I, of course, chose my duology featuring Jazz and Savin. Most of these songs will probably pertain to Gray Morning over One Day at a Time, but all of these songs either make me thing of certain events or the characters present across both storylines. :)
1. THE Jazz and Savin breakup song:
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2. Mitchel Foraker's Theme Song:
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3. Savin to Mitchel:
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4. Jazz to Savin in Gray Morning, as things begin to fall apart between them:
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5. Jazz to Mitchel (or Savin to Mitchel, depending on how you want to look at things...):
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6. Savin to Jazz:
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7. Also Savin to Jazz:
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8. Jazz to Savin, when their relationship was building:
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9. Mitchel to Savin, more or less:
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10. Ravi to Jazz:
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