A tricky one, this, as this is pretty much the only straightforwardly dull story until The Celestial Toymaker. So let's just love that it has Napoleon in it.
It's really just that Dennis Spooner did a bad job. His next script, The Romans, is great and had a lot of the same elements - a famous figure, a populace in terror, intrigue and Flickr dealing. This is just an off day, though an off day that lasts six long episodes
OK, here goes, as promised under An Unearthly Child… Despite Rob Shearman calling this “a thing of beauty,” I have to confess I find it a bit dreary, too, and can’t really see what he sees in it (perhaps he was in one of his Devil’s Advocate moods). But this isn’t a defence of the whole story, just finding some brilliant things in it, and that I can do. For a start, as a confirmed Billyphile, when confronted with a Hartnell story that’s not very good, turn to Hartnell
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