Before I go to work at Innovative, I though I'd do the usual and share my thoughts on American Idol last night...
Scott Savol - Yuck. How could he never have heard that song before? It was awful. Woah, nothing good about this. This was the performance that makes me really want him off.
Constantine - So kind of pains me to say this, but aside from the creepy faces he makes when he is singing, Constantine is growing on me. Now that he has given up trying to be a rocker, I actually kind of enjoy him. I don't know, I thought his version of "My Funny Valentine" was very interesting and unique. This may have been one of my favorite performances of the night.
Carrie Underwood - Eh. Boring. Weird hair. Good, just boring.
Vonzell Soloman - Yeeea! I wasn't sure about her doing Babs, but she pulled it off once again. A little pitchy is spots, but very very good considering the difficulty of the song. I am really starting to love this girl.
Anthony Federov - Sorry Liz, I'm ready for him to leave. He should have done something upbeat this week, I think.
Speaking of which, what is with EVERYONE doing slow ass boring-o-rama songs tonight! Bo's song from Pippin was the closest thing to upbeat and it was hardly even worth it. Grr, that pissed me off. ANywho...
Nikko Smith - Eh. I didn't hate it as much as I have hated his last couple of performances. But not interesting.
Anwar Robinson - Good. Just good.
Bo Bice - At least he did something more upbeat than everyone else, but...I couldn't take it seriously. I wish he had done something from Jesus Christ Superstar or something. That would have been hot! I mean, it wasn't bad but...I couldn't get into it.
Nadia Turner - I was really expecting this girl to do something hot like "Big Spender" but instead, a song from Oliver. Although, it went much better than I expected it to. She did very well and looked fantastic as usual, but I was counting on her to end the show with a bang!
Why didn't anyone do anything very contemporary like Chicago, Cabaret, JC: Superstar, Rent...anything?! That would have made the show much more interesting and easier to relate to. Boo, worst Idol show of the season if you ask me.
Who do I want off? Scott or Anthony...moreso Scott though, for Liz's sake.