oh man oh man the sting concert was so cool katie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was exciting! i was excited that he sang all those police songs too because the police were super cool. oh yeah higgins by the way i'm making your shirt today, and carter i started your scarf and i might actually be done by monday. we'll see.
#1: HUZZAH FOR MADDYS HAIR! #2: holy crap my shield is so totally rad. i'll post a picture of it tomorrow for all of you who aren't in my enlish class, and you can see the wonderful representing-of-me-ness!!! HUZZAH!
Oh yes, joel you are indeed correct, Interpol is really good.
I'm most confused at the moment....no not about my sexuality, sorry...but i am and its irritating damn it! so who's started that english paper yet? not i, not i...maybe i should...hmmm
Katie and i went camping and it was really cool...but i think i built up enough hair grease to fry a batch of mcdonalds french fries. oh well that was a good time...minus katies bee sting...but i wont go into depth about that one. and i saw lots of pelicans. the ocean is a cool place i must say.