Week Name: A Quiet Lull
Date/Time: November 4th, 2006 / 2:20 PM
Location: Hogsmeade - Three Broomsticks
Characters: Jory, Jackie
Status: Public
Summary: Jory and Jackie and a general feeling that Saffron and Phil are BLOODY INSANE WHAT'S WITH THE RELATIONSHIPS.
Completion: Incomplete
Jory found more and more that Hogsmeade in his fifth year (and now in his sixth) had become less "Finally, out of the castle and ready to cut loose," and more "Sit at The Three Broomsticks for a few hours and then go back." And The Three Broomsticks had become less of a pub and more of a library where he could drink butterbeer and occasionally try not to ogle Madam Rosmerta (which he was usually not very successful with). Just like the library, he sat at a table in the back, and just like the library, Jory did nothing but read, take notes, and occasionally fall asleep.
And then drink too much butterbeer and need to go to the bathroom, but not want to move.
By the time Jackie met him there, he was on his sixth butterbeer and becoming antsy, so his words of greeting were, "Hello, drink this, I can't, I'll heave or worse," all without looking up from his book as he pushed the mug across the table to her.