Stocking for Avon7

Dec 05, 2009 20:17

This is a brilliant idea! Thank you so much for creating it.

Favorite characters/pairings:
Characters: Josh, Sam, ummm, Josh a few more times then Sam a few more times... after that CJ, Toby, POTUS, Leo, Donna, Margaret, Mrs Landingham - virtually everyone
Pairings: Honestly, I'm not really interested in romance/sex as the central theme but Mr B/Mrs B, Zoe/Charlie, Josh/Donna, CJ/Toby (in the past), Sam/Mallory, Josh/Mandy, CJ/Simon

This is what makes TWW *my* show - Josh and Sam, Josh, Sam and CJ, Sam and Toby, Jed and Leo, Mrs L and Jed, Josh and Donna, Leo and Josh and the senior staff as a group.

I've now watched up to the end of S5 (please - no S6 or S7 spoilers) but still love S1-3 way best. I love friendship and gen - and I often see the TWW as a family. I'd so much rather read close friendship than slash/het. I'm rather partial to well-done angst, wallow or hurt-comfort. I'd love Sam post-Rosslyn, Sam post-discovering the truth about his dad, Sam as president in the future (with Josh as CoS), slightly fragile/caring Josh, CJ as big sister, Leo and Josh as 'father and son', Sam and Jed likewise. I just like people caring about people. I like Toby but (gets ready to duck) I'm not interested in Andy or the twins. I'd also love any Bartlet plus other presidents - past or present.
Really, though, I'm honestly not too fussy - any friendship stuff set S1-S5 or in the future sans spoilers would be great. I enjoy first, second or third person - I quite like different.

Edited to add: I really rather not read any CJ and her dad stories - hits far too close to home.

Ratings: I'd prefer G to PG (or M, only I can't remember the States's equivalent to M)- well, basically like the screened WW.

stocking: avon7

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