Title: Aftermath
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Summary: Ianto remembers the day after...
Word Count: 790~ish
Genre: angst
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: vague references towards the end of S1 I guess
Disclaimer: If I owned Torchwood, it would involve a lot more kissing and some less confusing plotholes. Maybe.
Author's notes: This is a tentative step towards my all-time
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Comments 32
Poor Ianto, trying so hard to hold it together after Jack leaves, remembering the simple everyday things that give him a connection to him to hold on to. I wonder if he really misses the old coffee machine that much, or if it's more that it's being gone is a blatant reminder all day, every day, that Jack is gone, too.
Thank you for your lovely comment! I'm happy you liked my little fic.
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I can see Jack sprinting towards Ianto in slow-motion, screaming "YAAAN-TOOOE! before he throws himself unto the baffled welshman. Literally. Just because he can and it's the more melodramatic thing to do instead of giving that old thing of a broiler the whack around the head that would've stopped it from going all 'splodey! xD
Hope you are happy and safe :D
Miss you !!!!
I miss that time, and I miss you guys so, so much. Even if I don't have as much time or headspace as I once used to have.
I am as happy as I can be and I see you've been busy too, cruisin' around Mexico and stuff ;D
I dont have time anymore myself to TW fanfic, but Im around, and check,. sometime I read :D
Miss you !!!
Haaaa! Yes! Come over here to Hangzhou sometime, it's beautiful, especially in autumn :D
Don't worry hun, I'm the same. Well, no, actually I'm worse because I seem to have the attention span of a mayfly and get distracted before I get anything akin to reading done *sighs*
Oh well, I still do love TW a lot but another fandom is threatening to pull me to the dark side.
Do you know Sherlock? I think you might like that show ;D
Take care my friend <3
I'm trying!!! No, wait, I mean: Yes! I am, damnit! I am not going to let my darn procrastination get between me and fandom anymore!
Missed you, Thrace <3
Thank you!
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