't, indeed.

We'll see what happens, I guess. =p


meepalicious January 10 2014, 09:23:20 UTC
She wants to see the stories they create, together.

I loved that line. I like how it can be read as both characters being artists, or just more generally. I read it as she's a writer and he's a filmmaker - why those particular professions, I don't know, but I can't shake that interpretation. I guess because my most valued relationships are always with people I can create with, or at least who are supportive and creative themselves, so I get that.

I hope it will work out okay for them.


theun4givables January 10 2014, 10:58:36 UTC
Thank you. :) And those particular professions are funny -- I like the way they would interact one with one another. How she could write stories and he could film it, etc. And yes, same here -- my most valued relationships are those where I feel both creative and supported. :)

We'll have to see what happens. <3


basric January 12 2014, 01:16:58 UTC
Both were very touching stories. Both stand alone with their own emotions thst they evoke. I enjoyed the first one since it left the reader with in a sense of hope and love. The second resonates for anyone who has been in love and just the sound of your kover's voice takes your breath away. Both were beautifully written.


theun4givables January 12 2014, 05:11:10 UTC
Thank you. :)


agirlnamedluna January 19 2014, 03:07:57 UTC
The first story really hits home here ... wanting a relationship even though a part of you knows that it's probably doomed from the start and yet still going for it, on the off chance it does work out and it does live up to everything it could possibly be. As opposed to the ones where straight away you think this is forever (been there too, was wrong, hope I'm wrong again!). It's a difficult balance to keep though, between wanting to protect yourself somehow and thinking of the pain that will follow, and yet still enjoy the moment. Very well captured.


theun4givables January 19 2014, 14:01:05 UTC
Thank you. <3


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