1. Name: Danielle
2. Age: 16
3. Birth date: August 26th
4. Location: CT, USA
5. Lineage (shouldn't dictate the votes, but may help in deciding): 75% Italian, 25% German and damn proud.
6. (At least) Six Adjectives to Describe Yourself: Determined, Ambitious, Intelligent, Curious, Militant, Organized
7. What would you see yourself doing, or like to think or yourself as doing, during the war?
(Fighting on the front line, acting as a general, serving in a navy, flying, etc.) Either a sniper or something kind of concealed like that. Maybe off home behind the lines doing planning for the troops.
8. How do you feel about or deal with… (Explain if possible, however shortly)
a. Power?: It's fine until it is abused. I like a little power now and then.
b. Pain?: Not something that is enjoyed, but in life it is necessary and brings you back to the thought of reality.
c. Honor?: Something I wish to gain one day, along with respect.
d. Death?: Inevitable. Unescapeable.
e. Leadership?: Necessary, but for the good, not bad. I'm not so much a leader, but I don't like to be a follower.
f. Government?: Necessary, but overly abused.
g. Your country?: I like it for the most part. There are a lot of setbacks, but that comes with everything.
h. Other countries?: Some I like, some I don't.
i. People in general?: People are good, until something drives them. Like the law of inertia, one straight path until something at some point alters that path.
9. Preferences (Again, please explain)
a. Offensive or defensive? A little of both. Depends on the situation.
b. Fighting on the lines or working behind the scenes? I don't know, depending on my training in each I would decide which position I could fill better.
c. Tanks, planes, or ships? Tanks and planes. I'm not one to be particular for ships. I always wanted to fly a fighter jet. :3 Tanks are pretty awesome as well, heavy artillery baby. :P
d. Swift strike or drawn-out battle? Depends on what kind of weapons are being used, who we would be fighting, terrain, how many losses would be involved, etc. ^^ I like to plan.
e. Humanity or cruelty? Humanity, first and foremost, though sometimes, cruelty is necessary.
f. Terrain? I prefer something not too hard to cover, conventional warfare like WWI and WWII. Not that Vietnam bullshit.
g. Weaponry? Conventional for the most part.
10. Care to share your favorite battle(s) from either war? Hmm I don't know if I have a favorite, though I do sympathize with the soldiers who fought and lost their lives on the beaches of Normandy. I feel a strange deep connection I cannot explain.
11. Would you like to be stamped as an individual from World War I, World War II, or both?? WWII
12. Anything else? Currahee!
13. Picture(s) of yourself [Optional]