This meme has been floating around for a while, and I’m finally doing it. It’s based on the famous (and kinda stupid) blog. As a “white” person, we’ll see how much I like….
[x] - agree (explanation/comment)
[ ] - do not agree.
[x] #120 Taking a Year off - having just finished grad school, I fucking wish I could take a year off, but I’m broke.
[ ] #119 Sea Salt - I don’t cook with it - but I use it to soak injuries or piercings in.
[ ] #118 Ugly Sweater Parties -
[ ] #117 Political Prisoners -
[x] #116 Black Music That Black People Don’t Listen to Anymore - Like Charley Pride?
Tally so far: 2
[ ] #115 Promising to Learn a New Language
[ ] #114 America
[x] #113 Halloween - I like it more so to see everyone else celebrate it more though.
[ ] #112 Hummus -
[x]#111 Pea Coats - Sure why not
Tally So Far: 4
[ ] #110 Frisbee Sports
[ ] #109 The Onion
[ ] #108 Appearing to Enjoy Classical Music
[x] #107 Self Aware Hip Hop References - guilty.
[x] #106 Facebook - double guilty
[ ] #105 Unpaid Internships
[ ] #104 Girls with Bangs
[ ] #103 Sweaters - love love love
[x] #102 Children’s Games as Adults - fuck you I still encourage classrooms to play 7up
[x] #101 Being Offended - :)
Tally So Far: 8
[ ] #100 Bumper Stickers.
[ ] #99 Grammar -
[ ] #98 The Ivy League
[x] #97 Scarves - I like long one I have.
[ ] #96 New Balance Shoes -
[ ] #95 Rugby
[x] #94 Free Healthcare - I've heard non-whites hate this.
[ ] #93 Music Piracy
[ ] #92 Book Deals
[ ] #91 San Francisco
Tally So Far: 10
[ ] #90 Dinner Parties
[ ] #89 St. Patrick’s Day
[ ] #88 Having Gay Friends - I don't dislike having them either.
[ ] #87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
[ ] #86 Shorts
[ ] #85 The Wire
[x] #84 T-Shirts - comfy stuff
[x] #83 Bad Memories of High School hurr hurr de-durr
[ ] #82 Hating Corporations
[ ] #81 Graduate School
Tally So Far: 12
[ ] #80 The Idea of Soccer
[x] #79 Modern Furniture - that basement store is neat.
[ ] #78 Multilingual Children
[ ] #77 Musical Comedy
[x] #76 Bottles of Water - sure are fun to throw
[ ] #75 Threatening to Move to Europe
[ ] #74 Oscar Parties
[ ] #73 Gentrification
[ ] #72 Study Abroad
[ ] #71 Being the only white person around
Tally So Far: 14
[ ] #70 Difficult Breakups
[ ] #69 Mos Def
[x] #68 Michel Gondry - Michel are you listening?
[ ] #67 Standing Still at Concerts
[ ] #66 Divorce
[ ] #65 Co-Ed Sports
[ ] #64 Recycling
[ ] #63 Expensive Sandwiches
[ ] #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People
[x] #61 Bicycles -
Tour de FranceTally So Far: 16
[ ] #60 Toyota Prius
[ ] #59 Natural Medicine
[x] #58 Japan - OH GLORIOUS NIPPON
[ ] #57 Juno
[ ] #56 Lawyers
[x] #55 Apologies Yeah
[ ] #54 Kitchen Gadgets
[x] #53 Dogs
what has science done[ ] #52 Sarah Silverman
[ ] #51 Living by the Water keeps the black knight at bay
Tally So Far: 19
[x] #50 Irony - But not THAT much. A "But I love _____" joke is my dose
[ ] #49 Vintage - I will officially name my site[ ] #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
[ ] #47 Arts Degrees
[ ] #46 The Sunday New York Times
[ ] #45 Asian Fusion Food
[ ] #44 Public Radio
[ ] #43 Plays
[ ] #42 Sushi
[x] #41 Indie Music -
you know itTally So Far: 21
[ ] #40 Apple Products
[ ] #39 Netflix
[x] #38 Arrested Development - C'est tres jolie
[ ] #37 Renovations
[ ] #36 Breakfast Places
[ ] #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
[ ] #34 Architecture
[ ] #33 Marijuana
[ ] #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
[ ] #31 Snowboarding
Tally So Far: 22
[ ] #30 Wrigley Field
[ ] #29 80s Night
[ ] #28 Not having a TV
[ ] #27 Marathons
[ ] #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
[ ] #25 David Sedaris
[ ] #24 Wine
[ ] #23 Microbreweries
[ ] #22 Having Two Last Names
[ ] #21 Writers’ Workshops
Tally So Far: 22
[ ] #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
[x] #19 Traveling every other race is happy where they are
[ ] #18 Awareness
[ ] #17 Hating their Parents
[x] #16 Gifted Children - Advanced Learning Program Represent
[ ] #15 Yoga
[ ] #14 Having Black Friends
[x] #13 Tea - Tea with Em is Good!
[ ] #12 Non-Profit Organizations
[ ] #11 Asian Girls
Tally So Far: 42
[ ] #10 Wes Anderson Movies
[ ] #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
[x] #8 Barack Obama HAHAHA COOL
[x] #7 Diversity - life ain't funky unless it's got that pop
[ ] #6 Organic Food
[ ] #5 Farmer’s Markets - lots of goodies here.
[ ] #4 Assists
[x] #3 Film Festivals - things with things in them. great.
[x] #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to - whoa now
[ ] #1 Coffee